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Cwa Furloughs

Art at ISP said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what is CAR??

My best wishes to those affected...I am sorry it has come to all this..
CAR- Customer Assistance Rep. Used to be called SARS until the outbreak. Didnt sound too good to page a SAR to the gate.

These are the agents who assist with wheelchairs, kids, driving the carts, etc and they also now are able to assist at the counter with customers using the kiosks to a certain degree, hence the need for fewer "agents" to assist. They are not to assist with ticketing and other problem items that a ticket agent is used for, just using the kiosk, although I've heard reports of the exact definition of their job description being pushed to the limit. I guess we need someone to define "it" again. :down:
tadjr said:
See the CWA is already contributing to the cuts asked for by the company. Of course they are going to NOW say these were cuts from the last round and not this one, even though they havent tried using some of the tools they already have from the last two rounds to make things better already. :down:
Excellent point.

S*&^fire, they're still NEGOTIATING the last round of concessions (MDA) while greasing agents up for the next ones.

It would have been nice if the unions had stipulated, all current concessions must be fully implemented, and the financial impact determined, BEFORE any new concessions.

Not that the Company, or the union, for that matter, would EVER take advantage of any confusion.

Just a thought.

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