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Dave''s resume

On 2/14/2003 5:46:19 PM atc wrote:

I don't deny that David Siegel will ultimately be rewarded greatly (either here, or at his next gig) if US Airways survives. However, he currently is not paid lavishly by CEO standards.

Your claim that he, and management, only accepted concessions as a result of labor pressure doesn't pass my squint test.


I am trying not to get insulting here, but it IRKS me to see on these boards folks feeling sorry for poor Senior Execs, and their pay concessions taking them from VERY RICH TO STILL VERY RICH! Let me give you a slight epiphany...Siegel is paid #5 among the CEOs for all airlines, AND THAT WAS WITH A PAYCUT. Don't talk about Harvard Grads, that statement and $2 will get you a cup of coffee around here.

And I'm not trying to get you to squint or blink. Folks that make those statments never do.
Where your CEO lives, he probably, between the federal marginal tax rates, along with state and local income taxes, pays at least 50% on the portion of his salary in excess of $600,000. Accordingly, a $150,000 pay cut is really more like a $75,000 one. That's hardly trivial, but it is a bunch less than it looks. Effectively, the taxpayers eat half of it. Political rhetoric aside, people who make a lot of money actually pay a lot of tax on those last dollars earned. P.S. This comment is not designed to stimulate a debate on tax fairness, just to bring things into perspective as to the degree of sacrifice.
lets say you are looking for someone to hopefully bail your airline out and keep it from extinction.all bets are off,its do or die.....lots will fall by the wayside.
drastic action required.what will you offer for pay and performance incentives? do you offer minimum wage,i think not!whats a fair offer to lure someone? don't you expect some rather lavish perks for results?
Sorry, I'm not that "global". Not when labor can't revisit their wages until the amendable dates, regardless of profitability.

I have the factual information that the "rank and file" are financially eroding. Very difficult for me to conceptulize any other perspective than not being able to survive and still having a job.
I love this class warfare trap everyone so loves to fall into. Once again, if you don't like what someone else it getting, and think it's too much, then like I said, go get qualified, and take a similar position. Life sucks, and life is not fair. Look out for yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.
On 2/15/2003 4:09:26 PM N628AU wrote:

I love this class warfare trap everyone so loves to fall into. Once again, if you don't like what someone else it getting, and think it's too much, then like I said, go get qualified, and take a similar position. Life sucks, and life is not fair. Look out for yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.

Thank you Marie Antoinette. If this country continues to lose middle-class wage earners and becomes a society of "haves" and "have-nots", history will repeat...
Are you the same person who, when you lost your job, appeared so despondent in your postings that most of the members on the board that night were frantic? If so, I guess time has a way of healing all wounds.
We still have a three class system folks

(1) The disgustingly Rich

(2) The "Working Poor"...and hoping to remain working

(3) The Un-Employed ...and hoping to return to being the working poor soon.

I understand what N626AU is trying to say....Achievers should reap the benefits of thier accomplishments....but I also think the pie is very un-fairly divided by vertue of what labor does to make thier accomplishments truly shine.

This reminds me very much of the Army Quartermaster Corp (Supply/Logistics) Motto..."Try fighting without us!!" In too many cases , management is trying to do exactly that....in time they will come to terms with having gone too far with this way of thinking. PIT Heavy Maintenance is already seeing the "wrath of the whirlwind" in regards to having carried this too far. B737-300/400 C1-6 and Q1-6 Checks need bodies to do the work....and we are seeing these planes coming back from MHV needing exactly that. Rumor has it , some Mechanics will be lucky enough to return , if they so desire? My money says 90%+ will leap at the chance when offered . I have heard that 60+ is the figure...not much , but a start!
On 2/15/2003 6:34:26 PM mlt wrote:

Are you the same person who, when you lost your job, appeared so despondent in your postings that most of the members on the board that night were frantic? If so, I guess time has a way of healing all wounds.

I have never been despondent about getting furloughed. I could have bumped to PIT or PHL, so it was basically my choice to take the furlough. You must have me confused with someone else. While time does in fact heal all wounds, in this case it is simply rewriting history.
On 2/15/2003 6:26:13 PM X-U wrote:

On 2/15/2003 4:09:26 PM N628AU wrote:

I love this class warfare trap everyone so loves to fall into. Once again, if you don't like what someone else it getting, and think it's too much, then like I said, go get qualified, and take a similar position. Life sucks, and life is not fair. Look out for yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.

Thank you Marie Antoinette. If this country continues to lose middle-class wage earners and becomes a society of "haves" and "have-nots", history will repeat...

Define middle class.
On 2/14/2003 5:55:20 PM N628AU wrote:

Doesn't pass my test either atc. He said all groups would take concessions, those making the most would take the biggest hit. I would say $150,000 annually plus a $750,000 bonus is significant, close to a million dollars this year alone. And for any of you who complain about what he makes, go get your MBA at Harvard, and cut your teeth in corporate America. Then you too can dictate action. This comes from someone on furlough, BTW.
You are 110% right..If dave shoots U out
the other side the end of March,He will be able to run for President and win hands down..We will be the leanest and meanest
Airline in the USA..Job security for many years to come..And if UA can make it.Just think about it.Watch out DL,AA,CO,and the rest of you..
If Mr. Siegal can pull this train wreck out of the steaming hole we're in. Then I think he should get the $$$. He's laying it all out to do it, not us. That's his job.

Let the man work. If he's successful, we'll be flying Bus' to Narita instead of PHL from CLT. We'll all be successful.

Used to be U F/O.
On 2/15/2003 6:26:13 PM X-U wrote:

If this country continues to lose middle-class wage earners and becomes a society of "haves" and "have-nots", history will repeat...

Bingo, X-U. The issue isn't justice of fairness, it's making our society work for our children and grand children! Thankfully, there is still a good bit of class mobility (not enough, in my view) but do you really want your kids to have such a crap shoot about success in life, even though they are reasonably hard working and capable.
I'm surprised this thread is still going.
I originally wanted to determine how involved Dave was in previous airline bankrupcy filings because I was writing a paper on U's chapter 11 for my business finance class and wanted to portray Dave as someone that was hired for that reason but since it seems as if he came on the tail end of CO's bankrupcy I made Bronner the bad guy. Doesn't he remind you of George Steinbrenner.
On 2/16/2003 9:02:14 AM nyboilermaker wrote:

If Mr. Siegal can pull this train wreck out of the steaming hole we're in. Then I think he should get the $$$. He's laying it all out to do it, not us. That's his job.

Let the man work. If he's successful, we'll be flying Bus' to Narita instead of PHL from CLT. We'll all be successful.

Used to be U F/O.

you got it nybm!its time to quit blaming him and let it fly.all these changes in all the labor groups,and they hurt terribly...are neccessary to even have a shot at survivng.
ny boilermaker...always thought that a pittsburgh thing...have a nice snowy weekend.