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Democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread.

XUTboomer, KCBoomer and Canine fecal matter boomer....

and he's a great meme poster. But that goes with that lack of creativity.

Wait for it....I'll be called a boomer in

Your creativity is limited to ways of changing your Depends diapers for crusty boomers under 30 minutes.
Before you even think about voting for Bernie and his so-called "Socialist Democracy" please watch this and think twice before you vote to take us all down this road!
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After at least trying to watch some of that chit show last night as a liberal you got to be a glass half full kind of person to think any of what I seen is going beat Trump in November. Especially with economics being where they are.
Bloomberg can throw enough money at it, I suppose anything can happen but Warren has taken his ass to the woodshed twice now on national tv. What do you suppose Trump would do to him?
......... A drunk is number three in line for the Presidency! Think about that people!
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