On 9/1/2002 11:37:19 PM
Reality Check,
May I suggest you either get one or change your username. Doing the bare minimum, regardless if you can aid a passenger or not does not help. Open your paycheck, and read the quote abaove your name. "BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CUSTOMERS WHO MAKE US AIRWAYS THEIR CARRIER OF CHOICE." If you notice there is a mistake, and do not act to correct it, you are part of the problem, not the solution. As AOG-N-IT can attest, our department constantly fixes mistakes, especially on our shift. Many who make those mistakes are paid much more than us, and I am sure a few of them got some of that $6 million bonus. Do we just let it slide? No, we fix it, because if we don't, the customer is the end one to feel the brunt of the effect. That equates to lost revenue now and in the future, coupled with the expense of eventually having to fix the error anyway. Making the company less efficient is the slowest way to returning the company to a stable financial platform, and most importantly, recalling our furloughed fellow employees.
Get a life.