Prince of PAWOBs
Has anyone considered getting the kid that Dell Computers fired to be Seth for the GoFares program? He would look pretty cool driving around in a Hummer with a big roach on the side. I guarantee you that US would have more passengers flying than they could handle, which would require more flights, more employees and more work than anyone could imagine.
"Dude! Your getting a GoFare!"
Somebody ask Dell nicely if US can copy their tagline, and offer them a decent cash incentive to boot. Better yet, offer to place Dell technology on flights and advertise as such.
Hey, management! You might not like the roach, but like the Deadheads said, it is pretty cool!
"Dude! Your getting a GoFare!"
Somebody ask Dell nicely if US can copy their tagline, and offer them a decent cash incentive to boot. Better yet, offer to place Dell technology on flights and advertise as such.
Hey, management! You might not like the roach, but like the Deadheads said, it is pretty cool!