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CWA Elections. Did you know?

DOL requires all ballots to be mailed to a secure post office box. postmaster is responsible to hold all ballots locked up until they receive notification to release. Generally, election committee and observers go to post office to pick up sealed bag and deliver to where ballots will be counted.
DOL requires all ballots to be mailed to a secure post office box. postmaster is responsible to hold all ballots locked up until they receive notification to release. Generally, election committee and observers go to post office to pick up sealed bag and deliver to where ballots will be counted.

And who watches the Committee? Not a very secure Chain of Custody if you ask me and you didn't LOL
The observers or candidates go to post office with the election committee chair. C'mon do you really want Brinks or something?
The observers or candidates go to post office with the election committee chair. C'mon do you really want Brinks or something?

Given the other shenanigans I read about I think an independent service such as Brinks would be a very good thing. It avoids the appearance of impropriety.
Next thing you will say is the candidate is sleeping with the postmaster!
Without trust there will never be unity.
People on these boards are quick to criticize. Roll up your sleeves and be a part of your local, request to serve on your election committee!
Look no further than the hippies in the park on Wall Street!

Very UNFAIR to the CWA. Larry(?) Cohen may have his nose so far up Verizon's assets as to render CWA powerless at US, but to lump the working Men & Women of CWA in with the OWS crowd is grossly unfair and damages your credibility.
But it is true, organized labor is organized labor, you are all brothers and sisters in the AFL-CIO.
But it is true, organized labor is organized labor, you are all brothers and sisters in the AFL-CIO.

OH, Like ALL Jews are Greedy & Camel nosed?
Like ALL blacks are good dancers?
Lilke ALL Polish are stupid?
Like ALL Irish are drunks?

Is that what you meant? Just checking! Now do you see why I call your credibility into account?

Also if you had half a brain you'd realize I'm not a member of the AFL-CIO. Hopefully from the stereotypes above you can see that a Union or any organization is not monolithic but a collection of individuals. In the case of organized Labor at US Airways they would also be known as co-workers.

US Airways has a reputation for crappy customer service, ergo you must be one of the slugs that delivers that miserable service. Not so easy when there's a mirror present is it?
Put the politics aside for a minute. Have you ever heard of an election where the canidate runing for re-election gets to send out the ballots?
Put the politics aside for a minute. Have you ever heard of an election where the canidate runing for re-election gets to send out the ballots?

Who ever heard of having elections via us mail. what a scam. the incumbents obviously have the addresses of the membership. whats to say
they don't send in dupe ballots, especially if they talk to fellow co-workers and know the ones that aren't going to vote. Bingo let me mail in a ballot
with joe Blows return address on it and there's another vote for me.. I now see why so many C/S folks are turned off by the union they really
have no voice since the election process is a fraud. Why not have the elections at the local like other unions due. with a list of ELIGIBLE VOTERS
to be marked off when they are given a ballot. If the Local is not in your station they can still hold the election polls at the airport as long
as they have a secure ballot box.

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