Democrats.....the gift that keeps on giving

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How Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities
Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957. It is now the model of urban failure — it’s recognized more for its poverty, crime, rot and bankruptcy than the great cars that it turned out into the early 1970s. 
Chicago’s last GOP mayor was elected in 1927. The nation’s third-largest city is home to some of the worst inner-city violence imaginable. 
St. Louis has been electing Democratic mayors since 1949. The Gateway to the West has become the gateway for crime. Law Street says that it’s the fourth most dangerous city in the country, Forbes says it’s the second. It had the sixth-highest poverty rate among big cities in 2014.
The last GOP mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. A few years ago, Moore identified it as a favorite to follow Detroit into bankruptcy.
Both Baltimore and Oakland had Republican mayors as late as the 1960s. In the era of Democratic rule, both are now more well known for their crime and poverty problems than for their charm and character.
Newark, N.J., hasn’t had a GOP mayor in more than a century. It was ranked as the fifth-worst city to live in in 2015. Detroit, of course, was first.
When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends.
Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.


southwind said:
So now your pay should be based on where you live?

Try to answer the question next time.
We've been through this before; not liking-or understanding- my response doesn't mean it didn't get answered.
Tell me, though; where would $15/hr. go further? Manhattan, NY or Douglasville GA.?
Kev3188 said:
We've been through this before; not liking-or understanding- my response doesn't mean it didn't get answered.
Tell me, though; where would $15/hr. go further? Manhattan, NY or Douglasville GA.?
Why should a company pay you more because of your residence?

If a company is not paying you enough, find another job or's kinda the way things have worked in the past.
Some areas with a higher cost of living also have higher wages but at the end of the day you're just as broke as the other guy in Bugtussle, Tn, working say $5 less an hour.
Go socialist and this won't happen*....things go better with socialism.
*So they say
Dog Wonder said:
Exception being I would have earned it.
do you factually know that he would not have or is this just another of your stereotypes? 