Another Democrat to be proud of

Try to keep in mind that the differences between an Illinois Republican and an Illinois Democrat aren't as drastic as they are elsewhere. Ryan's real claim to fame was commuting all of death row in 2003. Not exactly what I'd call a conservative.
eolesen said:
Try to keep in mind that the differences between an Illinois Republican and an Illinois Democrat aren't as drastic as they are elsewhere. Ryan's real claim to fame was commuting all of death row in 2003. Not exactly what I'd call a conservative.
I never said conservative. I said republican. He was nominated by the republican party, right? Are you insinuating that conservatives can't be corrupt?
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personally I think all of them are corrupt in some fashion or another only maybe the level is different and if they get caught.
to act like it's some sort of "southern thang" makes one look like a tool.
blue collar said:
I never said conservative. I said republican. He was nominated by the republican party, right? Are you insinuating that conservatives can't be corrupt?
Can't be? That's taking things to an extreme on your part, but statistically, I'd say conservatives tend to not get as caught up in the trappings and power of the office as Democrats seem to.

Maybe it comes from the notions of self-reliance and more of an adherence to the principles of their faith? Or maybe it's the double standard and level of attention that the press focuses on conservatives vs. progressive liberals?

Either way, the risks of crossing the line tend to be higher than if you're a Democrat. Republicans abuse power, and get brought up on charges. Democrats can do lines of coke with a bunch of prostitutes, have spectacular DUI events splashed onto YouTube, send selfies of their privates, and that just seems to give them street cred. It's absurd that someone convicted of drug offenses or who killed someone else while driving drunk can get re-elected repeatedly. You'd never see that with a conservative.
eolesen said:
Democrats can do a bunch of prostitutes, can get re-elected repeatedly. You'd never see that with a conservative.
Meet Diaper Dave Vitter.
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Dog Wonder said:
It was your tool using to two Southern mayors to create a stereotype.
no you did as usual the story is the same if it's the Dem mayor of PIT and BDL
eolesen said:
Can't be? That's taking things to an extreme on your part, but statistically, I'd say conservatives tend to not get as caught up in the trappings and power of the office as Democrats seem to.

Maybe it comes from the notions of self-reliance and more of an adherence to the principles of their faith? Or maybe it's the double standard and level of attention that the press focuses on conservatives vs. progressive liberals?

Either way, the risks of crossing the line tend to be higher than if you're a Democrat. Republicans abuse power, and get brought up on charges. Democrats can do lines of coke with a bunch of prostitutes, have spectacular DUI events splashed onto YouTube, send selfies of their privates, and that just seems to give them street cred. It's absurd that someone convicted of drug offenses or who killed someone else while driving drunk can get re-elected repeatedly. You'd never see that with a conservative.
Sanford, Vitter, McConnell, Ashburn, Ensign, Corning, Allen, Craig, Murphy, Haggard (not an elected official but still worth a mention if only for humor), Foley and these are just of the top of my head.  Principles of faith my eye hole.
Dog Wonder said:
Meet Diaper Dave Vitter.
Very good point dog.  Esolen mentioned a democrat who sent selfie of his private parts.  I'm assuming he's referring to Anthony Wiener who ended up resigning over his scandal.  Vitter on the other hand is in the US Senate.  Wonder why that is.
Ms Tree said:
Sanford, Vitter, McConnell, Ashburn, Ensign, Corning, Allen, Craig, Murphy, Haggard (not an elected official but still worth a mention if only for humor), Foley and these are just of the top of my head.
Having an affair isn't illegal last time I checked.
eolesen said:
Having an affair isn't illegal last time I checked.
In the case Vitter prostitution was involved which is illegal.  Unless you are in certain parts of Nevada.  Which he was not.
777 fixer said:
In the case Vitter prostitution was involved which is illegal.
Sidebar... what's the State's compelling interest in outlawing prostitution provided it's between consenting adults of age?
eolesen said:
Sidebar... what's the State's compelling interest in outlawing prostitution provided it's between consenting adults of age?
Or texting pictures of your junk.  Vitter is that conservative you said would never happen.

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