In my view, all this Creditors' Committee 'conflict-of-interest' talk is little more than a ruse by the Creditors' Committee to drag its feet until the exclusivity period has tolled for DL. There may actully be a potential conflict among different creditors; but this is typical in large Chapter 11's and does not warrant much attention... unless of course, the committee is, as I believe, attempting to prolong this process for its own gain. Needless to say, the end of the exclusivity period is quickly approaching and, as I have stated earlier, I think DL will lose in any attempts to extend the filing exclusivity period, as it has already filed its POR.
Once the exclusivity period has tolled, the Creditors' Committee may file its own competing plan that may or may not account for a post-bankruptcy merger between DL and US. This would give the Creditors' Committee much more leverage during negotiations. As it stands, they may like several portions of DL's POR, but dislike significant portions as well. Likewise, they may like parts of US's offer, but would want to seriously alter some of the terms before any agreement could be reached. After the exclusivity period tolls, the Committee may file its own POR taking parts of the DL plan and parts of the US offer... until the exclusivity period has tolled the Committee would be hard-pressed to get DL to even seriously consider parts of the US proposal. This way, the Committee can draft a plan that best fits its needs and may potentially be the best for all the stakeholders of US and DL... including the employees, investors, and customers. (not including current stock holders of DL).