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Hildabeasts cult cheated to get the nomination, look what she did to the Burnout voters. If you can support the rigging and disenfranchising an election, then you have a problem with your integrity sir or madam. Big time. The Clinton Crime Syndicate has the same problem. They do nothing but lie and cheat.If Hillary had a cult, then Trump certainly has one, and given the choice of a Russian or any of the other groups (cults) marching for Trump, I would definitely choose Hillary's and the DNC's and march in their parade.
Are you saying you would have marched in Charlottesville? Which side would you have marched on? Trump's side or the Democrats?
And you are missing the big picture in VA with the House of Delegates as well as the single-digit congressional special election wins in GA and KS that should have been double-digit wins. A Trump supporter said to me last year before Trump won, "You'll see."
Well he was right, but now it's our turn. You'll see!
Now think about this. I am far from a Reagan fan. I was young when he was president. But I am certain he would have chosen to lose his election rather than even think about conspiring with the Republican arch-enemy Russians. Don't believe me well just google what his son said recently.
Care to explain how the Russia-busting Republicans became the Russia-conspiring Republicans. And don't call it fake news because Trump's kids and his aides involved admitted they met with Russian envoys (well finally admitted anyway).
When you look in the mirror next time smile and say I'm a Republican (or conservative or Tea Party) and I love Russia 🙂
In Charlottesville, I certainly would not have marched with Antifa and the thugs on the left. I would have marched with the Trump supporters, and no not with any of the KKK either. So don't even try that one.
As it is most of time, mid-term and special elections usually go to the party that lost the White House, thats been the trend. So it's no surprise that VA and NJ elections that have heavy immigrant flow since 1970 went to the left. Both states voted for Hildabeast did they not? If the economy continues to take off, tax cuts are implemented, and Obama Care continues to fail, I think that Democrats will lose more elections. Remember, liberals lost GA, SC, KAN, and MT special elections in 2017. "Now it's our turn"? We will see.
On to Russia. You think Russia wanted Trump to win? With the way they ran over Hildabeast as SOS and how they disrespected Obammy at every turn? Your insane. Then you look at the millions the Clinton Crime Syndicate got from the Russians, Billdos $500k speech payment, the Uranium One scam, the $145 million the Russians paid to the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and the fake Russian Dossier paid for by Hildabeast. In so far, not one shred of evidence Donald Trump had any collusion with Putin. Would have been leaked by now if true. Don Jr met with a Russian? Well nothing happened did it? Did they take millions from the Russians? Nothing like that yet. But we know the Clintons took that cash don't we? Hopefully the investigation of Clinton Crime Syndicate dirty deals with the Russians will come out soon.
You look in the mirror and smile, and say "I am a Democrat, and even though the Clintons received millions in dirty "pay for play" cash, sold 20% of USA uranium to Russia, destroyed Bernie Sanders, and lied repeatedly to nearly everyone for 30 years, I still voted for the Hildabeast".
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