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CWA - lets see the post BK proposal

Customer Service is a thing of the past at US Airways. They want to phase it out just like a large portion of our planes. Dave thinks of us as "not pilots", so we're all just expendable come and go workers. His comments during the meetings can be understood in no other way than threats and lies. To tell us we have no other opportunities out there, or tellling us we make more than any other C.S. jobs out there, and that we're paid #1 in the biz, are complete fabrications and cheap ones at that. I for one will not ever give in to such a man who doesn't think of us as people, unless we are in a ****pit.

He wants us to pay our fair share? Bull.

87 mill for those who are 7% of the payroll.

465 mill for those that are 42% of the payroll.

In Dave's "fairness" proposal one group would have been paying 522 million instead of 465. And he says 60% of that is going only to their pensions.

So where is our 87 mill going? 60% of it is obviously not going to our pensions. That would be only fair wouldn't it?

Let's see what a BK court does after they have to throw out everyone's contracts. Then and only then will this company learn what fairness means. You would think a company that deals with unions on a daily basis for decades would have some understanding of the term. Dave Siegel and Bill Clinton have the same misunderstanding of words and meanings when it can help themselves.

Lilninj-your sycho-babble will seal your fate...guaranteed!!![:devil:] You do not speak for other customer service agents and how the customers are treated...I doubt you even work for us...If so get out now...CWA and the Company will get this hashed out...You need to leave our valuable customers alone...Almost all the CSA agents do an excellent job with customers despite the negotiations...and a Siegel is doing a good job at what he is supposed to do...which is save USAirways...A wrong step could leave us in Chapter 7...Lets all get through this together please!!!
"You do not speak for other customer service agents"

Im afraid he does![🙁]
I'm VERY doubtful most US agents would let their job performance suffer and hurt passengers due to issues with management. If you do that, you deserve the pay cut, as that is nowhere near professional. Again, though, I doubt the vast majority of US agents would do this.
Deltawatch- Which customer-service agents do you and he speak for??? Airtran in Orlando for Lilnij and you for Delta... both which would love to see U trashed...I cant believe that any of the posters here would provide bad customer service...As far as who speaks for CWA I'm glad they've hired legal council in the negotiatons so that there is at least an understanding of the Law on both sides...Or are You and Lilnij the CWA legal council at this point???
I was going to stay out of this one because Lilninj does not need me to fight his battles. Yes he does work for U in the same office as I do. No he does not treat his passengers rudely. In fact his stats (which we in res know everthing we do is under the microscope) are where the company expects them or above. No he does not take out his anger on what is going on with the negotiations on the passengers. He has never been called on the carpet for his job performance. How do I know???? Have sat by him a few times. Betcha most of you all are shocked!!!!! Yes he is passionate in what he believes in, but honestly are not we all?
Just food for thought...I go to Walmart,Lowes, The Home Depot,etc. and I get a good price on the product I wish to buy; the service--if I can find it--s#*@s!! However, I go there anyway to get the cheap prices. Just some food for thought. Is it REALLY customer service, or is it price? I think these HIGH PAID Management types might just know what they are doing.[:devil:]
Thank you MCORES,

Those were some kind comments, and accurate.

Chairmans Pref Res,

Yes, I don't treat customers badly. But, they don't deserve the microscope as does management. They want to tell everyone about their fairness but treat us so differently and without consideration. They deserve to have their arguements factually destroyed as I have done and will continue to do. The numbers I put up are factual and fly in the face of their very case. As this same treatment has been going on for months in these particular negotiations, I have concluded that management has no other goal than to replace you, me, and everyone else with people off the street at minimum wage. Perhaps then they will purchase a computer system that doesn't take as much time, does it's own calculations, figures the reissues for the agent, and doesn't crash five times a day. I used to have some faith in management, I reserved judgement on Dave for a while now, only to have that judgement made for me by his own words. I challenge anyone to dispute my numbers which came from management. They are facts. Just because they do not paint a pretty picture for us in CWA or for the company as it is apparently imploding, is not my fault. I didn't paint it. I just turned on the light. When they move into another shadow, I'll shine it there too.

I do hope that Dave will see the light and change his mind about the importance of C.S. I don't think he will, and nothing he has done shows that he even leaves open that avenue, but the alternative is bad for everyone. He knows that too! Perhaps that's why he took those bonuses and increased severances to a full year for management. As far as we know those severances could be prefunded right now.

MCORORES Thanks for the info on Lilnij being at MCORO and I apoligize to him for claiming he's not part of the Company...I still feel that we dont gain any leverage at this point by trashing management...We need to demonstrate our strengths which is and has always been a strong commitment to our customers...Show our strengths and benefits as an asset to the company or judge or new buyer...(which their will be) and the value of keeping employees versus constantly hireing new one's which the company itself has admitted is costly...I think everybody is commited to helping save U (if possible) to some degree and it's time to get this worked out...I do have faith in council hired by CWA and lets hope they get the job done..[😉]