diogenes said:I wish everything weren't political, too. But these days, it is.
Did not Bush politicize 9/11 and make it part of his re-election strategy?
Here's Cheney saying we'll get hit again if we elect Kerry
Here is what some on the right are saying. I got this off the Alternet.org site:
FWIW, Hilary said way back in the day, "everything is politicial."
I think that is disgusting.
So I have no problem calling ANYBODY, right or left, on their BS.
Dont mind him. Its funny how the right cries foul when others do what they have done for years-cheap shots.
They dug for years trying to smear Clinton and when all they could find was that Clinton had oral sex with Monica they went on and on and on about it. The majority of the country could care less what Clinton did with Monica.
The called Chelsea Clinton and Carters daughters ugly. They went wild when Kerry's daughters dress was a little too sheer in France. But remained pretty much silent when Reagans Daughter went nude in Playboy and remain silent about Cheneys daughters lifestyle choice. Could you imagine if a Democratic Presidents daughter was in Playboy or a lesbian??? What about the Bush twins drunken smoking romps? Forget about it!!! They would say thats the result of having immoral parents. But when its the children of Republicans they are silent.
They go on and on about the religious beliefs of Democrats but never attack the beliefs of Alan Greenspan who is a Randite athiest, who is also perhaps the most powerful man in "Gods" country.
They forward lies and even after they are debunked still throw those lies into editorials.
You see the Right feels that there is one standard for them but another for everyone else.
Why shouldn't the DNC exploit this? Does anyone think if the tables were turned the RNC and the Right wouldnt?