- Sep 29, 2005
- 661
- 0
You yourself have stated on this forum that the Leadership from CLT and Phl wanted to recommend a no vote but were overruled by Pit so my question to you Mr Dont let the facts get in your way is where was the leaderships gonads, it sounds like they were in Frank and Bills hands to me! If the members would have had leaders who didnt run around scared to death things might of turned out different! History shows at least at U East, the only thing the IAM will do is go around spewing pharses like they have in the past and in the end the members will take it in the shorts because the leaders are to concerned about keeping their kingdoms intact! If they were concerned about the members they would have not taken the profit sharing from the East and would have found money from the Intl to give to the West but Buffy and the gang needed a golf vaction in Hawaii!
You are so right on.....You notice how 700 never asks how someone voted but always says well the membership didn't have any gonads and voted yes. Yet when you say hey you were part part of that membership he all of a sudden backpedals and says well I had the gonads to vote no. LOL what a piece of work he is. I guess he thinks it was a landslide everybody voted yes but him.
By the way do you know the IAM practically had to have its arm twisted off to file this change of control grievance for the membership. Guess they grew some gonads or maybe someone shared theirs.