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I'm in the same boat. Trump was not my candidate, but there was no way I could envision four more years of progressive-socialism.

I wish someone would take away his Twitter account, but thank God that he's the one appointing judges for the next three years.
" Gulf ".

SAVE your precious breath by not engaging ' HACK JOB ' (Hackman).
The dudes a F MORON !
We use to have 'The VILLAGE IDIOT' on this forum, named southwind, But he BLEW away somewhere. ' Hack Job' is now the Heir Apparent !
Hey Gramps, you can't debate without cussing, using insults, and wearing out the caps button like an old dolt. It's rather comical. Take a flying leap Gramps.

It's a waste of resources trying to apply logic/thoughtfulness to users like Hackman. They're not here for debate. They're too timid to speak up in real life, so they come here to project instead.

Plenty of other Conservatives on here worth your time.
Well Kevy, you don't know me from Adam, too timid to speak up in real life? Like I said, you don't know squat about me. What 'logic" or "thoughtfulness" would like to apply? The angry liberal kind? The Antifa kind? Yeah, we've seen enough of that haven't we?
Violence is always wrong. It is sad and my condolences go to those who were affected. I am not going to start talking about gun control and/or gun violence here.

But unlike you, I will say which side I am on since you appear to be asking. I am on the side of law enforcement in the Dallas shootings, and I am disgusted by the shootings that happened at the congressional baseball game.

You seem to think that I think that all Republicans are as evil as Trump is. No, I do not. I have already mentioned that I think McCain is an honorable man. Trump tells a lot of lies. I am sure you will want an example and Trump just gave us one today when his DOJ said they will approve the ATT/Time Warner merger if they sell CNN. Conditional approval is not blocking.


Hollywood magazine covers are usually just pretend.

I already told you Mueller and the FBI are handling the election cheating.

Russia is not considered one of our allies, but thank you for finally admitting they are one of Trump's allies and evidently yours. Yes, facts are good. Outside of Canada most of our strongest allies are in Europe and no Trump is not popular there. You can Google Merkel's remarks about our new relationship and the whole should we or should we not invite Trump thing in Great Britain.

Mexico may not be an ally, but they are a neighbor and how is it going with them lol? You could be right about Saudi Arabia, but then there was that whole ban thing............. So yes, I believe the facts support my statement

It's actually punctuation and spelling and, oops, you did it again.

That's fine, you can't debate the gun control problem and win. Because like most on the left, you won't admit that gun control won't work because criminals don't care about gun laws. Look at Chiraq for proof. 600 murders in 2017 and guns are illegal in the city limits.

I already stated I was on Trumps side, I guess you missed it. Now I don't agree with everything he does by far, but considering the alternative of 4 more years of Hildabeast socialism, corruption, and crimes, it was an easy choice. You say Trump is evil, but he hasn't committed any crimes like the Hildabeast or the Clinton Crime Syndicate has. Being former military, we were told over and over that you get caught with Top Secret information on your person, you will be going to Leavenworth. I've seen it happen. But not for Hildabeast, so far she is immune. Hopefully that will change soon, she needs to pay for her crimes.

Would it have been "just pretend" if the NRA put out a magazine cover when Obammy was in office of his fake bloody head held up by Wayne LaPierre? That would have been a whole lot different then, right? Oh no, not "just pretend" there. That would have been a federal crime, riots in the street, murder of police, NAACP calling for NRA heads and a criminal charges. Every libtard in the universe boiling over with rage. Your delusional if you state otherwise, no surprise.

Nice twist, I never stated Russia is not our enemy, nor did Trump. But we know the Clinton Crime Syndicate got paid millions by Russians didn't they? Furthermore, I could really careless what socialist Merkel or the rest of Europe thinks of Trump or the USA. They have ruined their countries with unvetted immigration, especially Germany and England. Mexico the same, they won't stop sending half of their country here because their country is so corrupt and broke. So we have to stop it ourselves with a big beautiful wall. They don't like it? Too damn bad.
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I'm in the same boat. Trump was not my candidate, but there was no way I could envision four more years of progressive-socialism.

I wish someone would take away his Twitter account, but thank God that he's the one appointing judges for the next three years.

I know.....I cringe at his responses.....I put it toward an unconventional President for unconventional times......remember, he's about the second POTUS to exploit social media plus all neg reports on it come from MSM whether good or bad and if its good, they slime it.

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