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CWA Update

I'm with you Rob, I really am. You guys got the shaft, but almost every one of you could probably have tranfered to PHL.

Regards and Best Wishes,
in our case, the city was listed, then taken off of it. it wasnt put back on until our time had expired.
Thats nothing to be proud of, although you were rewarded with a paying union position with 142M. :down:
Sorry but I am not an IAM employee.

Keep trying.
Sorry but I am not an IAM employee.

Keep trying.
Sorry, I didn't say you were an iam employee, I said you were rewarded with a paying union position with 142M!! :shock: We are having a Communicator break down! 😀 😛
I have done nothing, but keep trying.

And the person you were talking about was the communicator before he was placed on the negotiating committee.
Hey, I wanted to keep my ramp job, but they wouldnt let me. For what its worth, I am better compensated being upstairs, but to me the ramp is by far superior. And to think in 1997 we were all payed the same. Unfortunatly, seniority doesnt mean s... :shock:
You know you have no idea, the IAM could not bring an agreement back that lost all the jobs, it was a final offer that your own brothers and sisters ratified.

Guess you forgot Judge Mitchell abrogated your CBA on 1/6/05?
Maybe you have no Idea of what a Decent Union can do. This Bonehead organization let the company get rid of the
FSA-MLE jobs at the last minute prior to the "Brotherly" contract vote. I am so friggen tired hearing you repeat that crap about what my "Brothers & Sisters" ratified.
Give it up already, as we all know that our Family members threw us under the bus. Read the link below about some of the CSA outsourced jobs possibly returning. I'm sure that IF the IAM made any effort, this could be done for their members as well.

this appears to be an outdated pay scale...anyone have the current one or a link to it? Newman...are you out there????

That is the pay scale the Union says the dates will be moved up. I don't believe it but we will see
That is the pay scale the Union says the dates will be moved up. I don't believe it but we will see
what does that mean? That the dates will be moved up? I did get a copy of the amended pay scale....should I/we still use the pay scale that is in the contract/on the website? I appreciate your help...the US folks in my station have been awesome in answering qqq's that I have about the current contract. I am on a conference call tommorrow on this latest news and shall report back anything I hear....

So they are gonna at least grease us up before stickin' it to us... That is a positive step. <_<
unfortunately....I think you may be right....I do not mean to be negative. I am happy that we are moving forward but there is a big "but" there...we all need to stay focused and remember that we HAVE to look at the big picture! Vaca time/sick time/trade policy/job security are all equally important. HP west'ers....remember this! Yes, we have not been making what we are worth and we may be seeing a light at the end-but do not forget the other important big ticket items that east -with this contract- has laid the ground work down for all of us to bargain for!
First of all CWA union dues is based on your rate of pay. It's a percentage of your pay. At first it might take the whole $.40 but as you climb up the ladder it will seem less.
My question---guess what's coming??? What about the RETIRED employees from U now working for HP?? Will I get my seniority and pay back???
According to our Regional President , the Union did not want this to go to arbitration . They wanted it negotiated, but I think we all see the bigger picture here. For the unionit was the AWA employee$ and their due$ .
This is a win for CWA/IBT US especially US/WEST-HP.Every thing has a price when you negotiate. At this time in the industry it is hard to get a $5.00+ hr raise and CWA did for US/WEST. US/EAST not so much