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Democrats Win Virginia and NJ Governor's Races

If Hillary had a cult, then Trump certainly has one, and given the choice of a Russian or any of the other groups (cults) marching for Trump, I would definitely choose Hillary's and the DNC's and march in their parade.

Are you saying you would have marched in Charlottesville? Which side would you have marched on? Trump's side or the Democrats?

And you are missing the big picture in VA with the House of Delegates as well as the single-digit congressional special election wins in GA and KS that should have been double-digit wins. A Trump supporter said to me last year before Trump won, "You'll see."

Well he was right, but now it's our turn. You'll see!

Now think about this. I am far from a Reagan fan. I was young when he was president. But I am certain he would have chosen to lose his election rather than even think about conspiring with the Republican arch-enemy Russians. Don't believe me well just google what his son said recently.

Care to explain how the Russia-busting Republicans became the Russia-conspiring Republicans. And don't call it fake news because Trump's kids and his aides involved admitted they met with Russian envoys (well finally admitted anyway).

When you look in the mirror next time smile and say I'm a Republican (or conservative or Tea Party) and I love Russia 🙂
Hildabeasts cult cheated to get the nomination, look what she did to the Burnout voters. If you can support the rigging and disenfranchising an election, then you have a problem with your integrity sir or madam. Big time. The Clinton Crime Syndicate has the same problem. They do nothing but lie and cheat.

In Charlottesville, I certainly would not have marched with Antifa and the thugs on the left. I would have marched with the Trump supporters, and no not with any of the KKK either. So don't even try that one.

As it is most of time, mid-term and special elections usually go to the party that lost the White House, thats been the trend. So it's no surprise that VA and NJ elections that have heavy immigrant flow since 1970 went to the left. Both states voted for Hildabeast did they not? If the economy continues to take off, tax cuts are implemented, and Obama Care continues to fail, I think that Democrats will lose more elections. Remember, liberals lost GA, SC, KAN, and MT special elections in 2017. "Now it's our turn"? We will see.

On to Russia. You think Russia wanted Trump to win? With the way they ran over Hildabeast as SOS and how they disrespected Obammy at every turn? Your insane. Then you look at the millions the Clinton Crime Syndicate got from the Russians, Billdos $500k speech payment, the Uranium One scam, the $145 million the Russians paid to the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and the fake Russian Dossier paid for by Hildabeast. In so far, not one shred of evidence Donald Trump had any collusion with Putin. Would have been leaked by now if true. Don Jr met with a Russian? Well nothing happened did it? Did they take millions from the Russians? Nothing like that yet. But we know the Clintons took that cash don't we? Hopefully the investigation of Clinton Crime Syndicate dirty deals with the Russians will come out soon.

You look in the mirror and smile, and say "I am a Democrat, and even though the Clintons received millions in dirty "pay for play" cash, sold 20% of USA uranium to Russia, destroyed Bernie Sanders, and lied repeatedly to nearly everyone for 30 years, I still voted for the Hildabeast".
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No, you don't even try it. There were the Trump supporters and everyone else. Which side was it who killed a peaceful protester?

Oh, and don't try to change the subject either. Don't be a sore winner. Hillary may have cheated. Hillary was not the best candidate, but Hillary cheated and lost!

Your candidate cheated and won! Be happy and proud! It's not even day someone cheats, wins and is rewarded with the presidency.

And I think you meant to write 'you're insane' but I understand what you meant. I am not insane. And I can think for myself and don't believe everything I hear on the radio or see on TV. It worries me that so many people do.

There was one thing Hillary was right about. What was it? It's been a year and I am having trouble remembering. 😀

On second thought, carry on. Please do continue to rattle off all the excuses. I will not try to stop you. The excuses did not stop an entire state legislature from probably flipping blue (final votes still being counted) and voters in PA, MI, and WI are not going to let themselves get fooled again when they see their taxes and the deficit go up.

Keep on trucking and keep on spinning. And keep listening to that radio.
You've got more spin going there than this guy:


You seem in awe that higher voter turnout on the Dem side in an off year election flipped the statehouse. The results are nothing more than that, and it's hardly a new phenomena, but I'm guessing Rachel Maddow probably didn't tell you that.

The reality is.... there have been five special elections prior to yesterday, and we heard all about how the Dems were going to sweep them. They didn't. Yesterday's their first real win since Trump was elected in an electoral landslide, and it was in places that voted blue a year ago. Its hardly a referendum when it mirrors last November's results.

Will there be House seats that flip in the midterms? Absolutely, but turnout is also going to be a lot higher, so it could go either way. It's all about enthusiasm. If tax reform passes, unemployment stays down and the stock market continues to perform, I don't think you'll see nearly as much flipping as you might want.
Massive forum ejaculation of the left.

"Been down so long it looked like up to me"

I see soiled visions of the democrat party soon over the horizon that may make a difference.
No, you don't even try it. There were the Trump supporters and everyone else. Which side was it who killed a peaceful protester?

Oh, and don't try to change the subject either. Don't be a sore winner. Hillary may have cheated. Hillary was not the best candidate, but Hillary cheated and lost!

Your candidate cheated and won! Be happy and proud! It's not even day someone cheats, wins and is rewarded with the presidency.

And I think you meant to write 'you're insane' but I understand what you meant. I am not insane. And I can think for myself and don't believe everything I hear on the radio or see on TV. It worries me that so many people do.

There was one thing Hillary was right about. What was it? It's been a year and I am having trouble remembering. 😀

On second thought, carry on. Please do continue to rattle off all the excuses. I will not try to stop you. The excuses did not stop an entire state legislature from probably flipping blue (final votes still being counted) and voters in PA, MI, and WI are not going to let themselves get fooled again when they see their taxes and the deficit go up.

Keep on trucking and keep on spinning. And keep listening to that radio.

Dude...how about a non fake news link showing how Trump cheated and won.
You've got more spin going there than this guy:


You seem in awe that higher voter turnout on the Dem side in an off year election flipped the statehouse. The results are nothing more than that, and it's hardly a new phenomena, but I'm guessing Rachel Maddow probably didn't tell you that.

The reality is.... there have been five special elections prior to yesterday, and we heard all about how the Dems were going to sweep them. They didn't. Yesterday's their first real win since Trump was elected in an electoral landslide, and it was in places that voted blue a year ago. Its hardly a referendum when it mirrors last November's results.

Will there be House seats that flip in the midterms? Absolutely, but turnout is also going to be a lot higher, so it could go either way. It's all about enthusiasm. If tax reform passes, unemployment stays down and the stock market continues to perform, I don't think you'll see nearly as much flipping as you might want.

LOL. First, I don't have cable and therefore I do not have MSNBC. I have never even watched an entire Rachel Maddow show. That is your first incorrect statement. You seem to be keeping up with many of the special elections, and you should re-read what you wrote.

I do not recall anyone of any credibility saying the Democrats would win the special elections. To use your term, 'The reality is' that the DNC did not even want to invest in some of them because they thought they would lose but was shamed into doing it.

The reality also is that most, if not all, the margins races were much closer in the special elections and Democrats did much better than they did in the general elections, while still losing of course.

Now if you look at the recent polls in Alabama and average them Moore is only ahead by about 5-6%. This is in Alabama one of the reddest of red states.

This seat is to replace Sessions who was uncontested in 2014 and won with 97.25% of the vote!

LOL. Yes please keep on thinking that nothing is going to change next year. Nothing is wrong move along. Nothing to see here.

Electoral landslide? Sorry but this is the last one - LOL!

Obama beat his opponents twice with larger electoral margins, and unlike Trump, Obama also won the popular vote - twice. Yes, the reality is Hillary got more votes. LOL. (Oops).

Candidate Donald J. Trump
Electoral Votes 304
Candidate Hillary R. Clinton
Electoral Votes 227

Nominee Barack Obama
Electoral vote 332
Nominee Mitt Romney
Electoral vote 206

Nominee Barack Obama
Electoral vote 365
Nominee John McCain
Electoral vote 173

Now that's a landslide. Although unlike Trump, I do think John McCain is an honorable man and I am not going to trash talk him. I wish him the best in his battle with cancer.
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No, you don't even try it. There were the Trump supporters and everyone else. Which side was it who killed a peaceful protester?

Oh, and don't try to change the subject either. Don't be a sore winner. Hillary may have cheated. Hillary was not the best candidate, but Hillary cheated and lost!

Your candidate cheated and won! Be happy and proud! It's not even day someone cheats, wins and is rewarded with the presidency.

And I think you meant to write 'you're insane' but I understand what you meant. I am not insane. And I can think for myself and don't believe everything I hear on the radio or see on TV. It worries me that so many people do.

There was one thing Hillary was right about. What was it? It's been a year and I am having trouble remembering. 😀

On second thought, carry on. Please do continue to rattle off all the excuses. I will not try to stop you. The excuses did not stop an entire state legislature from probably flipping blue (final votes still being counted) and voters in PA, MI, and WI are not going to let themselves get fooled again when they see their taxes and the deficit go up.

Keep on trucking and keep on spinning. And keep listening to that radio.
Well, if you want to hop down the blood trail, we can do that. 7 Dallas police offices killed by a Trump hating Black Lies Matter shooter, who had to be finally blown up by police. 4 GOP Reps shot playing baseball by a Trump hating Bernie lover, where Rep Steve Scalise almost died. Not to mention all the assaults and vandalism done by leftist radicals BLM, Antifa, and various Anarchists. How about Hollywood, Kathy Griffin holding up a fake bloody Trump head. I couldn't conceive the back lash if somebody did that to Obammy or Hildabeast. So don't go there, you will lose.

So how did Trump cheat and win the presidency? Can you elaborate on that nugget for us? Don't say the Russians helped him, that has not been proven as of yet. Do tell, I would like to know your facts if you have any that are not made up.

Taxes and deficits going up? When did a liberal ever worry about such trivial things? Obammy doubled the deficit during his 8 years, never seeming to worry about it. Now that Trump is in, it's a big deal. How does Trump "destroy our country and alienate our allies" in one year? I would say he is doing very well with our allies, and our enemies like ISIS are being routed. Unlike Obammy, who was mocked by Russia and the Saudis. Thank god we have a strong leader and not a luke warm coward like Obammy was. "ISIS is a JV team". Well, not quite.

You look like your off your rocker, you have a serious lack of facts. I guess that's what happens when your news source is the HuffinPuff Post and MSLSD.

PS, spare me the spelling lessons. Spin me some facts.
Violence is always wrong. It is sad and my condolences go to those who were affected. I am not going to start talking about gun control and/or gun violence here.

But unlike you, I will say which side I am on since you appear to be asking. I am on the side of law enforcement in the Dallas shootings, and I am disgusted by the shootings that happened at the congressional baseball game.

You seem to think that I think that all Republicans are as evil as Trump is. No, I do not. I have already mentioned that I think McCain is an honorable man. Trump tells a lot of lies. I am sure you will want an example and Trump just gave us one today when his DOJ said they will approve the ATT/Time Warner merger if they sell CNN. Conditional approval is not blocking.


Hollywood magazine covers are usually just pretend.

I already told you Mueller and the FBI are handling the election cheating.

Russia is not considered one of our allies, but thank you for finally admitting they are one of Trump's allies and evidently yours. Yes, facts are good. Outside of Canada most of our strongest allies are in Europe and no Trump is not popular there. You can Google Merkel's remarks about our new relationship and the whole should we or should we not invite Trump thing in Great Britain.

Mexico may not be an ally, but they are a neighbor and how is it going with them lol? You could be right about Saudi Arabia, but then there was that whole ban thing............. So yes, I believe the facts support my statement

It's actually punctuation and spelling and, oops, you did it again.

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" Gulf ".

SAVE your precious breath by not engaging ' HACK JOB ' (Hackman).
The dudes a F MORON !
We use to have 'The VILLAGE IDIOT' on this forum, named southwind, But he BLEW away somewhere. ' Hack Job' is now the Heir Apparent !

It's a waste of resources trying to apply logic/thoughtfulness to users like Hackman. They're not here for debate. They're too timid to speak up in real life, so they come here to project instead.

Plenty of other Conservatives on here worth your time.
In the past 15 years these forums have been around, nobody's budged from their political positions based on debate here, so I'll argue it's probably not worth the time.
" Gulf ".

SAVE your precious breath by not engaging ' HACK JOB ' (Hackman).
The dudes a F MORON !
We use to have 'The VILLAGE IDIOT' on this forum, named southwind, But he BLEW away somewhere. ' Hack Job' is now the Heir Apparent !

Thanks for helping out in the interim.
" Gulf ".

SAVE your precious breath by not engaging ' HACK JOB ' (Hackman).
The dudes a F MORON !
We use to have 'The VILLAGE IDIOT' on this forum, named southwind, But he BLEW away somewhere. ' Hack Job' is now the Heir Apparent !

Yeah, I had mostly come to that conclusion. Sadly, talk radio and Fox News are much more powerful than I am. It is funny seeing them regurgitate the made up stories (Alex Jones admitted his show is 'entertainment') but it is also scary that so many people will believe that entertainment is news. Scary.

It is also probably best to let them keep on doing what they are doing. With the numbers moving in Democrat's favor, all we have to do is wait until next year. Maybe even wait until next month, but as awesome as it would be to defeat Moore in AL, I think it will be another loss for Democrats that is much closer than it should be for Republicans.

But thank you for the support

@Kev3188 @NewHampshire Black Bears @Dog Wonder
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In the past 15 years these forums have been around, nobody's budged from their political positions based on debate here, so I'll argue it's probably not worth the time.

Well, maybe.
I don't think 'this blog' has changed my perspective entirely.
But I have certainly changed my political perspectives.
I voted against Billery, not necessarily 'for' Trump.
Even though he has made me regret my decision, at times, through his 'inane/asinine/childish' tweeting's , he has his moments that make me proud.
The handling of His Asia trip was quite a different POTUS than he 'plays' to the MeriKan Pepple.
He was/is someone that I am proud to have voted for.
Yes, I lambast Trump a lot, but if I didn't, we would all be bobble-heads.
I'll take the heat here because I appreciate the discourse.
I will not give Trump an inch as I never gave Nobama, or Billery a pass.
If no one likes it, then TFB...DOH😀

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