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DFW TSA and AA employee in trouble

Because it can be negotiated into our compensation. Why should that privilege be limited to management?

Most all analyst and even many senior analysts at my firm in this office don't have cars or it they do they don't drive to work. In some markets our firm does provide parking to all employees and in others it's restricted to certain pay grades. In Atlanta and Miami I know parking is provided to all. In NYC due to space constraints it is limited to MDs, SMDs and senior leadership. For me it makes sense to walk here and just pay the early bird rate on days I need to leave with my car.

I know AA FAs based here are provided parking, probably depends on the airport and whether AA owns the lot or has arrangements with the airport.

But again why should the company cover your costs of doing business? And parking comped to employees should be considered a fringe benefit (over $245/month) and included on your W-2, as should company provided lunches.

But again why should the company cover your costs of doing business? And parking comped to employees should be considered a fringe benefit (over $245/month) and included on your W-2, as should company provided lunches.


because the alternatives for airline employees are not realistic. You don't face the prospect of being called at any time and be ready to report in as little as an hour or two - day or not. You don't work routinely after midnight or starting well before the sun rises.
and even when you do park, it isn't a couple miles away only to take a bus which takes valuable time as wings notes. And airports are practically by definition far more remote than other places of business which not only reduces the value of land and its use for alternate activities but also limits mass transit options.

If any US airline ever tries to force their employees to pay for airport parking except in very rare situations, the employees need to take 'em to the mat over it.
I walk to work but that's pretty much standard in this area. I know some MDs and SMDs negotiate that into their comp but why should your employer be expected to bear the cost of getting you to your place of employment?

To get there? They don't. I pay for the gas/insurance/maintenance on my cars.

As for where to store our car while working, see this:

Airports generally are more remote, have less mass transit, and airline employees work shifts that make mass transit not a viable option. Further, crew members are often expected to show up at practically any hour of the day or night and leave their cars for days at a time.

And let's not forget that most airline employees don't make what many downtown workers make.

And this:

because the alternatives for airline employees are not realistic. You don't face the prospect of being called at any time and be ready to report in as little as an hour or two - day or not. You don't work routinely after midnight or starting well before the sun rises.
and even when you do park, it isn't a couple miles away only to take a bus which takes valuable time as wings notes. And airports are practically by definition far more remote than other places of business which not only reduces the value of land and its use for alternate activities but also limits mass transit options.

are you saying you personally have ot pay for the 2nd tag for the 2nd car but the first one is free? Can you switch one tag between cars?

1st sticker is free. 2nd one is not. All are numbered, with each number assigned to a specific vehicle.
Thank you, sir. It is just logical that airline employee parking should be the BASIC service provided - it isn't even a benefit.

Do you have to prove ownership of the 2nd car to get a parking sticker (or the first one for that matter)
and can you use both stickers at the same time? What stops your hypothetical million miler spouse/next door neighbor/roommate from using the 2nd sticker you have obtained?
Are you guys kidding? My building 24 hour access parking is currently $425/month, we do have the option of taking it out on a pretax basis though. I mean seriously don't you guys also expect the company to launder your work clothes too?


Should your company pay you to post on an airline forum during business hours? I mean, you say you're a banker..
I think the company forgot about this so maybe they should go back through the 1113 process again.
Gotta love this IAW process they created. WAF
Maybe you need to pick a better employer... Or since you have the option of Mass Transit, take that. Can't imagine an MBTA pass costing that much...

At any rate, some airports have similar transit access/options... others not so much...

As for work clothes, mine are being laundered as I type this. In my basement...
MBTA Pass? Hey I'm from Boston. They should pay you for having to ride the MBTA. hahaha
MBTA Pass? Hey I'm from Boston. They should pay you for having to ride the MBTA. hahaha

I have a friend in Boston and have worked with several guys that did work in Boston. Ask them about the employee parking situation. Talk about your remote distance to the airport.
when i worked there in 99 to 00 the company used to pay for bus tkts to framingham braintree and one more and i cant remember it.. i dont even know if they still do that
I walk to work but that's pretty much standard in this area. I know some MDs and SMDs negotiate that into their comp but why should your employer be expected to bear the cost of getting you to your place of employment?

Maybe you should pay a fee to use the elevator, the toilet, the electricity for the Coffee machine and the heating and cooling. Why should your employer pay for that? You are a real jerk. The fact is you can walk, LGA may be an exception but you cant walk to most airports, most airports wont allow you to walk, and as someone already pointed out mass transit isn't really an option, AA isn't being asked to bear the cost of us getting to work, but once we are there they pay the cost of having a place to put our means of getting there, not always a very convenient place either, we are probably further from our car than you live from your office. Many of us have to take a bus once we get to work, on our own time, to actually get to the location where they have us working, so after driving to the airport we lose as much as an hour each day of unpaid time.
Exactly, at one of my previous locations the employee lot was 5 MILES from the terminal. As I posted above, you need to be in the lot at least 30 min prior to the start of your shift, and sometimes that cuts it close. Many of us waste an hour per day just getting to and from the terminal on top of our commute.
On the note of why should my employer pay for parking,why should the company pay for personal security,kids education costs ,limo service,country club memberships etc. for executives.
[sub] In Los Angeles, I see AA ground employees, fleet and maintenance, on the Van Nuys Flyaway bus between the Van Nuys airport and LAX. Parking in a secure covered garage is $4/day and airport employees can get a monthly pass for the bus ride for $120. The bus runs 24 hours a day at frequent intervals and drops the employees off at the front door of the terminals. The public pays the same $4/day for parking but pays $8 each way for the bus ride. Fewer traffic hassles and convenient for the employees. [/sub]
But again why should the company cover your costs of doing business? And parking comped to employees should be considered a fringe benefit (over $245/month) and included on your W-2, as should company provided lunches.
Again, because certain employee groups choose to negotiate that benefit. In the same way some members of your management had it included in their benefits. You've stated that you don't need that benefit. So why would you want to deny it to others. What about the company-paid airline travel you receive? Should that end up on your W2? Or do you need that to get to work?
As long as I have been around, employee parking has never been a negotiated item at any airport that I have worked at. In some cases, crew members that commute have been able to purchase a parking pass at their home airport.

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