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Delta To Buy 40 739ER And 20 E190

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How many airlines have operated the exact same schedule every day?

Are there any airlines that have all their flights depart and arrive on the scheduled time each and every day with no delays or cancellations?


Silly me; I'd been under the impression that a schedule tailored to demand was a hallmark of a profit-based business model.

To the subject at hand, much like the B717 rollout, I'll be curious to see where the 190's go, and what markets they possibly (re) open.

Zero interest in seeing a 737-900 any time soon... I'd like to keep what's left of my shoulders, thanks...
WorldTraveler said:
NK's schedule is available in dozens of place including their own website.

You can't find a single day that they operate the same schedule.

the rest of your questions are nothing but distractions from admitting that the IAM has done more to destroy airline worker pay and advancement except for any other union except for perhaps the TWU - and the two of them run pretty neck in neck.
You made the claim .....
"...a company that can't even fly the same schedule for two weeks in a row..."
YOU made the claim - YOU back it up
I've made my point and it is no surprise that leaders of the union movement which is built around lies and illusion won't accept it.

DL people get it. and they are acting in what is in their own interests and let the union movement suffer the consequences of its own arrogance.

and Kev given that the E190 has at least another hour of flight time on top of the 717 which has done 3 hour flights - AC's 190s are supposedly the highest weight versions available - the E190s are most likely to be most heavily deployed on long-thim flighs from the west coast to Midwest and NYC to the southwest and beyond.

Texas from the NE and NW corners of the country and LAX deep into the Midwest (read Great Lakes markets)are likely routes.
WorldTraveler said:
I've made my point and it is no surprise that leaders of the union movement which is built around lies and illusion won't accept it.

DL people get it. and they are acting in what is in their own interests and let the union movement suffer the consequences of its own arrogance.

and Kev given that the E190 has at least another hour of flight time on top of the 717 which has done 3 hour flights - AC's 190s are supposedly the highest weight versions available - the E190s are most likely to be most heavily deployed on long-thim flighs from the west coast to Midwest and NYC to the southwest and beyond.

Texas from the NE and NW corners of the country and LAX deep into the Midwest (read Great Lakes markets)are likely routes.
Well you still haven't provided any substantive proof for this claim ....
"...a company that can't even fly the same schedule for two weeks in a row..."
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link to back up this claim yet all you can do is blather on in your oh-so-typical  anti-union rhetoric
YOU made the claim - YOU back it up
ThirdSeatHero said:
You made the claim .....
YOU made the claim - YOU back it up
"I am credible because I have accurately spoken to one issue after another in the industry. No one on here or any other aviation chat site has even come close." - World Traveler - The Whole Lie, in 10000 words or more. One who has over 50% of his posts given a negative mark. A proud accomplishment indeed.
it's amazing that in one post Q can accurately note that few carriers don't offer consistent schedules - which is precisely what I said all along - but he can't admit that NK doesn't offer employment in more than one city to a significant number of ground employees except its largest hub.

but this thread is about DL and its 739ER and E190 order which is contingent on the pilot contract and will create more jobs for DL employees.

No other airline is creating as many new mainline flights from regional carrier operations as DL is doing

Not one

and DL has said internally that it expects to source additional E190s in the marketplace pending ratification of the TA but they don't say whether that will mean the 1st or 2nd hand marketplace - but opens the possibility that the E190 will become DL's latest orphan aircraft project.

DL also says the E190 will predominantly be used on 2 hour or less flights.
WorldTraveler said:
it's amazing that in one post Q can accurately note that few carriers don't offer consistent schedules - which is precisely what I said all along - but he can't admit that NK doesn't offer employment in more than one city to a significant number of ground employees except its largest hub.
You Sir are a LIAR and a pathetic one at that.
This is your original post from the NK thread that started it all - you clearly were NOT talking about carrier schedule consistencies across airlines - you were posting one of your sadly typical attempts at slighting the new union contract at NK.
job security at a company that can't even fly the same schedule for two weeks in a row?

You've been repeatedly asked to provide a link to substantiate your claim - which you have not - and now you've resorted to trying to change your story about what you said.
Same sad dodge you try every time you get tripped up in your own ignorant BS.
but the consummate unions saleskid 700 himself said that NK only managed to have 260 or so rampers in one city so despite the evidence that NK has a dozen cities with more than 10 mainline fliglhts/day even if to different destinations, NK outsources the vast majority of its ramp.

I have lied about absolutely nothing.

You and your union ilk can't admit that the only reason why unions have grown in the airline industry is because other airline employees look at their peers at DL and realize that their DL peers are getting more money and increases than their peers elsewhere. largely non-union DL is pulling up the bar for the industry.

Further, DL is bringing work from regional carriers back to mainline while other carriers such as AA are outsourcing more flying to regional carriers than they are growing their mainline operation.

and unlike WN's employees that are stuck in talks for new contracts, years after the amendable date, DL employees are taking their increased earnings to the bank.

So, no, the only liars are you and other union ilk that are having to live with the consequences of a union system that you are convinced works and yet have to watch DL employees - union and non-union alike - doing better.

It's the company, stupid.

some people made the wrong turn in their careers 20 years ago and are too far vested to admit it or correct their mistake.
To get this thread back to it's original topic would require gutting most of it. Therefore, it's being locked.
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