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Future Express Cities Speculation


Aug 26, 2002
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With all the MidAtlantic and Mesa goings on, I just was wondering which cities next year would go express. I purpose the following possibles in no order. Feel free to add or delete.



I definitely agree that CMH is probably next on the list. Currently, Columbus is the only city in Ohio that remains with mainline USAirways service. For the fall schedule, all Airbus is gone into Columbus, being replaced by 737-300s. It's been stated already that the aircraft are slated to leave the fleet as more Embraers roll in. It's probably only a matter of time before CMH joins CLE and others as a mainline/express station.
That will be a shame too. I see a lot of passengers there who will NOT fly the RJ. Refuse, out right. They have been loyal for at least 15 years on us and they are amazed the management continues to make these terrible choices over and over.
Honestly, once the 70 and 76-seat RJs come on board, I think we will see lots of cities drop to the mainline express classification, with the mainline aircraft redeployed. Also, does it state where those 279 must be operated? Someone I know even joked about opening a hub in Brazil to replace Varig in the Star Alliance. ;-)
N905, you are 100% percent wrong, there are no planned reductions of the mainline fleet, Dave has to keep it at 279 and RJS are not included in those numbers.

All the union contracts contain the following language:

Scope and Job Security.

The Scope and Job Security provision in the 2002 Restructuring Agreement is eliminated and replaced as follows:

• The Company will maintain a minimum fleet size of 279 Total Mainline* Aircraft (inclusive of maintenance and spares), subject to a force majeure clause that includes acts of terrorism.

*Mainline excludes MDA RJ aircraft

• • •
I don't see how you can include MHT on your list. We are getting more flights with bigger planes. It is not uncommon to see a couple of 321s or 757s at the airport. The only downgrade has been the last flight out of PHL is an ERJ, but the one before that is a 321. It will be nice when they replace the Dash 8 to DCA with an ERJ. I don't mind the Dash to LGA, but it is a long flight to DCA.
U is losing ohio to Delta. Take a look at DAY - Delta is flying 757s out of there several times a day. Delta has been flying 767s to CMH. In CAK, Comair and ASA give almost hourly service to ATL and CVG via 50 and 70 seat RJs.

We can't compete in Ohio because of the location and utilization of our hubs. CVG, through Comair, offers hourly service to every city east of the Mississippi. And Delta mainline in CVG provides service to every major city in the country. Compare that to PIT.

It is no surprise all the Ohio stations are downsizing and changing to express.
On 7/29/2003 8:41:59 PM N905AW wrote:

I definitely agree that CMH is probably next on the list. Currently, Columbus is the only city in Ohio that remains with mainline USAirways service. For the fall schedule, all Airbus is gone into Columbus, being replaced by 737-300s. It's been stated already that the aircraft are slated to leave the fleet as more Embraers roll in. It's probably only a matter of time before CMH joins CLE and others as a mainline/express station.

Probably so, unfortunately. I just love hauling my carry-on down those jetway stairs here in CMH. Makes me think about all the mainline service that's been cut; CMH used to have LAX, DCA, LGA and BOS mainline nonstops. If CMH goes all-Express, you've probably lost me as a customer. US charges $840 walk-up into DCA on an RJ; WN charges $200 to get into BWI walk-up.

The shrinkage of mainline continues...

On 7/29/2003 8:41:59 PM N905AW wrote:

For the fall schedule, all Airbus is gone into Columbus, being replaced by 737-300s. It's been stated already that the aircraft are slated to leave the fleet as more Embraers roll in.
You are misinterpreting the statement about the 737-300s. Seigel siad they would be coming to the end of their useful life in the next 5-10 years. That would make some models over 25 years old. The replacement discussed was the EMB190-195 series, not an ERJ.