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Dave's Message

repeet said:
Does anybody remember when " the next thirty to ninety days" wasn't critical?
Do you remember the little boy who cried "WOLF"? Eventually the "WOLF" really came. I think the "WOLF" has been gnawing at us since we bailed out of California. The "WOLF" chewed us out of Baltimore. The "WOLF" is coming in for the kill in Philadelphia. You can remain in denial until he gets your throat or you can fight back!
Unlike most on here with no facts in hand, I suggest Iam and others will "open the concession stand" again. Iam knows if it doesnt, they wont have a group to represent. Regardless, if we spent more time trying and less time pointing out "non Facts" those that feed the negativity on here, we might be getting some where.
700UW said:
USA320Pilot said:
The next 30 to 90 days is critical because without new labor accords the S&P credit rating could drop to C+. If that occurs, then GECAS will pull the MDA RJ financing and we could then likely fall into default of the ATSB loan -- without the MDA RJ revenue.

If that occurs there will be additional asset sales, which is why Siegel reiterated that the airline is considering selling assets, but he said: "While everything is on the table, it is not inevitable that the company will have to spin or sell assets off." Further, Siegel said, he doesn't see another bankruptcy filing from US Airways "in any kind of relevant time horizon."

Without labor accords the company will not enter bankruptcy, it will just sell chunks of the company to protect Bronner's investment and prevent a default on the loan guarantee, which could provide an involuntary bankruptcy filing where Bronner would lose about $650 million.

As I have said countless times before, if US Airways can stabilize its finances and Untied will emerge there will be a corporate combination.


Get your resumes in order, because the IAM Mechanic and Related will not open thier contract.

Plus thru two rounds of concessions Dave told us this is all he needs, so what he did not get in negotiations he and his management team tried to steal.

The man can't be trusted.
so your telling me that its because of the mechanics that we are gonna lose our jobs? i sure hope not. <_<
No it is because we have inept management.

The M&R group gave $300 million a year in cost savings, plus a couple thousand jobs.

Then the company had the audacity to steal the airbus work and so far three federal court decisions have told US Airways it is IAM covered work, so what does the company due? They park planes and still spend millions to fight its own employees.

This management cannot be trusted, the IAM leadership has told the company we will listen to your business plan but we will not open our contracts.

You can trust a thief but the IAM won't.
700UW said:
No it is because we have inept management.

The M&R group gave $300 million a year in cost savings, plus a couple thousand jobs.

Then the company had the audacity to steal the airbus work and so far three federal court decisions have told US Airways it is IAM covered work, so what does the company due? They park planes and still spend millions to fight its own employees.

This management cannot be trusted, the IAM leadership has told the company we will listen to your business plan but we will not open our contracts.

You can trust a thief but the IAM won't.
well you guys fight for what you think is right . but don't take the whole company down with you. its not about trusting management. its about having a job. there ain't that many out there. it all goes back to pride buddy. pride don't pay the bills.
You can blindly trust this management but in almost 2 years they have destroyed any and all morale and I for one will not line their bank accounts with my wages.

Time for a change, the employees at UAL and AA did, it is time we do it. The enemy is not each other, the enemy is Dave and his inability to run an airline.
700UW said:
No it is because we have inept management.

The M&R group gave $300 million a year in cost savings, plus a couple thousand jobs.

Then the company had the audacity to steal the airbus work and so far three federal court decisions have told US Airways it is IAM covered work, so what does the company due? They park planes and still spend millions to fight its own employees.

This management cannot be trusted, the IAM leadership has told the company we will listen to your business plan but we will not open our contracts.

You can trust a thief but the IAM won't.
So 700UW what do you plan on doing for the next 20 years I sure hope it's not making the dollars your making now because if you havn't realized there not out there, but you can go back to school become a nurse because they make your kind of money but I don't think you will like it bed pans are nasty. Oh and remember unemployment is only for 6 months now. Do you have any kids a mortage any thing that means anything to you because you may not be able to hang on to it. Just so we understand each other I voted NO the first time and would again but it will go through because there are to many that don't have the time to start over and I realize that and if I were in that group I would do the same. Either live with it or hand in your ID and move on. I for one will ride it out and let them kick me out the door and while I am here will do my JOB and not cry and complain on how it should be.
Sorry Doc, I am not going anywhere, I will ride this baby into the ground.

I for one will not let Dave destroy this company, I am a fighter, and he has broken any and all trust and has lied to us, is there something you can't understand about that?

You can't trust a liar, he has lied and stolen. I have been hearing this gloom and doom for over 15 years. And yes my house is in order.

But you would be a fool to give anything back to a management team that has proven they have no idea on how to run an airline.

No airline has ever been saved by employee concession, NONE!

They have to generate revenue, not take it from its employees who are the lowest paid out of all the major legacy carriers except CO, even WN's employees make more then US. IT is not labor, it is management.

You can blindy trust a man who has lied and stolen, but I won't.

Dave's record or lack of one speaks all for itself. And if major figures in history would have had your attitude we would all be in much worse shape, did Ghandi give up his fight? Did MLK jr? You can't just roll over and play dead, you have to hold Dave accountable for his actions, breaking the IAM contract, breaking the AFA contract, 265 outstanding grievances for ALPA, yep sure you can trust him, oh by the way, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn if you want to buy it, deed and all.
700UW said:
You can blindly trust this management but in almost 2 years they have destroyed any and all morale and I for one will not line their bank accounts with my wages.

Time for a change, the employees at UAL and AA did, it is time we do it. The enemy is not each other, the enemy is Dave and his inability to run an airline.
Besides that mantra read daily on these boards, what are the real world solutions for this proposal that Dave be removed. Can you see a way around Dave B, the man in charge and his directive, that Dave S stays?

It’s ok to come on here and spout your desires and feelings but they are like spitting in the wind accomplishing nothing tangible.

So how do we remove Dave? Obviously screaming the concession is closed and Dave must be removed daily on these boards is not working. Dave is still here, the concession stand is still standing and the line is forming over at the ALPA concession stand at the moment and we are not far enough away to avoid the tremors. So besides these boards, exactly what do we do? Will the IAM leadership vote for what they perceive is in our best interest regardless of what these boards have been screaming for months? I understand they can do just that, or maybe that’s fallacy?

Screaming the next guy down on these boards is fun to watch for some people but it’s accomplishing zilch and we are still where we were when we started except we have less money in our pockets and higher insurance premiums.
Well the employees at UAL and AA forced out their CEOs by not signing on to concessions till they were removed.

Hint Hint, maybe we need to do the same?
I didn't say not to hold Dave accountable. But what would you gain by folding. We are not the only company bleeding and thought the mistakes this management has made we are the one that will suffer the most. Just be careful what you wish for. This little private club at the top of these companies hold the best hand right now. If the stock price was to go up how much money do you think Dave and Dave would make not to mention the retirement system pension… The investment risk Bronner took was massive. I would venture that they would rather make money than lose it but that doesn’t mean that they know what they are doing this company started messing up a long time ago and it may not stop because they started bring people in from the outside. Remember when you had actually know what you were doing before you got promoted
his fund is worth $25 billion or more, he invested $240 million a drop in the bucket, and he made almost $100 million in profit from being the DIP financier. The $240 mill was for stock and everyone knows the stock market is just like Vegas, it is a gamble and a risk.

But I will be damned if I will let him make a profit off of my back.
USA320Pilot said:
The next 30 to 90 days is critical because without new labor accords the S&P credit rating could drop to C+. If that occurs, then GECAS will pull the MDA RJ financing and we could then likely fall into default of the ATSB loan -- without the MDA RJ revenue.

If that occurs there will be additional asset sales, which is why Siegel reiterated that the airline is considering selling assets, but he said: "While everything is on the table, it is not inevitable that the company will have to spin or sell assets off." Further, Siegel said, he doesn't see another bankruptcy filing from US Airways "in any kind of relevant time horizon."

Without labor accords the company will not enter bankruptcy, it will just sell chunks of the company to protect Bronner's investment and prevent a default on the loan guarantee, which could provide an involuntary bankruptcy filing where Bronner would lose about $650 million.

As I have said countless times before, if US Airways can stabilize its finances and Untied will emerge there will be a corporate combination.


Again, you have twisted the truth. It has never been said that GECAS "will" pull any EMB170 financing with the credit rating lowered again, but that they "may". Also, with carriers such as Swiss deferring deliveries, it is not like GECAS has a lot of options to lease these aircraft to someone else.
USA320Pilot said:
The next 30 to 90 days is critical because without new labor accords the S&P credit rating could drop to C+. If that occurs, then GECAS will pull the MDA RJ financing and we could then likely fall into default of the ATSB loan -- without the MDA RJ revenue.

If that occurs there will be additional asset sales, which is why Siegel reiterated that the airline is considering selling assets, but he said: "While everything is on the table, it is not inevitable that the company will have to spin or sell assets off." Further, Siegel said, he doesn't see another bankruptcy filing from US Airways "in any kind of relevant time horizon."

Without labor accords the company will not enter bankruptcy, it will just sell chunks of the company to protect Bronner's investment and prevent a default on the loan guarantee, which could provide an involuntary bankruptcy filing where Bronner would lose about $650 million.

As I have said countless times before, if US Airways can stabilize its finances and Untied will emerge there will be a corporate combination.


Is there a possibility, no matter how remote, that the company will speak with it's debtors and creditors?

Is it prudent to suggest that they will explore other contingencies. If the “Plan†is solid, and until they can get this "Plan" back on track, would they prudently speak with these creditors and debtors – testing out their tolerance for give-and-take given the strength and viability of Management’s “Plan� Is Management unconfident of the potentials of their own plan, that they wouldn’t prudently explore – creditor leniency?

If Management would ideally, like to keep their business in house, would they come back to the Employees a third, fourth or fifth time (for some groups), before exploring how much leniency would be necessary from creditors? In such a prudent first move, would Management express favorable consequences as a result of recalcitrance by Employees (as a by-product, weighing and accepting a measure of eroding customer support with their negativity)?

Has the ATSB ever taken a lenient position on technical default? Did America West liquidate? Has the ATSB been known to quietly “float†it’s official position of approval/disapproval? Did the ATSB give conditional preapproval to UAIR? Did the ATSB give conditional predisapproval to UAL (according to your informed sources)? Did the ATSB grant leniency to America West when it went into technical default? Did America West make good use of the grace period with a solid business plan? Do you think the ATSB might not have the same confidence in UAIR Management?

Of all the possible scenarios, could you imagine one where USAirways doesn’t drop dead at Midnight? What do your sources at the ATSB say? Are they “floating†no leniency - a position that they will likely call the loan and force liquidation? If the ATSB is “floating†leniency – a position that they will not likely call the loan; Will Bronner call the company in technical default regardless and liquidate? If Bronner was Board Director for America West, should he have liquidated the Company rather than explore alternatives with the ATSB and Creditors. Did America West use it’s grace period wisely, in successfully transforming it’s business model? Would you say, UAIR will never see such an opportunity to get back on track?

Cogent points - until something actually happens it is not carved in stone.

This on ATA's exchange of debt offer...

The Exchange Offers are also conditioned on receiving the consent of the Air Transportation Stabilization Board (the "ATSB"). The Company believes it has reached an agreement in principle with the ATSB pursuant to which the ATSB will provide its consent to the Exchange Offers. The Company has been working with the ATSB and expects to receive their written consent as required by the Exchange Offers. Accordingly, the Company expects that it will not extend the expiration date of the Exchange Offers again and that it will complete the exchanges (including the cash payments) and consummate the other transactions contemplated by the Exchange Offers on Friday, January 30, 2004.


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