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Delta Air Lines to Leave Trade Association in April 2016

WorldTraveler said:
Looks like someone is fabricating things again.

this is not an opinion question.

It is factually based.

DL and its regional carriers board more passengers at JFK AND LGA than any other carrier.

and DL has grown its presence at LGA and JFK.

on a consolidated basis over the past several years, DL's closest NYC competitor is smAAler than they were while DL has grown.

and yet AA jumped on TW which also had a JFK hub.


DL acquired PA and grew in NYC. AA acquired TW and shrunk in NYC.
DL at JFK carries the most passengers (adding up domestic and international).
B6 at JFK carries the most domestic passengers.
No need for qualifiers such as " at JFK and across the Atlantic" or "at JFK and LGA than any other carrier".
If you want to play that game, let's not forget UA at Newark, cause I believe then DL is blown out of the water.
huh.... JFK is a GLOBAL airport.

and B6 IS an int'l airline.

DL just happens to be larger.

The statement that DL is the largest airline at JFK is absolutely correct.

EWR is NOT in NY. It may serve NYC and it may be owned by the Port Authority but it is not New York State or New York City.

Further, DL carries more local traffic at LGA and JFK than UA.

all UA does is connect a lot of other passengers that DL connects elsewhere or carries on direct flights without passing thru NYC since DL has its own longhaul int'l flights from more cities in the NE (and the US).

Someone got schooled.

WorldTraveler said:
The statement that DL is the largest airline at JFK is absolutely correct.

EWR is NOT in NY. It may serve NYC and it may be owned by the Port Authority but it is not New York State or New York City.

Further, DL carries more local traffic at LGA and JFK than UA.

all UA does is connect a lot of other passengers that DL connects elsewhere or carries on direct flights without passing thru NYC since DL has its own longhaul int'l flights from more cities in the NE (and the US).
Yes, DL is the largest airline at JFK, but carries less domestic passengers than B6.  This is absolutely correct.
The reason I mention EWR & UA is that you conveniently leave it out when discussing NYC.
Could it be because of a certain narrative?  Again!
And psst ..... if you're not going to acknowledge but instead belittle the connecting passengers UA carriers at EWR, then perhaps the same should be done for DL at JFK and LGA.
If it wasn't for double standards then WT would have no standards.
so what?

WN carries more domestic passengers than anyone else in the US but generates LESS revenue.

The stockholders don't GAS how the passengers are counted but do care a whole lot about the revenue.

DL carries more revenue to/from NYC than any other airline.

You are the one that wants to try and create a line in the sand between domestic and int'l so that you can try to prove yourself right.

Guess what? I'm not arguing with you.

B6 is a larger domestic airline at JFK... but they are smaller overall and they also carry less revenue.

DL apparently is capable of using its assets to serve a broader portfolio of markets and carry more revenue in the process.

how anyone could argue with that is beyond me... but you are pretty inexplicable.
I could only wish that you were one of them.

meanwhile, by your OWN admission, I am the champ and you are the loser.

Another round, champ?
Kev3188 said:
In my experience, is no more love/hate for DL than there is for any other carrier. What there is a lot of is blowback against the people that act like goddamn Amway salesmen when talking about DL.
Bingo, at least as far as these forums go.

I will say that DL is suffering a bit with regard to how it's being treated in the media, and that's because DL senior leadership is acting more and more like North Korea's senior leadership....

Case and point... CorpComm actually took the time to post a statement essentially flogging the editorial staff of Air Transport World. I've read ATW since the 80's, and they have some of the most informed reporting available in the industry, and when DL cries foul because they run a story that isn't glowing about Dear Leader, that's taking things just a little too far.

Fortunately, that doesn't seem to extend too far below the VP and MD level just yet, and certainly not to the front lines.
N. Korea, E?

N. Koreans are broke and do without.

DL and its employees and its stockholders are at the top of the heap.

Only you would throw around a comment like that and prove how wrong you are.

But hey, Frugal says I am the champ. Which makes everyone else a loser.

psst. the comment to ATW was absolutely relevant.... any person - like a number here - that doesn't understand that int'l routes are full of connections and tries to reduce the conversation to direct segment competition doesn't deserve to be given credit.

Your loyalty to ATW doesn't change that that they royally screwed up in speaking about a subject that is highly relevant....it comes as no surprise that you, who have done the same thing here on multiple occasions would run to their defense.
When it comes to DL, WT is like Voltron:
WorldTraveler said:
whatever works... just remember I am the champ and you are the loser
This is example of you having an intelligent business discussion??? How old are you preacher?
WorldTraveler said:
whatever works... just remember I am the champ and you are the loser

Seems like you miss this place, hopefully with your latest hubris and unhinging you will be back there for a while.

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