duh...whos right?US Airways and America West are still discussing a merger, but the two sides do not feel pressure to wrap things up before Tuesday's America West shareholders meeting in Tempe, Ariz., according to a briefing given to creditors yesterday.
The plan could be wrapped up in time for an America West board meeting on May 17, followed by a US Airways bankruptcy court hearing in Virginia two days later.
Kevin P. Mitchell, chairman of the Radnor, Pa.-based Business Travel Coalition advocacy group, said he expects the airlines to make an announcement in the next few days. Ray Neidl, an analyst with Calyon Securities in New York, said he anticipated an announcement by next week.
Spokesmen for the airlines would not comment this week about when an announcement would be made.
Balderdash and baloney. Humbug, hooey, hot air, and hogwash. Poppycock. Pulling the wool. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
However colloquial or archaic, these terms have become casually synonymous with rhetorical bullshit, but are they truly the same? Is there a distinguishing state of mind required to formulate bullshit?