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Dallas Love Field

Although they are still talking on settlement ideas, no further movement has been made. SWA needs to step up their game and show the court exactly what it will do when they get the gates back. Instead of like Alaska who said they were going to expand and now have vacated that idea completely. SWA will expand right away. There shouldn't even be a settlement, SWA deserves to get their gate back as the Delta lease was just temporary and now Delta is trying to steal it by squatting. Incredible how long this has gone on. If Delta is allowed to stay then SWA needs to go squat at any gate they please at any other congested airport out there. If SWA wins their suit they better get reimbursed from Delta for all the loss revenue...

BusinessAmerican City Business Journals
Judge 'very active' in keeping up settlement talks in Southwest-Delta lawsuit at Love Field
Considering the profits that Delta is making these days, it may never end. Your cause is righteous and the harm to you must be corrected as long as you can afford to pay your lawyers.🙄
Considering the profits that Delta is making these days, it may never end. Your cause is righteous and the harm to you must be corrected as long as you can afford to pay your lawyers.🙄
It's just amazing how long it has gone. SWA will not give up, so this will go on until settled. And then I would also expect appeals from either side if the ruling goes against either side. I would expect SWA to win their real estate back that they purchased from United. And I also hope that SWA will get reimbursed for any loss revenue over the entire period that Delta has been squatting after told to vacate.
Delta had plenty of opportunities to get in at Love Field as well as any other airline over the years prior to LF getting almost all restrictions removed.
Some interesting changes have come about at LF.
Virgin was above 40K plus passengers flying out of LF at beginning of 2017. Once Alaska took over they have dropped dramatically since. During 2nd half of 2017 and all of 2018 Virgins flights have drooped to point of none by mid 2018 when Alaska started supplying main aircraft to take over the Virgin flights. However, shortly after the full Virgin take over, Alaska has continued to pull flights and a drp in passenger counts. By the end of 2018 and the start of 2019 Alaska pulled "all" main line flying out of LF. (Interesting) They now are subbing all LF flying out to Horizon and SkyWest Airlines. With about 10K passengers each the two commuter airlines with much smaller aircraft are barely keeping the 20K passengers down from the almost 45K by Virgin when they were flying.
Not so sure I would have subbed those flights out, especially with the smaller aircraft. Some, if not the majority passengers, will get sick and tired of the smaller aircraft with smaller and more crowded seats and overhead bin storage, and will in fact lose customers to other airlines at LF, especially with the baggage fees they charge when Southwest is still not charging for baggage unless overweight.
It also shows that Alaska is not fully utilizing their gates to the fullest and it is in writing that if you do not do so that you will/must accommodate other carriers. So maybe Delta should move over to sharing a gate with them until the final word comes down. Or, maybe, one of those two gates should go to Delta. THERE, all fixed 🙂
Court case will move on come May of this year, so this is very interesting action being taken by Alaska. Maybe they too will eventually pull out of LF as it is just too much to try and compete with Southwest at such a large Southwest base. It would be the same at Atlanta when someone would try and compete with Delta at Atlanta.
The beat goes on at LF over the gates. Amazing just how long that Delta has been able to squat on these gates...


Here's just one of the many comments on flying smaller aircraft:
1 hour ago,

"I had the displeasure to flying the E175 into and out of Love Field. This aircraft is great for short routes but long routes are terrible. And I flew first class as I was upgraded both ways. Brutal on my back."
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If AS were to pull out tomorrow, the gates would still be AA's, not DL's....

Now that AA is partnering with AS, I wouldn't count out some different utilization.
Holy freakin cow!!! I guess Delta gets yet another extension on their squatting gate at Love Field.
Another delay in the ruling. Sept. date moved into 2020, and now set for Feb. of 2020.
Delay, delay, delay. When will it end???

Trial between Southwest, Delta over Love Field gate space delayed - again
Well, we are almost into March, 2020. Did the September, 2019 hearing date (that got moved to February, 2020) get moved again?

Question of the day: Will any of us live long enough to see the end of this litigation?
Well, we are almost into March, 2020. Did the September, 2019 hearing date (that got moved to February, 2020) get moved again?

Question of the day: Will any of us live long enough to see the end of this litigation?
Not sure. I don't remember a Feb 2020 court date but not saying that it wasn't there.
It may have been moved from Feb. to May, but I will try and find out more.
Not sure. I don't remember a Feb 2020 court date but not saying that it wasn't there.
It may have been moved from Feb. to May, but I will try and find out more.

My friend, you are the one who posted the following (This thread, Post 77)

"Holy freakin cow!!! I guess Delta gets yet another extension on their squatting gate at Love Field.
Another delay in the ruling. Sept. date moved into 2020, and now set for Feb. of 2020.
Delay, delay, delay. When will it end???"

Not Judgin. Just Sayin.
My friend, you are the one who posted the following (This thread, Post 77)

"Holy freakin cow!!! I guess Delta gets yet another extension on their squatting gate at Love Field.
Another delay in the ruling. Sept. date moved into 2020, and now set for Feb. of 2020.
Delay, delay, delay. When will it end???"

Not Judgin. Just Sayin.
Well then, my bad. If I said so, I said so. My fault and I was wrong. But with all these freakin extensions and delays how can we all keep up?
Thx for the correction jim. It seems Delta gets to hold on, and on, and on, at Love Field for some time now...
Something tells me that nobody really needs extra gates right now.

Delta has hubs in two of the most visibly hit areas (SEA and NYC), and I suspect will have on their hands rebuilding traffic Post-Corona that loss-leaders like DAL-ATL may quietly wind down for good.

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