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DL announcing raises, changes to Profit Sharing

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Albert said:
$60,000 a year isn't ironic non union DL makes the most
Ok Ford and Harrison. You keep doing what you do and I'll keep doing what I do.

Good luck.
WeAAsles said:
Ok Ford and Harrison. You keep doing what you do and I'll keep doing what I do.

Good luck.
Yeah US has kept me  on retainer for 38 years. Weaaz all kidding aside I think you're ok.Sometimes I'm not sure if your a fleet service worker or handing out flowers in the terminal cause you seem brainwashed to me
Albert said:
Yeah US has kept me  on retainer for 38 years. Weaaz all kidding aside I think you're ok.Sometimes I'm not sure if your a fleet service worker or handing out flowers in the terminal cause you seem brainwashed to me
topDawg said:
Re-word the question all you want. If the union drives aren't based on money then it means nothing. 
I have a question, you said you got laid off during BK right? (or was it just dropped to ASM?) 
If you were laid off just how much of a #### did you give about Delta pay at the time? Were you happy when we got pay raises while you were out of work? 
Hell, unions themselves are based on money.....period!
How many unions, do you think would be in "BUSINESS" right now without dues payers giving them money?

And nope, never said I was laid off or dropped.

OK, so maybe they just got kicked in one nut.....feel better now?
Personally, I think it's hilarious, how all the pro-union peeps are swarming all over the good news at DL, trying their damnest to play it down.

Especially 700 with his whiney BS about getting raises in lieu of PS when he was an advocate of just that, up until the day DL announced the news!
Albert said:
Robbed you have been here awhile what good did our union contracts do us? You said a cleaning vendor was doing work they shouldnt be doing has that been resolved? How long does it take to resolve a grievance. Even with a union contract you still sound worried that they will outsource your station Im not anti union from my observations and converstations I dont think DL needs a union. Do you remember how long it took us to get a contract 4 or 5 years. I think the DL people should know this and make up ther own minds
The pro union peeps and IAM don't want potential voters to know the whole truth.
BTW 700, when's the last time you check the tires and washed the windshield on the IAM's "CORPORATE" jet?
Well this is nothing more than a wasted display of circle jerking now.

For better or worse (who knows) congratulations again on your raises. I honestly hope there's no catch to it. We've ALL earned an end to all the crap we've been through the last dozen years.

Keep loving your company people.
The truth is (as commavia or FWAAA has pointed out in th past), that non-union employees should be compensated higher than their union counterparts.

They don't enjoy the job security of a CBA.

At DL, It is a simple concept. Low wage workers (Ready Relief) supplement higher wage workers.

It sucks, but until there are more RR workers than full time, there will be no union. Delta has calculated this...as has Wal-Mart and others who use the government to give benefits to their employees.

They will also pay just a little more than CBA covered employees to keep unions out. As the economy suffers they will cut pay, because they can. As the workers revolt, they will fire a couple (because they can).

Then they will repeat.

At least we don't have a Scott Walker showing off a union built Harley while MF'ing the union that built it for him.

What a POS!
Glenn Quagmire said:
The truth is (as commavia or FWAAA has pointed out in th past), that non-union employees should be compensated higher than their union counterparts.
They don't enjoy the job security of a CBA.
At DL, It is a simple concept. Low wage workers (Ready Relief) supplement higher wage workers.
It sucks, but until there are more RR workers than full time, there will be no union. Delta has calculated this...as has Wal-Mart and others who use the government to give benefits to their employees.
They will also pay just a little more than CBA covered employees to keep unions out. As the economy suffers they will cut pay, because they can. As the workers revolt, they will fire a couple (because they can).
Then they will repeat.
At least we don't have a Scott Walker showing off a union built Harley while MF'ing the union that built it for him.
What a POS!
Another sour union drone showing his true colors.
700UW said:
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

It took US to file CHAPTER 11 BANKRUPTCY in order to NEGOTIATE concessions and have you VOTE on them.

Did DL negotiate with the ramp when they FORCED concessions on them?

Did DL negotiate in 2012 when they cut their profit sharing by 33%?
hey 700 the twu and jim little cut our profit sharing a 100 percent for 4 percent raise we did not get to vote on it. jim little and the twu negotiated consessions in 04 and bankruptcy in 12 so what am i paying dues for. the iam suxs also us mechanics are lowest payed with aa mechanics. you are a jerk you do not see the true picture your so blineded by the iam why don't you leave the delta people alone if they want a union they can decide that on there own if they decide to i hope they do not pick the twu are the iam who negotiated away 100 percent profit sharing and not giving members the right to vote on it 
conehead777 said:
hey 700 the twu and jim little cut our profit sharing a 100 percent for 4 percent raise we did not get to vote on it. jim little and the twu negotiated consessions in 04 and bankruptcy in 12 so what am i paying dues for. the iam suxs also us mechanics are lowest payed with aa mechanics. you are a jerk you do not see the true picture your so blineded by the iam why don't you leave the delta people alone if they want a union they can decide that on there own if they decide to i hope they do not pick the twu are the iam who negotiated away 100 percent profit sharing and not giving members the right to vote on it
WeAAsles said:
Well this is nothing more than a wasted display of circle jerking now.
Agreed, so really? How long does it take for a union to send, let's say 10,000 cards to employees, telling them we need them signed or not sign within a specific amount of time.
How long has the card drive for ramp been going on now? Anybody?

While I do not support union representation for myself, I'll say it again, I support the right to organize, if the MAJORITY, decides so.
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