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DL announcing raises, changes to Profit Sharing

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Albert said:
Listen i dont hate unions i voted for one. Ive taken my head out of the sand long enough to know a union contract guarantees NOTHING and im living proof. It is my opinion from observing  and working side by side with DL employees for 35+ years that they dont need a union. I firmly believe a 5 year DL employee will still be employed 25 years from now if he so desires. If DL was going to outsource their employees why would they compensate them better than their peers? Delta just might be a good company to work for did you ever think of that
Nothing in life is gauranted.
Can US come in right now and cut your pay?

Take away your pension?
Cut your benefits?

DL can and the employees have ZERO recourse.
And glad to see you ignored everything why has 40% of DL's ramp workforce not getting the 14.5% raise or the increase in contributions to their 401k?
Shall I repeat all I asked of you?
700UW said:
Old Contract, not the new one, and there was a grievance filed and the members were compensated for the violation.
What did DL do to ANC, MSP, MCO, DFW, SLC, CVG, MEM and others?
Did you see DL is cutting CVG once again.
At PMUS if there is one mainline flight a day its is staffed under the CBA ratified last year, PMUS as 37 ramp stations, no Ready Reserve and PMAA has 13 ramp stations with no ready reserve, the new AA staffs more ramp than DL does.
Albert why are you on the ramp at US with a CBA, since you obviously hate unions, go into management, with no job protections?
Did you vote on your CBA?
Ask DL employees what happens when DL wants to make a change.
Did you know DL cut the profit sharing two years ago by 33% and the employees had no say in it?
Do you know that DL has three different pay scales for the ramp, so people doing the same job arent on the same pay scale at all?
Do you know DL only gave a 2%-4% raise depending on which pay scale you were hired under?
Why didnt 40% of Delta's ramp workforce not receive the 14.5% raise?
Actually you're playing fast and loose with the facts yet again...the ready reserves are going up to $14+ effective December 1 versus the $12+ they're currently at right now so you're absolutely, unequivically incorrect when you make that statement. 
And feel free to tell me how you come up with Delta only giving me a 2-4% raise depending on which pay scale i fell under.....FYI, if you're going to throw out a bunch of numbers to make a point then the least you could do is explain how you've come to that conclusion.
And i'll correct you on yet another one of your quotes....I like how you mentioned that Delta cut profit-sharing 33% a couple years ago but failed to mention the raise that went along with the reduced profit-sharing payout....i mean, i get why you word it the way you do, because by telling only half-truths you think you can make it fit your narrative.
We were paid 6.67% profit sharing in 2013, 8.62% in 2014, 16.58% in 2015....and during that same timeframe we received a 5% raise in 2013, a 3% raise in 2014 and a 4% raise in 2015 with a further 14.5% raise still to come. 
Since i've presented you with factual numbers on how well we've done recently, I'd be more than happy to hear what you've received during the above-mentioned time period, for comparisons sake, of course. And i'll keep in mind it was all negotiated on your behalf by your union.
Mind telling me what Delta did to MCO as i've been here 20+ years and i have no earthly idea what you're insinuating with that comment?
700UW said:
Nothing in life is gauranted.
Can US come in right now and cut your pay?
Take away your pension?
Cut your benefits?
DL can and the employees have ZERO recourse.
And glad to see you ignored everything why has 40% of DL's ramp workforce not getting the 14.5% raise or the increase in contributions to their 401k?
Shall I repeat all I asked of you?
And same thing can and does happen even with a union.
What now buttercup?
DL cut the hub at MCO and laid off.

And I was talking three years ago the pilots got a 20% raise in a year and a half when you got 2%-4% when they cut your profit sharing by 33%.

RR will not receive the 14.5% raise nor an increase in your self funded 401k.

Why is 40% of the ramp not getting that?

Why hasn't DL brought in any new stations since the merger?

Why is DL insurance one of the most expensive and worst in the industry?

A current DL employee who paid $14 for a generic prescription went to refill it yesterday and now it's $147.

See they can give you all the raises on the front end and they take it away from you on the back of end.

Why are large stations like CLT, MIA ,and RDU outsourced?

Why does DL use vendors do operate the bagroom at JFK and why is the MAT at LGA staffed by vendors?

Will DGS and other vendors get that 14.5% raise?
townpete said:
And same thing can and does happen even with a union.
What now buttercup?
Oh no they can't without them filing bankruptcy and go into section 1113 negotiations.

At DL they can and did whatever they want as you are non-union and have no rights to negotiate anything.

How did that workout during Leadership 7.5 and chapter 11?
I'm constantly amazed that workers from other unionized airlines are on here trying to downplay substantial improvements Delta workers have seen in recent memory but not a single one will put up a side-by-side, apples-to-apples comparison of their overall benefits package versus what Delta offers. If you're so certain that you're better off than put up the numbers so we can see for oruselves....truthfully, i don't care what your feelings on union vs. non-union might be, show me numbers instead of hyperbole.
I've been more than forthcoming and given black and white numbers on what improvement's we've seen in the last 3-4 years with regards to hourly pay, profit-sharing, the return of the 5th week of vacation, 10 paid holidays, 7 ppt days etc....and yet none of the pro-union guys want to compare and contrast so we can all make an educated decision on who's fared better.
700UW said:
Go look it up, or ask your AGC or union rep, you want to know, you seek it, since you hate unions.
There was a grievance filed and settled the members were compensated.
If DL did that, the effected employees have no recourse, now do they?
You work at LGA, why are vendors doing mainline work at DL?
Vendors are also doing air freight,cleaning and de-icing  at US what's your point? Who does the deicing at DL? Kev can you help?
700UW said:
Nothing in life is gauranted.
Can US come in right now and cut your pay?
Take away your pension?
Cut your benefits?
DL can and the employees have ZERO recourse.
And glad to see you ignored everything why has 40% of DL's ramp workforce not getting the 14.5% raise or the increase in contributions to their 401k?
Shall I repeat all I asked of you?
I believe US cut my pay three times under the watchful eye of the IAM.
Albert said:
I believe US cut my pay three times under the watchful eye of the IAM.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

It took US to file CHAPTER 11 BANKRUPTCY in order to NEGOTIATE concessions and have you VOTE on them.

Did DL negotiate with the ramp when they FORCED concessions on them?

Did DL negotiate in 2012 when they cut their profit sharing by 33%?
700UW said:
Oh no they can't without them filing bankruptcy and go into section 1113 negotiations.

At DL they can and did whatever they want as you are non-union and have no rights to negotiate anything.

How did that workout during Leadership 7.5 and chapter 11?
Happens all the time, thats why union membership are at historic lows. People know that at the end of the day, the union has very little power to protect them from their imaginary boogeyman.
700UW said:
US and AA ramp make $24.39 per hour as of 9/12/2015, last year PMUS ramp received a 9.53% raise.
WRONG! 24.09 base.
700UW said:
Old Contract, not the new one, and there was a grievance filed and the members were compensated for the violation.
What did DL do to ANC, MSP, MCO, DFW, SLC, CVG, MEM and others?
Did you see DL is cutting CVG once again.
At PMUS if there is one mainline flight a day its is staffed under the CBA ratified last year, PMUS as 37 ramp stations, no Ready Reserve and PMAA has 13 ramp stations with no ready reserve, the new AA staffs more ramp than DL does.
Albert why are you on the ramp at US with a CBA, since you obviously hate unions, go into management, with no job protections?
Did you vote on your CBA?
Ask DL employees what happens when DL wants to make a change.
Did you know DL cut the profit sharing two years ago by 33% and the employees had no say in it?
Do you know that DL has three different pay scales for the ramp, so people doing the same job arent on the same pay scale at all?
Do you know DL only gave a 2%-4% raise depending on which pay scale you were hired under?
Why didnt 40% of Delta's ramp workforce not receive the 14.5% raise?
WRONG! 14 stations
It looks like the market changes for DL make them out-source  ANC, MSP, MCO, DFW, SLC, CVG, MEM 
700UW said:
DL cut the hub at MCO and laid off.

And I was talking three years ago the pilots got a 20% raise in a year and a half when you got 2%-4% when they cut your profit sharing by 33%.

RR will not receive the 14.5% raise nor an increase in your self funded 401k.

Why is 40% of the ramp not getting that?

Why hasn't DL brought in any new stations since the merger?

Why is DL insurance one of the most expensive and worst in the industry?

A current DL employee who paid $14 for a generic prescription went to refill it yesterday and now it's $147.

See they can give you all the raises on the front end and they take it away from you on the back of end.

Why are large stations like CLT, MIA ,and RDU outsourced?

Why does DL use vendors do operate the bathroom at JFK and why is the MAT at LGA staffed by vendors?

Will DGS and other vendors get that 14.5% raise?
My God, i just told you the ready reserves WERE IN FACT getting the 14.5% raise effective December 1. They're currently at $12.36 and they'll move to $14.16 effective December 1. They also took part in the raises that happened this past April as well so you're WRONG on that part for the second time no less when you perpetuate this myth that 40% of the ramp not taking part in the raises even after i explained otherwise. Feel free to own up to your mistake though i'm not holding my breath. You repeating the same lie doesn't magically make it right.
And you're also wrong when you say Delta laid off staff at MCO....not one single employee was shown the door unwillingly. There was either the option to transfer, there was a severance package offered, or you could take the furlough with flight benefits. Again, nobody was "laid off", to use your words.
And not that it's any of your business but i pay a whopping $59 per pay period for my medical with a family...of four healthcare options offered to me this is the one that best fit my needs, feel free to tell me what you pay if you're so inclined. And you're only partially correct when you mentioned the prescription benefit....i've noticed a pattern where you conveniently like to leave out the medical option that Delta brought back after employees voiced their concerns about high out-of-pocket prescription prices that allowed you to stay under the tiered-prescription benefit plan if that best fit your needs. But hey, i can see why you'd rather not mention that fact.
PMUS makes $24.39 an hour Boob, AA adds 30 cents longevity and you make $24.39 an hour.

Are you that ignorant?
700UW said:
It took US to file CHAPTER 11 BANKRUPTCY in order to NEGOTIATE concessions and have you VOTE on them.
You are correct, US used chpt. 11 to negotiate with the IAM and other unions on the property concessions. 
However, why would a union ever negotiate concessions is what bothers me.  To have the judge impose the concessions is one thing, but for the union to actually agree to concessions with the company and then have the judge basically rubber stamp it - that is something that I would be very upset with if I were a union member. 
Yes I know, all the unions at all airlines did it (negotiate concessions), but you have to ask yourself why would a union ever agree do that?
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