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District 141 Meets with United, Secures Wage Increases for Members Working Under Modified Contracts

That's cool, but your "friend" still didn't tell you what the full ask is/was for removing longevity. It's not that tall of order. Sure hope the District wasn't just focused on TOS employees; that sounds like a certain ATL-based carrier.

You might also ask why no PT caps, and why a closed JFK was added to the station list as opposed to an active one or reopening a shuttered one.

Yes I read T5's post. I'm sure he'll vote his conscience, and good on him for that. He also didn't ask me anything, so there's nothing to answer...
Kev3188 said:
That's cool, but your "friend" still didn't tell you what the full ask is/was for removing longevity. It's not that tall of order. Sure hope the District wasn't just focused on TOS employees; that sounds like a certain ATL-based carrier.

Kev did you look at the deal? The increases are the same down the line. 18.44%


And no. I'm not going to bother them for the tiny nickle and dime details. I appreciated the fact of the return call and explanation as it is. From the starting point financially where they are currently it's a dramatic yearly improvement for all concerned.
Kev3188 said:
You might also ask why no PT caps, and why a closed JFK was added to the station list as opposed to an active one or reopening a shuttered one.

Nah again too many questions. I've had the fantastic opportunity over the last few years to have multiple people who are currently and have been in the past explain to me how negotiations work. I have to assume you have also had that opportunity over your career and know precisely how negotiations work? Give and take, push and pull, we have a deal, the members decide.
Kev3188 said:
Yes I read T5's post. I'm sure he'll vote his conscience, and good on him for that. He also didn't ask me anything, so there's nothing to answer...

No conscience. Rather a smart man making an informed, educated and intelligent decision.
Kev3188 said:
Yea, I've read it. Thanks for continuing to treat me like it's my first day...
Certainly not my preferred route when it comes to you. But with the past few days of exchanges I'm not going to make any assumptions or leave anything out.

Kev3188 said:
Don't be.
Don't forget the pat on the head next time...

Kev you said that you hope they didn't forget about the bottom wrungs and then I posted the link to show you they didn't. Then you come back with yes I know I've read it?

So why did you ask the question then if you already knew the answer?

Honestly it seems like your hatred for this District is getting the better of your level headedness and normally very honest convictions to facts?

Again it's not something I expect from YOU. Others on this Forum absolutely. You? Nope. Totally against character.
WeAAsles said:
I'm wearing size 36 Calvin Klein underwear, black with a blue waist band currently.
You forgot to mention the stains Weaasles the stains
Worldport said:
You forgot to mention the stains Weaasles the stains
Im going to assume yellow? Before I got rid of all my tidy whities and went with these colored Calvins they were all yellow. Except for one I had a coffee stain on.

Damn did that hurt.
WeAAsles said:
Im going to assume yellow? Before I got rid of all my tidy whities and went with these colored Calvins they were all yellow. Except for one I had a coffee stain on.

Damn did that hurt.
Your description doesn't surprise me a bit, completely honest I might add, except I'm not sure that stain was coffee but if you say so
Worldport said:
Your description doesn't surprise me a bit, completely honest I might add, except I'm not sure that stain was coffee but if you say so
No it was coffee. And I still have the burn scar to prove it. Thank God it was a little off to the side and not dead center.


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