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Democrats Upset Romney OVERPAID His Taxes

Still waiting to see Tree's excuse for a double-standard on holding others accountable for their previous statements....
Oh. If that's your standard for Romney, is it your standard for Obama?

Obama said:
  • He'd close Gitmo optimistic
  • He was going to reduce the deficit. wishful thinking/lie
  • He was against gay marriage changed his mind. Good thing IMO
  • He was going to create the most transparent administration in history. OK
  • He was going to ban lobbyists from serving in his administration. probably a lie
  • He was going to simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes. I believe congress would have to do that
  • He promised to ensure that 10% of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012. Good goal. beat it 14.5%
  • He was going to demand higher standards and more accountability from our teachers. (remember the strike last week?....) Pretty sure he cant do that
  • He also stated that the uninsured would get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress get. (Congress seems to be exempt from Obamacare...) Congress passed the law. Talk to them. He said what he wanted.
I know, all those large social, economic, and national security policies are minimal, especially when compared to the monstrous issue of someone's personal income taxes, but hey, I'm sure you have to have priorities, right?

Politicians lie. No big surprise. This is not just about Romneys taxes so please stop pretending you do not know that. This is about the tax rates that all of us pay. I pay a hell of a mot more than 10% in taxes. He is a multi-milionaire who pays less in taxes than I do. He pays less in taxes than people who actually work for a living.
Politicians lie. No big surprise. This is not just about Romneys taxes so please stop pretending you do not know that. This is about the tax rates that all of us pay. I pay a hell of a mot more than 10% in taxes. He is a multi-milionaire who pays less in taxes than I do. He pays less in taxes than people who actually work for a living.

And how does he do that and you and I get screwed?
It effectively allows the issue to die before the debates.

Given the way that the Democrats are responding by saying "he deliberately overpaid!" it is also going to make someone difficult for Obama to try and use the "he didn't pay his fair share" argument.

It's also going to take away any sympathy for trying to use Warren Buffett's secretary as an example.

The best he can do is try to call Romney a hypocrite for understating his charity. And that's a dangerous place to go, given how little Biden and Obama (and most other liberals) are with their donations to charity.

It will also probably help his likability scores. Giving to charity isn't necessarily looked down upon in the flyover states.

The whole "47%" kerfuffle has the media painting him as a soulless, greedy bastard.

This effectively takes the wind out of that, and in a rather large way. $4M to charity last year, and not for the tax writeoff?....

I think you are missing the point. His charity donations (a huge chunk $4+ million over 10 years to the Mormon church) while admirable will be over shadowed by the the fact that someone who made over $14 million only had to pay 10% in taxes while the rest of us working stiff pay just a little bit more than that while making a whole lot less. Pretty sure that won't go away any time soon.
Giving money to the Mormon cult is commendable?

It is a slap in the face to the evangelicals.

Poor Mitt, he has sold his soul so many times he doesn't know who to buy it back from.
I was trying to be kind. Personally I think all organized religions are cultish. For me, the bottom line is the SOB only had to pay 10% and I pay a heck of a lot more than that and it's not by choice.
So what percent of your earnings do you give to charity?

No idea the percentage but I earned way less than Joe Biden and donated about $300 which IIRC was right around what Biden donated according to his taxes.
Good grief Mitt paid $2 Million in taxes!! But as surely as the sun will rise the liberals will complain it's just not enough..it never is to them. Its pure jealousy that the poor feel the rich should be punished for being successful.

I find it very disgusting that most people wouldn't steal from their neighbor however they are demanding the government do it for them.

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