Formatman said:You didn't mention the loss of two weeks of vacation...down to four weeks..and that those four weeks would be paid at 75% pay...oh, yeah...and the 50% pay for the first five days of sick time for EACH occurance...and loss of all priemiums such a customer contact pay...loss of three more holidays..down to five, etc. etc. etc.
Quit trying to paint a rosy picture. Talk to a few more agents and see what the general feeling is. Most everybody I've talke to would NEVER vote yes for anything even remotely similar to this proposal. What did you think about that 86% yes vote for a strike approval? Don't you think that kinda' says it all?
What's the problem here folks? The company
is not asking for 100% of your pay and benefits
which would happen if the company was forced
into CH7. They are asking for some temporary
adjustments to pay scale and seniority scales.
If the company makes it past February and
starts showing a profit in two years, you can
bet that pay scales will rise again as they
always have.
Think before you make stupid, emotional