How do you feel about Putin getting the only vote for US President and Trump firing anyone sounding the alarm?
And the people working in US intelligence agencies.
Poor Pedro, sucking up to everything Trump to keep from being deported to another place that doesn't want him. Boy without a brain becomes boy without a country.Which eventually had to reveal your Russian delusion was a bogus story all along.
Try to keep up boomer and stay off the Maddow channel.
Poor Pedro, sucking up to everything Trump to keep from being deported to another place that doesn't want him. Boy without a brain becomes boy without a country.
The one they own."US officials told Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont that the Russian government is working to help him win the Democratic nomination for president, The Washington Post reported on Friday"....... My! My! My! They are always willing to give a fellow "Comrade" a helping hand!....... Bernie, or Trump, so which is it?
Wal-Mart called your Mom. Said to keep you out of the diaper aisle. You scare the little kids.Cheer up boomer, you only have a few years left anyways. Us who matter are fixing all your fug ups.
In the mean time keep your facial diaper high and tight brah!
Change the channel dog! It’s making you dumb and dumber!
How do you know you’re a washed up tired boomer?Wal-Mart called your Mom. Said to keep you out of the diaper aisle. You scare the little kids.