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Dave''s resume

Bronner,the bad guy? Public relations challenged, maybe. The villain in this story is the one and only Dave Siegel. He is the one who hired a known "Union Buster" (please reference www.fordharrison.com--click associates or human resources for an eye-opener). He is the one who practically swore on his family's graves that he would never come back to the employees for more. He is the one who sets the deadlines to reach agreements disallowing the labor groups time to prepare. He is the one who accompanied the pilots to the senate hearing only to torpedo their efforts at maintaining their pensions. He is the one who allows Inflight to create 4 new Director positions and 3 new manager positions after chopping 50% of the flight attendants.

Want a real story? Watch what happens in bankruptcy court this week. Dave Siegel has stated in numerous publications that the only pension in danger is the pilots. Watch him sit back and smirk while allowing the court system and ALPA to throw out all the remaining pensions.

Tell it to the widows who are going to lose their husbands' pensions this week what a great guy he is! Tell it to the average paid workers who have taken such financial hits that they can barely meet their needs today, let alone save for tomorrow and now are in danger of losing their pensions what a great guy he is!

Please, tell me I am wrong.
On 2/16/2003 8:12:37 AM grndproxwarning wrote:

On 2/14/2003 5:55:20 PM N628AU wrote:

Doesn't pass my test either atc. He said all groups would take concessions, those making the most would take the biggest hit. I would say $150,000 annually plus a $750,000 bonus is significant, close to a million dollars this year alone. And for any of you who complain about what he makes, go get your MBA at Harvard, and cut your teeth in corporate America. Then you too can dictate action. This comes from someone on furlough, BTW.
You are 110% right..If dave shoots U out
the other side the end of March,He will be able to run for President and win hands down..We will be the leanest and meanest
Airline in the USA..Job security for many years to come..And if UA can make it.Just think about it.Watch out DL,AA,CO,and the rest of you.. [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']

I guess your coming on the back end of this thing...

If you think for one second that U and UA are the only ones that are using their "trump cards" then Van Winkle, you need to wake up now.

AA, DL, CO, NW, are hiring bankruptcy attorneys. Only way for them to compete, is to burn their cash and go right into bankruptcy. We will all be competing aganist one another as "low cost carriers".

Think outside the box....
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/6.gif']