Democrats Win Virginia and NJ Governor's Races

That's fine, you can't debate the gun control problem and win. Because like most on the left, you won't admit that gun control won't work because criminals don't care about gun laws. Look at Chiraq for proof. 600 murders in 2017 and guns are illegal in the city limits.

I already stated I was on Trumps side, I guess you missed it. Now I don't agree with everything he does by far, but considering the alternative of 4 more years of Hildabeast socialism, corruption, and crimes, it was an easy choice. You say Trump is evil, but he hasn't committed any crimes like the Hildabeast or the Clinton Crime Syndicate has. Being former military, we were told over and over that you get caught with Top Secret information on your person, you will be going to Leavenworth. I've seen it happen. But not for Hildabeast, so far she is immune. Hopefully that will change soon, she needs to pay for her crimes.

Would it have been "just pretend" if the NRA put out a magazine cover when Obammy was in office of his fake bloody head held up by Wayne LaPierre? That would have been a whole lot different then, right? Oh no, not "just pretend" there. That would have been a federal crime, riots in the street, murder of police, NAACP calling for NRA heads and a criminal charges. Every libtard in the universe boiling over with rage. Your delusional if you state otherwise, no surprise.

Nice twist, I never stated Russia is not our enemy, nor did Trump. But we know the Clinton Crime Syndicate got paid millions by Russians didn't they? Furthermore, I could really careless what socialist Merkel or the rest of Europe thinks of Trump or the USA. They have ruined their countries with unvetted immigration, especially Germany and England. Mexico the same, they won't stop sending half of their country here because their country is so corrupt and broke. So we have to stop it ourselves with a big beautiful wall. They don't like it? Too damn bad.

Don't let FACTS get in your way with regard to Chigago and the south side Gun Violence.
Equally culpable is the city government, (Mayor and even more, the C P D), AND the Neocon state of (Right-next-door) Indiana, with thousands of GUN SHOWS, with zero impedimats to purchase, and brother, MAKE NO F MISTAKE ABOUT WHAT I JUST SAID/TYPED !!!!!!

Now my Proof.
Using your pea-brain, try to answer honestly.
(Ready for the EASY question HACK JOB ) ??

If hypothetically, Brooklyn NYC had the problem the south side of Chicago has, HOW LONG before the NYPD would have ten thousand COPS in there, virtually eradicating this 'cancer' ??????????
( I'm not saying that it would be Total Eradication).
(GOOD LUCK trying to figure out what I wrote, and even more your TRYING t Answer) !!

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