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Discussions From Roachfest

Has anyone considered getting the kid that Dell Computers fired to be Seth for the GoFares program? He would look pretty cool driving around in a Hummer with a big roach on the side. I guarantee you that US would have more passengers flying than they could handle, which would require more flights, more employees and more work than anyone could imagine.

"Dude! Your getting a GoFare!"

Somebody ask Dell nicely if US can copy their tagline, and offer them a decent cash incentive to boot. Better yet, offer to place Dell technology on flights and advertise as such.

Hey, management! You might not like the roach, but like the Deadheads said, it is pretty cool!
No, no, no all wrong.

It smacks of effort. Don't have a campaign. Have a goofy, enthusiastic employee making a fool of himself. Notice that gofaresguy.com is NOT USAirways.com/gofaresguy

well, maybe it is....

then, later do nothing, but have an easy to use website with easyfares
PineyBob said:
Interesting thought. How about something more "East Coast" Like some freaking spiked hair guy with the tag line.

YO! YOU, You're gettin' a GoFare!


How about getting Joey from Friends (and now his own show) to do this one?
jimcfs said:
How about getting Joey from Friends (and now his own show) to do this one?

Here's one for you:

[Close up - Matt LeBlanc at computer logged in to GoFares Website]

Matt:"Dude! That was so easy!"

VOICEOVER:If Joey Tribiani can do it, so can you. USAirways GoFares.

[Close up - "Dell Dude" at computer logged in to GoFares Website]

"Dell Dude"😀ude! I'm getting a GoFare!

VOICEOVER:It works on any home PC. USAirways Gofares.

[Close up - William F. Buckley Jr. logged in to GoFares Website]

Buckley:"Marvelous! It's so simple, a Liberal could do it."

VOICEOVER:And it doesn't require that you add the word "dude" to your vocabulary. USAirways Gofares. Visit us on the web at GoFaresGuy.com

There. Now I wrote you guys a free commercial. Start calling talent and get on the ball!
PineyBob said:
Outstanding! Let's hope that all of the "Stuff" can be worked out and when US get's a couple bucks in the bank they can do what you suggest. Hey perhaps Ted Kennedy can tear himself away from his Scotch bottle and do the commericial too, since I've heard he uses Airways regularly.

PS: I wonder if when they see Senator Chirrosis on the manifest does catering load more booze?

Now, Bob......let's be nice to the senator. He's looking a lot better these days, and he is labor-friendly. If Senator Kennedy could endorse US, the company might increase flights out of the BOS market, not to mention PBI.

P.S. Thanks, Mike!
Prince of PAWOBs said:
[Close up - William F. Buckley Jr. logged in to GoFares Website]

Buckley:"Marvelous! It's so simple, a Liberal could do it."


Hmmm...a great ad campaign in the Northeast, who voted overwhelmingly for the liberal democrat in the 2000 election.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...a great ad campaign in the Northeast, who voted overwhelmingly for the liberal democrat in the 2000 election.

True, KC. The idea probably needs to be tweeked, but at least I'm thinking about it.

We could put Dubya in an ad, too.

"When I want to move your sons and daughters to dangerous places around the world where I pick fights, I like to use the heavy aircraft available from US Airways."

Shop like George does at GoToHellFaresGuy.com

Gee...I think it makes the Buckley idea look pretty good.
Prince of PAWOBs said:
Here's one for you:

[Close up - Matt LeBlanc at computer logged in to GoFares Website]

Matt:"Dude! That was so easy!"

VOICEOVER:If Joey Tribiani can do it, so can you. USAirways GoFares.

[Close up - "Dell Dude" at computer logged in to GoFares Website]

"Dell Dude"😀ude! I'm getting a GoFare!

VOICEOVER:It works on any home PC. USAirways Gofares.

[Close up - William F. Buckley Jr. logged in to GoFares Website]

Buckley:"Marvelous! It's so simple, a Liberal could do it."

VOICEOVER:And it doesn't require that you add the word "dude" to your vocabulary. USAirways Gofares. Visit us on the web at GoFaresGuy.com

There. Now I wrote you guys a free commercial. Start calling talent and get on the ball!

And let's add one last one to this... the Guiness animated guys... "US Airways GoFares, the way to fly! Brilliant!" 😉
Well, I know it's a bit late to reply to the previous posts, but then again I'm always either busy at work or sleeping, so the computer gets neglected.

So, after I managed to knock my coffee over on the desk here, which eventually made it on to the surge protector on the floor. I thought to myself, "Why is it that I try to do something right, but sooner or later fate takes over and messes up my best-laid plans?"

I thought about this question as I went downstairs to get yet another cup of coffee. I went to work about two years ago for an unnamed airline beset by financial trouble. I have learned a great deal about how airlines work, in particular the one I'm working for now, and although I actually went to school for communications, I find the physical and mental labor that I'm performing now very satisfying.

Now there is the threat that this airline that I work for may be headed down the long road to oblivion. So, I read the posts on this board, comment on some of the posts, and every once in a while I come up with something I feel is worthwhile to share with everyone that might make a (small) difference in the airline's survival.

But it seems pointless sometimes, because I never see anyone from the corporate headquarters steal my stuff to use. Maybe the ideas aren't that good, and I'm fooling myself into thinking they might be. Maybe they are pretty good, but no one at the headquarters wants unsolicited ideas that they might have to share credit for with someone else. Or maybe fate has won the day and there is no point to bailing the water out of a sinking ocean liner.

This kind of rambling usually occurs before the third cup of coffee.

So, here is my final point, and a very tempting offer to boot: I would be willing to come up with as many advertising ideas for a certain airline for free (that means no consultancy fee) in order to get customers and generate income to keep the airline flying. What I want is simple: I want a line at the bottom of every commercial, print ad or any other cool idea that gets used that says: From an idea by (my name here). That's all. No free coffee. No ridiculous salary. Just a tiny bit of credit and my job at said airline.

Management lurkers, please mull this over while I start taking coffee-soaked towels down to the basement and start laundry early this week.

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