Delta exits LAX-LHR

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I never said that DL would fly ORD, DCA, or IAD.

and AA doesn't fly to a number of destinations that DL does.

AA hasn't even announced LAX-HND so DL serves BOTH Tokyo airports. - the only US carrier that does.

what you can't accept is that DL's LAX-LHR is a simple reallocation of assets within a JV that is using 767s to increase capacity on the JFK transcons instead of to LHR - and so far as we know, the change is just for the winter because DL has not released its summer 2016 schedule adjustments or guidance yet.
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  • #182
WT was screaming joyous tears when Delta announce LAXLHR, talking about how important it was to have Delta metal in the market, as well as how it was a shot at American.
But now that it failed miserably and didn't even last a year, it's "just a relocation of assets." 
JL/AA will make LAXHND very difficult for Delta, and it only makes sense that Delta tries to move that slot to, ironically enough, SEA in due course. 
you simply cannot accept that it is a capacity neutral rearrangement from the int'l to domestic system, can you?

AA has to actually announce they will fly LAXHND for anything to be difficult for DL and then they have to generate revenue almost twice as much as they have done in every route they have flown to Asia directly competitive to Tokyo.

VS doesn't have a domestic system to reallocate its capacity to. DL does.

as much as it hurts you to admit it, DL has a fleet and JV strategy that allows DL to move assets around and increase its profits in the meantime.

Surprisingly, AA is the only US carrier that hasn't figured out how to redeploy int'l assets to their int'l system because UA is doing the same thing.

So, no, AA/JL won't be much of a threat to DL in the LAX market.

If the JL JV was as good for AA's business to Japan as you want to believe, AA would not have shrunk its capacity to Japan as much as it has while STILL "ENJOYING" one of the largest revenue and average fare deficits relative to another legacy carrier on any US int'l route.

the only failure is from those who can't admit that their entire thesis in this thread is wrong. DL is reallocating capacity.

perhaps this week we'll see AA's traffic report and see how much AA has cut its int'l route system esp. in Latin America with no place to redeploy that capacity.

it's no wonder that some people become envious when another carrier can best their favorite carrier in strategic management.
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I can accept what it is going on. The fact remains that Delta's product sucks, and it was having a negative affect on how it performs in the market. You can't accept that you were boasting about how incredibly important it was for Delta to be in the market with its own metal. Now that Delta failed miserably, it's suddenly not important? Make up your mind already. AA and UA can compete in such an important market. DL can't. End of story.
no what you cannot accept is that DL has a system fare premium over AA and every other large jet US carrier and customers are willing to pay more for DL's service than for that of any other carriers.

your comment about DL's service levels seems even harder to defend given that AA is eliminating first class on JFK-LAX, one of the most premium driven US-LHR routes.

The 772ERs also represent a reduction in capacity.

You have clung to the notion that ice cream and cookies in domestic first class determines quality of service while the vast majority of customers actually want first and foremost reliable transportation of themselves by pleasant employees and DL delivers that in spades over its competitors including AA and UA from LAX.

The latest DOT consumer report shows that DL's on-time performance at LAX is 8 and 10 points higher than AA and UA at LAX and 11 points higher than WN.

DL's system baggage handling is almost twice as good as AA's and 50% better than UA's while DL's consumer complaint ratio is one-fourth that of AA and UA.

You have repeatedly ignored factual evidence including DL's own financial performance in the LAX-LHR market in order to make emotionally based charges including right here about service quality despite the fact that there is ample evidence that DL's service quality is far superior to AA and UA's.

If DL's quality was as bad as you claim it is, DL would not have reached average fares comparable to UA and at a share level half of AA and UA's in just the first quarter of operation of LAX-LHR - and that quarter happened to be the fall.

You have tried to argue that JVs aren't a valid means for DL to serve a market despite the fact that you have repeatedly relied on that argument to talk about AA's presence in key global markets including Japan.

No, MAH, the only clear evidence is that DL did in fact succeed in its expanded LHR markets but chose to reallocate capacity on its own metal from the int'l to domestic system, it has a JV with VS and agreements with its pilot group and a fleet strategy that allows it do so, and DL has the ability to make both VS and DL succeed because of DL's ability to reallocate markets given that VS has no domestic markets to which it can reallocate capacity and DL's ownership stake in VS gives DL knowledge of VS' entire network and finances.

Move along.

This thread is merely an attempt by you and others to try to paint DL as a failure and you can only do so by manipulating and ignoring key facts.
yes, attempting to argue quality when it is clear that DL offers a far superior quality of service was over the top - and the efforts went down the drain.

The simple fact is that DL is reallocating capacity from its int'l to domestic systems within the framework of a JV and with pilot and fleet plans that allow it to do so to maximize DL and VS' profits.

attempts at arguing anything else as the reason is simply all wet
OK, reallocating assets.

There can be no more failures in certain markets, they are now, reallocated assets.
.(delter speak)
that's exactly right.

just be sure and provide proof of failure if you want to make that charge and certainly don't drag stuff like product quality into the discussion if it is going to backfire on you as it has it by those who made that charge here.
Moderators, please lock this topic also.  WT is determined to have the last post by just repeating the same crap over and over if necessary.  He has the last post here.  Make his wish come true.
Lock it because the facts don't support the allegations that have been made? nope.

The evidence once again is that DL reallocated capacity from its int'l to domestic system and replaced the capacity that DL flew with JV capacity.

As to the charge of quality, DL's on-time, completion rate, mishandled baggage rate, and consumer complaint ratio is far better than AA and UA - which explains why DL gets a systemwide fare premium not only to the industry but also to AA and UA.

those are the facts that some have struggled to admit are the truth for 16 pages of this thread.
the only cancer that struck this thread was that of people refusing to acknowledge a rational and proven business strategy of reallocation and fleet replacement.

I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why if AA's service is so great, they are eliminating first class on two of their 3 JFK-LHR routes.
sure...we were told how great AA's service is so why didn't you ask about what DL's supposedly poor quality has to do with the subject too?
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