robbedagain said:
thanks topdawg whats the reason behind getting ship 43 flying again and whats with the plastic on the 102
Ship 43 use to do a good bit of airshow flying and, As far as I know, is still be kept airworthy. Why? just for the ability to do so. Its a nice marketing tool for Delta, IMO and something cool.
WorldTraveler said:
interestingly, nostalgia at DL increased AFTER 9/11 and the merger with NW ... the interest in protecting DL's heritage hasn't been as strong as it is now in decades - long before the L1011 was retired.
Delta just didn't have a place to put a L10. Hangar 2 had to have major work on it to fit 102 inside.
And as much as the 1011 was to Delta, proud backbone for years, it wasn't anything like Ship 102 or Ship 43.
now with the new plan, It would have been great to have 728 sitting where they plan to have the 757 sitting, but its hard to make that call 15 years ago and with an airline that was dying.
Kev3188 said:
I'm sure "keep DL my DL" didn't hurt, nor did the nonstop pushing of tribal identity that came with the NW merger.
As soon as engine runs on an L10 are involved, I'll book my ticket...
It simply had more to do with finding Ship 43 and then what to do with 102.
They floated the idea of selling it but the employees simply s**t a brick. At one point it was talked about doing a sell/lease back on the 762 fleet also, and the employees made it noted 102 isn't to be sold
So once the 762 fleet started to go, something had to be done with 102. Thats when the big projects really started to take off.
Having said that, the museum has always been very self supporting. Delta leases hangar 1/2 to the museum (basically for free. I heard it was 99 years for 1 cent) and the bulk of the help is volunteer. I know a ton of guys that helped work on the ship 43 refurbishment
anyone, my point. after BK Delta started to do a lot of things for "employee welfare" Turning the FLY DELTA JETS sign back on, putting money in the museum, the block parties etc. Things that really don't cost the company much but means things to employees. .
WorldTraveler said:
US' takeover attempt did more to galvanize DL employees behind DL mgmt than anything else could have done.
Parker was DL management's best ally in their restructuring efforts.
Maybe they'll find a few or the early RB211s left in the world and record their sound as part of the museum.
Delta has a RB211-22 sitting over at Atlanta Technical College.