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Cwa Meetings With The Company Over 3 Days...news?

I'm sure you're well aware of the proposed buy out program right? CWA gave the company a proposal that included bringing back people on a lower scale and when the company counter proposed, it was a lower buyout than the previous CWA offer AND did not take into consideration the use of the X scale. It also would not have kicked in unless at least 25% of the employees took it AND would have included a top out of $13.10/hr. They were not separate issues in the companys mind. That is one reason that CWA did not take the companys proposal to the members. Everyone who would have been leaving would have chosen what those who wanted to remain with the company would have been paid. The CWA wanted it as two separate issues which it should be. Get rid of the senior people to see what the $ is going to be for those left behind and then negotiate from there not everything from point A take it or leave it.
I still do not know why the COMPANY has not offered a leave with just flying benefits included for those with 10-15 or so years. There are people who dont have the 25 years in who would think about leaving if they could at least get the flying benefits for life. I'm surprised that no one in the company has offered this again to at least try to get SOME of the people out of here. Even if only 20-50 people took it, it would help the bottom line. Instead they havent offered anything recently.
Pilots, US Airways near $300 million deal

"no medical care for people who retire after Jan. 1"

This could be a big deal, if the company says no health care for anyone who retires after Jan 1st everyone age 55 will have to go now. Looks like the buyout will be ...... leave now with your health care or leave at 65 with medicare .....
:down: with the cwa they take jobs off the iam in small cities that were contracted
out and the iam does nothing about it.
28yrsnojob said:
:down: with the cwa they take jobs off the iam in small cities that were contracted
out and the iam does nothing about it.

Sounds like you need to take it up with the IAM then.
tadjr said:
I still do not know why the COMPANY has not offered a leave with just flying benefits included for those with 10-15 or so years. There are people who dont have the 25 years in who would think about leaving if they could at least get the flying benefits for life. I'm surprised that no one in the company has offered this again to at least try to get SOME of the people out of here. Even if only 20-50 people took it, it would help the bottom line. Instead they havent offered anything recently.

Yeah, free flying for life has taken on a new meaning. It is no longer the life of the employee, but the life of the airline, which according to the company itself could be 4 months (Feb.) or less. I don't think many people will be rushing to leave for their free flight priviledges. Better to stick it out till then end and collect unemployment.
I agree with Tadjr....why hasn't CWA been able to work out a lifetime flying benefit deal....like the F/A's have??? I don't get it. I think it would weed out some people too, better to try to get a little something like that, than nothing at all. If the F/A's have it, so should we!!! I for one, would go for it....because I am OVER it! I want out and would like to at least have something to show for 22 years of service. I have a feeling that the station I work in, I have just barely enough seniority to squeak by and hang on by the skin of my teeth with night shift and no weekends off for a very long time.... One more thing.....why did it take CWA so long to get out any type of communication to our group? I think at this critical time in our careers there should have been something posted on their website everyday.....is anyone else upset about that....I have been waiting all week to hear what's going on...and finally today, what a let down................no early out program..........I thought I was going to throw-up when I read that.
A large number of agents have the perfect idea of how to save the company tons of money...voluntary furloughs! The company will then be free to outsource to what ever country they like or open that big Res center in Alabamie.

Some union reps were flitting around boasting how the union is saving everyones' job and everyone should be joyous. The agents were looking at them like they were insane. Save what? The union needs to get a grip! They need to get out there and talk to the agents and they will see that the majority don't want to be saved, they want layed off, period. Very few think the job is worth saving at such a great cost. I know many will say "why don't you just quit?. Many have and I'm sure many are planning to but, if all that want out would quit there were only be a handful left. Furloughs would make everyone happy.

This is not to say shut the place down. Let the ones that want to stay, stay and furlough the ones that don't with unemployment benefits. The attitude and atmosphere would surely improve with better hope for success.

To the CWA, your really not doing anyone any favors. Just ask the agents.
deltawatch said:
Pilots, US Airways near $300 million deal

"no medical care for people who retire after Jan. 1"

This could be a big deal, if the company says no health care for anyone who retires after Jan 1st everyone age 55 will have to go now. Looks like the buyout will be ...... leave now with your health care or leave at 65 with medicare .....
Sorry can't figure this out
If you lose retirement benefits after Jan 1, 2005 doesn't that mean paperwork has to be in by Oct 1, 2004 to meet the 90 day period.
seems like a good way to not pay anyone because nothing will be ratified by close of business.
If this is the plan ... get ready..... they will most likely give you a two week grace period. And after that you will be here working for peanuts until age 65.
deltawatch said:
Pilots, US Airways near $300 million deal

"no medical care for people who retire after Jan. 1"

This could be a big deal, if the company says no health care for anyone who retires after Jan 1st everyone age 55 will have to go now. Looks like the buyout will be ...... leave now with your health care or leave at 65 with medicare .....

But, if this is part of the pilots' deal, I thought that pilots are required by the FAA to retire at 60. That would mean they are screwed regardless of when they leave.

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