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DL 142 Change of Control Grievance Update


Guess your memory and recollection of the facts is distorted.

During the first bankrupcty there was not CBA abrogated, it was during the 2nd and there was only one vote.

But hey we all know you are obsessed over something that happened 5 years ago anyhow.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
Same ole slippery nonsense from an ex employee, :lol:
You don't even work here anymore, and you're calling me obsessed ?? :lol:
Anyway, the reason I continue to bring this up, is to point out that the RE-VOTE [that took place], indicates that the IAM's voting procedure is flawed, and proves that the IAM will simply hold a RE-VOTE until it gets the result the IAM wants..
Next time, How about a 'best "2 out of 3" vote on the same ole POS... :down:
The members made their choice, the could have voted it down, but lacked the gonads to do it.

Guess you conviently forgot Siegel sent a letter to every employee stating he would hold his own vote if the IAM failed to revote it.

I guess you love to blame the IAM for everything wrong in the world instead of taking personal responibility.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way.

And by the way, in which bankrupcty was the CBA abrogated and how many votes did it take for the members to ratify the final offer after the abrogation?
I think the IAM can see what this new Company(LCC) is up to (Union busting) and I hope they know who pays the BILLS. :shock: :up:
Guys why don't we learn from the past and start from today! :up:
Yes Sir, I am all for that,
and what I have learned from the past, is that the IAM constitution and bylaws need to be overhauled BIG TIME..
The IAM is now run just like a business, Their attitude toward the membership is "after me, you come first".
The membership needs to change the way the IAM leadership is elected, [AGC's and above].
The members made their choice, the could have voted it down, but lacked the gonads to do it.

Guess you conviently forgot Siegel sent a letter to every employee stating he would hold his own vote if the IAM failed to revote it.

I guess you love to blame the IAM for everything wrong in the world instead of taking personal responibility.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way.

And by the way, in which bankrupcty was the CBA abrogated and how many votes did it take for the members to ratify the final offer after the abrogation?

cat got your toungue??? tuna answered you from the article you posted and you made his point. when he ask for a link to back up your opinion a news article is yet more opinion, not fact, and as you say don't let the facts get in your way, or the lack there of
The members made their choice, the could have voted it down, but lacked the gonads to do it.

Guess you conviently forgot Siegel sent a letter to every employee stating he would hold his own vote if the IAM failed to revote it.

I guess you love to blame the IAM for everything wrong in the world instead of taking personal responibility.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way.

And by the way, in which bankrupcty was the CBA abrogated and how many votes did it take for the members to ratify the final offer after the abrogation?
Are you gonna deny that the IAM held a RE-VOTE ?? :lol:
I remember quite well that Siegel wrote that letter, So What ? Did he work for the IAM ?

What exactly do you mean "taking personal responsibility"? :blink:
I expect the Union that I pay dues to,
to hold ONLY one vote on ANY offer, Contract etc.. [ NOT 2...or how many it takes to get the result the IAM wants]..
Guess you cant read, go back and read the post you quoted again.
Guess you cant read, go back and read the post you quoted again.
Ok so Charlie..700 what is the point of all this.What is the main question that needs to be answered Im so confused.
The members made their choice, the could have voted it down, but lacked the gonads to do it.

Guess you conviently forgot Siegel sent a letter to every employee stating he would hold his own vote if the IAM failed to revote it.

I guess you love to blame the IAM for everything wrong in the world instead of taking personal responibility.

Once again, don't let the facts get in your way.

And by the way, in which bankrupcty was the CBA abrogated and how many votes did it take for the members to ratify the final offer after the abrogation?
You yourself have stated on this forum that the Leadership from CLT and Phl wanted to recommend a no vote but were overruled by Pit so my question to you Mr Dont let the facts get in your way is where was the leaderships gonads, it sounds like they were in Frank and Bills hands to me! If the members would have had leaders who didnt run around scared to death things might of turned out different! History shows at least at U East, the only thing the IAM will do is go around spewing pharses like they have in the past and in the end the members will take it in the shorts because the leaders are to concerned about keeping their kingdoms intact! If they were concerned about the members they would have not taken the profit sharing from the East and would have found money from the Intl to give to the West but Buffy and the gang needed a golf vaction in Hawaii!
cat got your toungue??? tuna answered you from the article you posted and you made his point. when he ask for a link to back up your opinion a news article is yet more opinion, not fact, and as you say don't let the facts get in your way, or the lack there of

That is how he is. His standard mode of operation.

1. He keeps saying the same thing over and over again without providing any proof even though asked to even though proof is posted that refutes what he is saying. (ex. He keeps saying I am only talking about section 6 negotiations even though I provided proof I was posting about major disputes and he provided nothing except saying it over and over again)

2. He avoids most question asked of him and responds to maybe one or what ever he wants to. (ex. I asked him a bunch of questions and even numbered 5 of them..how many did he attempt to answer with something substantial..exactly zero)

3. He resorts to name calling and tries to attack your credibility by telling everyone how he knows everything and been to all these schools and knows so and so. Yet what does he have to back up what he is saying? exactly zero

4. He will change the subject in a heartbeat and/or avoid yours by responding to someone else. Or he will jump on something you did and call you names thereby avoiding the issue at hand (ex. jump on your spelling or say you are off topic or do what he just did to you...act like he doesn't know what you are talking about)

Shall I go on? He is like a book but this one you can read him a mile away

Oh I almost forgot the one where he reports you because he feels he is being mistreated by you. LOL...I am sure I have already been reported..huh 700?
Ok so Charlie..700 what is the point of all this.What is the main question that needs to be answered Im so confused.

Well the main issue in here with regards to the update that started this topic was the mentioning of a strike.

Everyone can talk all they want about a strike but there is not going to be one. Sure it is fun to pit east against west etc and who will or will not go on strike. But it is not going to happen. There is one and only one way a strike comes into the picture. A court rules the change of control dispute a major dispute, the company and the union exhaust the negotiation and mediation process (including the standard 30 day cooling off period) as provided by the RLA and BOTH parties are released to self help. And that my friend ain't going to happen. If it ever gets to the court for a major/minor dispute ruling it will be ruled a minor dispute. No doubt about it.

What do I think is going to happen, but don't want to see happen, with this change of control dispute? The union will negotiate it away in transition talks and the rest becomes a mute point. I hope I am wrong.
I understand what your saying sorry about any confusion.Thats what I meant by I can see the last hr story all over again,thats as far as a strike will ever go in my belief.
And your right there was 2 votes.
I cant stand the line,the membership voted on it,it makes me sick,ya voted with a gun to our heads.
What do I think is going to happen, but don't want to see happen, with this change of control dispute? The union will negotiate it away in transition talks and the rest becomes a mute point. I hope I am wrong.
I know what you're saying about the IAM "negotiating away" the change of control grievance and selling us short,
all a person has to do is look at the IAM's history @ Usairways for the last 5 yrs. or so.

But on a brighter note for the membership, Some believe, 😉 the IAM has had a change of heart toward their dancing partner [the company],
Seems the IAM sees the recent failed Hostile takeover of Delta as an attempt to bust the unions @ Usairways..
It would be a breath of fresh air to see the IAM actually begin to act like a Union...

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