Delta Flight Museum

yes, I know other airlines bought aircraft based on cost savings. and I commend you for doing your part for your companies.

However, the Spirit of Delta was bought with payroll deductions and cash donations directly from DL employees and friends.

The aircraft still represents what has set DL apart for more than 80 years... and the aircraft is and will remain part of the museum.
WorldTraveler said:
The Spirit of Delta is about survival in the midst of adversity - a story that is unchanged in 25 years.
btw, there are opportunities to support the museum and its remodeling and expansion for those who wish to do so.
There were zero employees at Delta who "chose" not to contribute to the spirit.

That said, most people who worked for Delta at the time were fiercely loyal. Loyal enough to "choose" to give pay for an aircraft? Some, but not all.
there were employees who chose not to participate. The majority, however, did.

Many DL employees continue to be fiercely loyal to the company.
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700UW said:
Its all digital, its not real, but I would think it is the Spirit of Delta, that the employees were forced to buy for Delta.
as usual there is much to be said about your comprehension skills.  The Spirit is clearly shown back inside the Museum.  I was
talking about the a/c that is shown OUTSIDE.  (which appears to be a new addition)
when is the actual date for the museum to open?    from the side the plane outside looks to be a 76   thanks for the clarification
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robbedagain said:
when is the actual date for the museum to open?    from the side the plane outside looks to be a 76   thanks for the clarification
I don't think they have published it yet.  Just states "Summer 2014"
Wow! I guess that $120 brick that I purchased in honor of my Dad went a long way...Delta was a great airline as were most back in those days!
Glenn Quagmire said:
Nice concept. I like the idea of a sim. Looks like an old 737 sim?
its a 737-200 sim. 
interesting to see a 757 (guess) parked outside in front of the Museum.
BTW how can you individually block someone ?   thanks
it is. 757 outside and Ship 102 in Hangar 2. Also Ship 43 is in Hangar 1 and my understanding is they are talking about putting the cash into flying Ship 43 around again. 
also, for some reason it isn't shown but the company is also donating a DC9-50. I can't remember the ship numbers for the 757/DC9.  
robbedagain said:
I think that's a 767 outside  
no its a 752. 
700UW said:
Its all digital, its not real, but I would think it is the Spirit of Delta, that the employees were forced to buy for Delta.
two things slick, I honestly don't think you be poking your nose into what happened with 102. Thats a proud piece of history for those of use that did it. 
also outide will be a 757. Ship 102 is sitting in Hangar 2 (covered in plastic) where it will stay. 
WorldTraveler said:
the museum already exists but is accessible only to those with DL badges or by appointment. With a new entrance, the museum will be accessible to many more people. It contains aircraft from DL and its corporate successors' histories.

The largest aircraft inside the museum is the Spirit of Delta.

The only regret is that the museum won't contain the L1011, the aircraft that will probably always serve as the Queen of DL's fleet, having served DL by opening both the Atlantic and the Pacific.

I was on the final flight which is noted here. best day of my life in aviation. unforgettable.
I wish they had a L10. At least they do have a part of an L10. 
700UW said:
You mean how they were forced to buy it for Delta?
Not the story about how they volunteered.
And I guess you dont know about US Air's Boeing 757 "Ideas that Fly" where a cost savings program that the employees came up with the ideas actually bought the 757 and the teams were rewarded with points towards gifts upon their idea approval.
You clearly like to show how little you know about Delta. 
102 means something to every single person who was a part of it. Not everyone in the world hates its company like you do. Even now, I would be happy to give the company....uhhh 2% i think it was... of my pay to buy an airplane. 
102 belongs to the people of Delta Air Lines. Always will. 
Delta has done a GREAT job of putting capital into the airplane, from painting it back to the original colors, to all the evnts and the good-bye tour she did.
Oh and turning down millions by not selling her to ABX like the rest of her 13 sisters.  
interestingly, nostalgia at DL increased AFTER 9/11 and the merger with NW ... the interest in protecting DL's heritage hasn't been as strong as it is now in decades - long before the L1011 was retired.
thanks topdawg    whats the reason behind getting ship 43 flying again   and whats with the plastic on the 102

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