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DAL has best earnings upside revisions in industry

if you can manage to find the data to post about what DL is doing, you should be more than capable of doing the same for AA/US.


and, Kev, despite a billion dollar fuel hedge headwind, DL faired quite well.

DL knows its competition and respects it. so do I.

but DL also knows how it can grow its business, including at other carriers' expense.

you clearly appear to be socialist leaning in more ways than one but the free market system is built on aggressive competing.
WorldTraveler said:
you clearly appear to be socialist leaning in more ways than one but the free market system is built on aggressive competing.
You didn't post them. I don't want to do the work....
and you know nothing about me if you think I'm remotely close to a socialist 
no, the socialist comment referred to someone else.

if you can't find AA/US data but can find it for DL, then no one will honestly believe you are interested in the truth.

if it matters, you'll find it.
You didn't post them. I don't want to do the work....
and you know nothing about me if you think I'm remotely close to a socialist
That was a stale attempt at shaming me.
I prefer quiet confidence, and letting the performance metrics we put up speak for themselves.
I'm also happy that our peers at other carriers are finally seeing some of the same successes you & I are. That's good for all working class Americans.
If that makes me a (gasp!) socialist, so be it. I couldn't care less.
no, Kev, I am not out to shame you or anyone else.

You are entitled to your own ideologies and they aren't wrong.

often times, however, you have expressed ideas that are far less rooted in the free enterprise system than they are in other ideological systems.

yes, I want to see everyone succeed. and if DL - without unions for most workers - manages to pull the industry salaries up, then great for DL.

but if DL succeeds because of its employees and its strategies MORE than other carriers, it is NOT a given that other carriers' employees should equally share in that success.

here is DL's exec for Asia Pacific on a number of issues including the new LAX-PVG service where he says that DL has the advantage of having the best feed on both ends (DL codeshares on several dozen markets beyond PVG) and has the best onboard service (including no 10 abreast seating on 777s).

he also touches on fuel hedging.

and it wouldn't be a DL discussion if there aren't labor issues included as well, including profit sharing which he says DL is providing more of which will result in better pay than what DL's competitors are offering their employees (and yes, he names names) .


and I'm sure you are aware that DL employees' feedback has resulted in changes to its health plans including for pilots.

so much for the notion that DL doesn't listen to its employees.
WorldTraveler said:
no, the socialist comment referred to someone else.

if you can't find AA/US data but can find it for DL, then no one will honestly believe you are interested in the truth.

if it matters, you'll find it.
I can find them just fine. The key here is I don't want to. You make a claim then back it up.....
let me help you out, dawg, since coming face to face with the truth is hard for you.

there is a line in the MIT Airline Data project that is sourced from DOT data (provided by the airlines at the DOT's "request" entitled

"Sum of Services Purchased-Outside Flight Equipment Maintenance"

for DL, it is $1,067,046 (thousand) or DL spent just over $1 billion on outsourced maintenance which amount to 41.8% of their maintenance spend (see line "Maintenance $'s Outsourced")

AA spent $682,456 (thousand) or just under $700 million on outsourced maintenance which amounted to 30.3% of their total maintenance spend.

US spent $573,708 (thousand) on outsourced maintenance for 54.2% of its total maintenance spend.

combined, AA and US spent $1,255,000,000 or $1.25 billion dollars on outsourced maintenance which is more than DL.
You go by spend and not actual work sent out.

Showing what is outsourced by work instead of spend gives a more accurate picture.
tell that to the DOT.

Outsourcing is calculated on the basis of dollars spent. '

it is precisely because you and the labor movement refuse to acknowledge the statistics that matter that the labor movement continues to be decimated at the hands of mgmt. who has repeatedly succeeded at accomplishing their goals at the expense of out of touch union leaders.

btw, the figure for WN is $924 million in outsourced maintenance for 59.7% of the total maintenance spend and $1.4 billion outsourced which is 52.1% of UA's maintenance

when unions have done as poor of a job of protecting jobs as they have done at UA, US, and WN, why should any DL employee believe union salesmen's promises of what they can do at DL when they haven't been able to do it elsewhere?
Especially when you start factoring in things like HMV's vs. component repair/overhaul and the revenue/man hours/facilities required for each...
never mind that airlines more than ever are focusing on Return on Investment which means they are looking with laser like focus on ensuring their assets are being used in the most efficient and productive manner possible.

To believe that doesn't extend to employees is foolish.

If employees are doing work that can be done by outsiders and unions can't demonstrate the value of in-house work over contracted work, then the jobs will be outsourced.

It is beyond explanation that some would believe that a difference of 10 or more percent in dollars spent equates to a higher return on what an airline spends on its employees relative to another airline.

Unions have simply and repeatedly failed to protect the jobs that matter the most to a company in the name of saving "just jobs" and the result has been a dismantling of the airline workforce over time as companies continually come back to unions and argue that they have failed to address the problem of uncompetitive costs.

UA is outsourcing as much of its ramp as it is because unions failed to give UA the relief it needed to keep its own personnel where they could make a difference and where there salaries could be justified. absent that flexibility, UA has moved to outsource huge chunks of the operation regardless of how many of its own people are impacted.

the exact same thing can be said about outsourcing regional jet flying or maintenance.
PMUS does more aircraft oh than DL as does PMAA.

Combined they do more work in-house than DL.
there is the union salesman again arguing that the data is invalid because it shows a picture which they don't want to hear.

AA/US and UA both outsource more of their maintenance than DL in terms of actual dollars and WN exceeds DL by almost 20 percentage points.

Unions have very little success to show for their "efforts" to keep jobs for their members.
You have never worked aircraft maintenance, talk about money means nothing as DL outsources more than PMUS and PMAA in actual work.

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