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DL expands SEA further with SEA-SFO flights

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yes, and was noted above that it has no relevance to this discussion.  BWI has  very little int'l travel and DL has shown no interest so far in adding longhaul domestic markets.  DL's focus is on west coast - SEA markets.
BWI and many other eastern US cities are well connected to DTW where DL for now has many of the same nonstop flights although DTW and SEA each have some unique routes.
However, I'm glad for BWI that they are gaining another airline. 
AS will try to add as many new routes that it can to minimize its dependence on the type of markets that DL is adding but it really only weakens their SEA hub to have to connect passengers from MSY/BWI/ABQ etc all the way across the country to SEA and then back across the western US... SEA only makes logical connecting sense as a hub to Asia, Alaska, some of western Canada, and Hawaii. 
AS will be feeling the pressure more and more of operating a connecting hub in the corner of the country and competing against a carrier that has a balanced SEA network that includes longhaul international flow traffic, what SEA is geographically best suited to connect. 
you need only look at how much connecting traffic B6 carries over BOS to see that the same principle applies. 
All of AS' cost advantage vanishes when they have to carry passengers for an extra hour or two to serve markets which other carriers can connect over more centrally located hubs.
JAL's doomed, American's doomed, Alaska's doomed.  It sure must get tiring in ATL having to go into work each day and decide which competitor to put out of business next!
WorldTraveler said:
yes, and was noted above that it has no relevance to this discussion.  BWI has  very little int'l travel and DL has shown no interest so far in adding longhaul domestic markets.  DL's focus is on west coast - SEA markets.
BWI and many other eastern US cities are well connected to DTW where DL for now has many of the same nonstop flights although DTW and SEA each have some unique routes.
However, I'm glad for BWI that they are gaining another airline. 
AS will try to add as many new routes that it can to minimize its dependence on the type of markets that DL is adding but it really only weakens their SEA hub to have to connect passengers from MSY/BWI/ABQ etc all the way across the country to SEA and then back across the western US... SEA only makes logical connecting sense as a hub to Asia, Alaska, some of western Canada, and Hawaii. 
AS will be feeling the pressure more and more of operating a connecting hub in the corner of the country and competing against a carrier that has a balanced SEA network that includes longhaul international flow traffic, what SEA is geographically best suited to connect. 
you need only look at how much connecting traffic B6 carries over BOS to see that the same principle applies. 
All of AS' cost advantage vanishes when they have to carry passengers for an extra hour or two to serve markets which other carriers can connect over more centrally located hubs.
This thread is about SEA, AS is certainly relative to the conversation.
Why did you mention JetBlue?
commavia  that's good!   
next up...   DELTA buys all of the other airlines so that they can dominate the entire planet!   Why is this Good?  Bec no other airline is good  nor will ever be good enough no matter what!
commavia said:
JAL's doomed, American's doomed, Alaska's doomed.  It sure must get tiring in ATL having to go into work each day and decide which competitor to put out of business next!
Who said they are doomed? 
They all have to deal with competition. 
AS has had a hub in SEA with little competition.  They have it now.
AA's network has long had major parts that have had little competition - DFW, LHR, and Latin America.
Other than being associated with AA, not sure what JL has to do with it. They are a lot smaller than they were before. 
robbedagain said:
commavia  that's good!   
next up...   DELTA buys all of the other airlines so that they can dominate the entire planet!   Why is this Good?  Bec no other airline is good  nor will ever be good enough no matter what!
no, DL is going to put them all out of business.  Why would they bother to spend the money to buy them?
your dream is to see your beloved DL put all of the other airlines out of business  so that they can rule the world...   so they might as well buy all of the us carriers and dismantle them then they can take over all of the hubs and eventually dismantle that too   since delta is the only airline who can do no wrong in your eyes but no other airlines can do no right
WorldTraveler said:
meanwhile other graphics they have provided show that DL is their largest codeshare partner - something the AA fAAnclub argued for years that they were and they also acknowledge that competitive capacity increases are higher than they would like to see and are pressuring their revenue performance..


the discussion isn't about AA's historical connection to AS... it is about where AS is today and the focus of that discussion is what DL, not AA, is doing.
Grasp at whatever sliver of differentiation to make *your* argument, but in the context of how DL and AS's partnership has fizzled, it's entirely relevant to point out that other airlines have managed to conduct long term commercial relationships with Alaska, and be quite successful in doing so.

You've tried to paint AS as the aggressor several times, yet the history they've had with other airlines shows that they're quite easy to work with.
and you want to paint DL as the aggressor because it fits your narrative that DL is incapable of having long-term successful relationships with foreign partners.
Newsflash:  ALL US domestic airlines are legally required to compete with each other.  Foreign carriers can only cooperate within an immunized relationship.
DL has Joint ventures with several foreign airlines and they have successful relationships with those carriers.
It doesn't make any difference how you want to see it or not.  DL is succeeding at building a hub at SEA and they are fully within their right to do so.  AS has no ability to claim that DL should not be an aggressive competitor.

Again, WT failing to understand the intent of an agreement, and the letter of an agreement....
Yes...competitors are required to compete if they serve the same markets.

Given that AS competes in many of the same markets as larger carriers. They must compete and not cooperate beyond what is allowed

The fact of competition is addressed to those here who think DL should treat AS with kid gloves.

DL contracted with AS to carry passengers for pay which competitors can do.
Absent a merger which won't happen DL has to compete with AS since AS is not delivering the number of passengers DL wants.

AS had the choice to not carry pax for DL and DL has the right to carry its own pax but must now compete with AS
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