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CWA - lets see the post BK proposal

Lilninj...I don't know who you think you're fooling other than yourself. Since when have you been willing to make ANY concessions at all...reasonable or otherwise? NEVER. That's when. NEVER. You have made threats about work stoppages, decreased productivity, strikes, issuing paper tickets to every reservation made to waste as much money as possible, anything you can possibly conceive of to sabotage the company that has made so much progress over the last few months, crying over concessions that are over a DECADE old when you and your group didn't have the good sense to protect itself with Union representation...and now that EVERY other group has offered concessions you still say, "Not Enough"! and refuse to see the sacrifices made by others but still moan on endlessly about not getting respect?


Lilninj you deserve absolutely NOTHING for your ungrateful and thankless attitude...ESPECIALLY considering the Anniversary of 9/11 is so close...and at this point I hope that is exactly what you get. NOTHING!!! You make me sick.

Do you ever tell the truth? Sabotage, give me a break! You just don't like the facts. I'm so sorry that reality doesn't fit into your little world. Too bad for anyone who knows you. I'm very sad to see your posts when it indicates that you are just a repressed and mean person. Try lightening up a bit, perhaps then the facts will sink into your brain.
On 8/22/2002 1:17:44 PM


Do you ever tell the truth? Sabotage, give me a break! You just don't like the facts.


Telling others they do not like the facts -- *sigh*. [:0]
Lilninj everyone here knows who is really spinning lies and spouting garbage and it's certainly not me. Your "facts" are nothing more than your own contorted and paranoid delusions...GIVE IT A BREAK!!!
On 8/22/2002 7:04:11 AM

The company playing hardball will result in the worst customer service in the industry. Customer Service Supervisors (the most gun-ho) in my station have already said they will no longer take the position seriously if the company screws us again. The feeling seems to run through out the group..The CWA wants a fair agreement, and if it’s not coming the end of this company is! This airline has no future if takes the smiles off of it’s front line employees. Take a look at the express employees in CLT, they are grossly under paid and work accordingly. I hate to see it. We will die a slow death as customers take there business to Delta. Look for many more layoffs before, THE END. [🙁(]

That's exactly what needs to happen. If the company cuts the pay of the CSAs, therefore they are now worth less. So, the employees need to make sure that their job quality goes in the can. I know my productivity and "give a -----" factor will be quite low when the cuts come. Trust me, Dave. This is gonna hurt you more than it will hurt me...one way or the other.
I find it funny--most of the people I deal with at US on a weekly basis would never spew some of the stuff I've seen in this thread.

You "Max pay till the last day" and "this is gonna hurt the company more than me" folks are in for one helluva shock when/if your actions kill US. The real world does not tolerate it.

Seriously. Slow down. Vote no. You will still have an airport job, the difference is that it'll be in the McDonalds in the B concourse. And Mickey D's _will_ fire you for stuff like that (note that this is problem #1 with unionized labor--you can't ditch the dead weight).

Failing that, if the TAs are ratified over your own "No" vote, do your co-workers and the pax a favor and quit, so that those who care can try to turn a great company around without having to carry more dead weight (on top of the paycuts and everything else).
I believe people are going to 90pct vote with their personal pocketbooks, and 10pct what is good for their fellow workers or unions..and truthfully you cant(and I dont) blame them..its a dog eat dog world...theres only so far union solidarity can go before one can forget and forego the wise old saying..AINT NO ONE GONNA LOOK AFTER YOU BUT YOURSELF"..truer words were never spoken.I work hard every day to the point of complete physical and mental exhaustion for my wages and I also work to support the wages of those above me, and I have alot to fall back on thankfully if we were shut down, but I wil not sacrifice my dignity and ethics and self respect, self worth for the company or anyone else if an unfair CWA concession package is presented to vote on. And especially with the looming threat of dumping hundreds of res agents by furlough or another office closure into the dumpster, despite barely maintainable acceptable service levels.For me the choice is simple and non stressful.. I for one will stay and work my best for fair reasonable compensation.. or... I go down(company-wise) with the rest of the ship..those are the cold hard facts of this life. And I most especially justify this sentiment knowing there is over a billion dollars cash waiting at the company's disposal within 6 to 9 months, and knowing that there are thousands of people off the payroll and several offices closed since last year, which should be saving tons of money, that there was a 350 million dollar fed grant and an unspecified or unsure X millions of dollars payoff for the UA failed merger.Where is all this money? Its about time US becomes accountable to the employees, not vice versa.

They both suck, but one sucks a lot more than the other. Contrary to what others are saying, we really have 2 choices: Ratify a proposal that hits the 85% bogey number but has the same "give backs" the other unions received. Or have the Company petition the judge with this other harsher proposal, which in my onion the judge will approve.

That is why I want the CWA to let us see what the Company is seeking if we don't ratify an agreement voluntarily, and I can't understand why the CWA is not making this available to us. We should have ALL the facts. Right now we're getting nothing. I don't mind letting the process work, but this information black out is ridiculous.

Hope this clarifies my question.
RealityCheck (and all),

I agree with you that most people will vote with their own personal checkbooks. I know I will. Working for a company is not charity work, I'm here because I have to earn a living, not because I'm "in love" with USAirways. Sure, I like my job, like most of my co-workers but I do not LOVE USAirways. Those that profess their undying love for the Company and can't believe how they're being treated, I say, GET A DOG. At least it is capable of loving you back. USAirways is here for one purpose and only: To make a profit.

Having gotten that off my chest, I'd like to refocus the thread on my original post and hopefully clarify what I was saying.

There are currently 2 kinds of proposals floating around, the first kind is one that asks us to hit the 85% bogey number. Yes it includes pay cuts, benefit cuts and loss of vacation and holiday time. But it also includes things like prohibiting outsourcing, profit sharing, etc

The second kind of proposal, is the post filing proposal (PFP). This is the proposal the Company will submit to the bankruptcy judge if we do not ratify an agreement by August 30th. While I have not seen it in it's entirety, I hear it contains all the bad things of the first proposal along with lot's of other things, like removal of the outsourcing restrictions, bigger cuts in pay and no profit sharing.

My concern about outsourcing is directly related to Res and not so much to the airport folks. I only worked at PHL (baggage service) for a few months, so I'm by no means an expert on ATO operations. I agree that MDA is a defacto outsourcing operation and a lot of employees are being "outsourced" to MDA. I guess the only good thing I see is, these jobs are going to current employees who, rather than being furloughed outright, can work at MDA until a position opens back up at mainline due to attrition.

What a lot of people don't realize is, there are very big travel agencies (Rosenbluth, American Express, etc) who can be set up to take our calls relatively easily. They already have thousands of reps trained in SABRE, all it would take is a little phone line work, accessing USAirway's SABRE partition and voila!, they're taking our calls. And these aren't McDonald's rejects, they're travel professionals who are paid decent wages. Unlike everyone else who could potentially go back to mainline, once Res outsourcing happens, those jobs will never return.


Absolutely right to want all the scoop to make a 'fully informed decision.' Be careful about putting too much faith in outsourcing language - the company got everything they wanted from the IAM here. First, the no furlough clauses are deleted. Second, the only language for us to have jobs at the wholely owned and affiliated express carriers (Alleghany, Piedmont, PSA, etc.)is a request for furloughed employees to get first consideration of hire - no language regarding terms of employment. What rate of pay? What benefits? Still unionized? Dunno. Regarding MDA (and Dave is talking up this deal like it's the neatest thing since sliced bread), the only language is the company will automatically recognize the IAM at MDA - no language regarding pay, bennies, etc. Theoretically, you could get hired at express, only to start out at the bottom of the scale - no credit for seniority. But assume the company is generous, and you carry your seniority. TOS at express is about $12 an hour. I ain't doin' this for that!

Bottom line - a bunch of folks that are going to vote for $19 an hour will be working for a lot less this time next year. Oh well, DIYD;DIYD[:0]

I'd buy you a Webster's dictionary if you could look up the word "Fact". But, I don't have any confidence that you would be able to do it. You'd probably use it as a coaster. Try reading to get a clue about what you try talking about, please.

I tend to agree the union needs to hit the 85percent the company is looking for somehow... and give us something to vote on....There are alot of res reps that are mad at CWA for not putting something to vote....I'm hoping before the month ends we'll have something to vote on if not you've left ur membership down....hoping something positive comes of this...but outsourcing on the contract is not the way to go...even if the other original option sucks it beats the alternative...but orig option was better than the BK judge..ur members are uncertain if the original offer is still an choice at this point..that's what's so making us angry ...just my opinion.
Lilninj...if you actually had a clue and could be taken seriously...you might be dangerous...but since your posts are just pathetic nonsense...we all get a great big hearty laugh at your own expense. Thank-you for making my point for me, because every time you open your mouth and spout your foolishness...you only make yourself look worse and allow everyone to see you for what you really are. An idiot that clearly doesn't even value your own job and that would forfeit your own livelihood to hurt others that actually do care about this company and want to see it grow and prosper. You are a waste of time, energy, thought and breath. Your day of reckoning is coming, and quite frankly, I can't wait. You deserve NOTHING and personally, I look forward to the day when US Airways can rid itself of someone like you.

The company wants us to accept a contract that downgrades our job from a lower middle class to a working class one. What that means in a nut shell is they want to keep the outstanding well educated group of employees they have now and pay them a working class salary. What a deal! They figure they can get away with it, we all have 20 plus years invested and will stay. But from what I hear if they succeed they will no longer get 110% out of anyone. Customer service is the only thing U has going for it right now. Hope they realize that(the company), and don’t shoot themselves in the foot. [🙁]