Deadline To Reject Pit Lease Will Not Be Extended

cavalier said:
AOG-N-IT said:
T-bone said:
Aw come on Aog those hangers are merely rustic. Give us a break, we have done so much for so long with so little we are now capable of doing anything with nothing. Tee-hee.

Actually the company has no problem doing heavy in a base with out a hub or many flights------------Just check in Alabama!!!!!

Feels like we're being-----
Mearly Rustic ???...and we are a US major now too , Right??? (LOL)

Don't get me wrong here....the folks in PIT which I was one of for a number of months , do perform some amazing work in the most sub-standard of work enviroments imaginable.

I liken my time in PIT hangars 1 and 2 as just on par with my time at a now defunct US Express operation...the enviroment sucked at its best...yet we cranked out quality work witrh little to nothing in terms of real support.

Hangar 5 in PIT may be the best in terms of exterior appearances...and the outside signage may give the casual observer a false sense of it being modern and efficient...but those whom have worked there know better.

The only thing good you can say about the PIT maintenance facilities is the professionals that endure in them...I'm sure Howard Hughes would turn in his grave if he saw what Hangars 1 and 2 were allowed to lapse into.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I noticed you and you alone have been the only one bitching about the conditions in the hangers in Pit. The other guys from CLT who work here aren't bitching like you do. Granted CLT hangers are newer, but to hear you, one would think they should be closed for biohazard or something. Sorry folks, it’s not as this guy is drawing it, least I would quit for health reasons alone!
Whatever you say Cav. :rolleyes: The PIT hangars are beyond pathetic. I'm sure if you looked around a bit the bio hazards are plenty. Ever notice all that peeling paint above your head? That's gonna be lead based due to it's age alone.

How about the mold and mildew in those leaking shacks? Those buildings AOG described are prime candidates for "Sick Building Disease" if anything ever was?

Maybe you haven't heard anyone from CLT #### about your lavish digs? Yet then again maybe you ain't been listening so well either? I've heard not only CLT people #### but others from every city that's been closed and had to move there to keep a job.

I think a trip to Hangar 1's break area is in order for you. The writing on the door states this "Welcome to the Turkish Prison" That sums it all up nicely. :p
i know this might sound crazy but how about the chance of US and PHL working together to build another hangar or two. I know space is a major problem, but if they found enough space to put the current hangar they can probably find more.

I find it hard to seperate what's more questionaable here...your objectivity or your standards regarding housekeeping.

I can appreciate you or anyone defending your/their turf....and as I stated the people in those buildings are what validates the whole sha-bang. You folks are top notch in all respects of the term

Should I ever have to return to PIT? Don't be insulted if I don't ask your advice on finding a nice place to live. The reasons should be painfully obvious to you.
AOG-N-IT said:

I find it hard to seperate what's more questionaable here...your objectivity or your standards regarding housekeeping.

I can appreciate you or anyone defending your/their turf....and as I stated the people in those buildings are what validates the whole sha-bang. You folks are top notch in all respects of the term

Should I ever have to return to PIT? Don't be insulted if I don't ask your advice on finding a nice place to live. The reasons should be painfully obvious to you.
You remind me of those southern boys who in 92 all came up here trying to hold their jobs and all the while saying how old this place is, how dirty this place is, how mean the people are. There was writing all over the sh--ter walls from all the southern boys complaining incessantly of woe is me for being forced to be in Pit.
Yes, 1&2 are absolutely old and dirty, but they are no health hazards least the government would shut them down. 5 is not as bad as you're saying and I don't know what you're talking about there? Some of the good old boys like to twang along about anything non south. I will say this though. I have never met one southern boy I didn't take a liken too and one who didn't pull his weight. But take them out of the south and they get cranky big time. Civil war...oops..I mean war between the states. LOL
Well Cav it's a matter of perception I guess. I too never met a person in PIT that I couldn't get along with...and my time in moon will always be special to me. I do in fact go way out of my way in supporting a team that I feel a kinship with.

Yet your perception of things regarding conditions and cleanliness is beyond scarey. The restrooms in all those places are beyond simple's dismantle and start over time in that respect. The poor under-staffed utility folks doing facility work are just spinning their wheels beyond emptying the trash cans.

I find your comments about North vs. South to be nothing more than arguementative....but when your arguements weak its always a good idea to change the subject , Right ??? :p

Rest assured....if there is writing on a restroom wall ? would never ever be my handy work. Thankfully my parents taught me greater respect for the properties of others. To be honest...when I see a footprint on a wall in CLT or some graph-filthy on a wall in our facility, I can't help but question the intelligence and maturity of the person doing such. I can express myself in better ways.
firstamendment said:
So Pitbull

Do you think PIT is history?
seems like the boys from pa are getting weary of these games dave and his band of gypsies have been floundering upon everyone here.i think they just did a touche and leveled the playing field.they wished for october and got january........
the old"be careful what you wish for"diorama".
First Amendment,

NO. I just think PA Delegation finally learned how to deal with this kind of mangement we have. With these kinds of folks, who have their kind kind of mentality using threatening strategies, you have to plan for the worst and position yourself to make choices in that arena. You do much better negotiating.
I hate to be leaving Pit after all these years but I am glad somebody finally had the b**** to tell Dave & Co where to go!!!!!!!Maybe this will start something new.....JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!! :up:
When will the decision have to be made so US can release all the updated schedules at least a good amount of time before it actually happens...if US does leave.

I remember before this proposal was made my US that the decision would have to be made by OCT/NOV so the updated schedules could be released.
Trust that U will NOT leave PIT. A deal will be worked out for all parties; Labor included.
I agree with Pitbull, US isn't going anywhere. They had NO intentions of ever going anywhere. They just thought they would be the bully on the playground and try to get as much milk money as they could. The weakling (PIT) finally got brave and said...."Bring it on" and socked them square in the frigin face.

Now, all you have is the bully(US Airways) crawling back with their heads hung low and their tail between their legs.

Davey now has a bruised ego.

How did that feel Dave? Somebody FINALLY called your bluff.
Anyone think this could be a trend?
PA has committed that they will reduce the costs for U to continue to do business, and I believe that all parties will benefit in the future negotiations. I know this for a fact.
PITbull said:
PA has committed that they will reduce the costs for U to continue to do business, and I believe that all parties will benefit in the future negotiations. I know this for a fact.
PB....will those savings give U what it claims to need? , instead of clubbing us like baby seals for a change.

No one will get all they initially ask for. That is the nature of the beast. Compromise will have to be reached. PA is now on an even playing field for reasons I can not discuss on these boards. They are prepared for whatever U chooses to do. It is no longer a "one-way street". In that respect, both, IMO, need each other. Labor will be in that mix. Trust me.

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