Cwa, Afa, & Iam Updates

How does a certain Bus pilot have the time to fly his plane, do all his talking about ALPA stuff, review contracts regarding other work groups and talk to members at length regarding their view of their contract proposals?

Better yet, why does he care that much?
4merresrat said:
. . .

The company has agreed to the CWA’s proposal to reduce TOS pay from $20.05 to $18.60 per hour, with a two-year drop in seniority to $16.30 per hour, followed by about $17 per hour next year. This represents a 19% pay cut. The contract duration is until December 31, 2009. . .
Wait a sec, excuse my ignorance, but what does TOS stand for ?????

tos stands for top of scale pay.
The CWA employee's I have talked to are not that happy with this great offer from the company....
You fail to mention that per the offer this great buyout the company is offering is contigent upon " A minimum of 25% of the total employee population must apply in order to implement the program".
And besides that, those of us who are part time, (I was forced back after 20yrs) will only recieve 50% of the offer.
So from the way I read it unless 25% agree to the "buyout" it really is a moot point.
Here's some other parts of the company offer :

*Pay increases in the 2002 restructuring agreement will be eliminated. General increase to pay scales of 2% will be applied in 2010.
*Holiday's will be reduced from 8 to 5.
*First 5 consecutive days of EACH sick occurrence are paid at 50% of the employee's scheduled hours and decremented at a 50% rate.
*Implement modifications to current 401K defined contribution plan by eliminating current base and match effective 1/1/05.
*Reservations employees with a classification seniority date of Jan 01, 1986 or earlier will be afforded "no furlough protections" with the exception of force majuere circumstances. The Company is under no obligation to backfill positions vacated by the separation of Reservations employees who are afforded the furlough protection as described herein and that work may be outsourced.
*Reservations employees with a classification seniority date after January 1, 1986 are NOT entitled to "no furlough protection" and they may be separated due to outsourcing, and will in lieu of furlough benefits, will be entitled to an enhanced severeance package equal to the maximum "Early Out" provisions as described herein. Additionally all such employees will be offered outplace assistance by the Company.

These are just some of the articles in the offer from the Company.
Here's at least one vote NO for your Company offer.
With a little tweaking I think it will fly. I think the company and the CWA should meet half way on the bump back / 2 year freeze. If we bump back two years NO FREEZE. If we bump back one year then freeze stays.
TOS is Top Of Scale and the new scale will top out at $18.60 per hour.

Start..... $ 8.72 8th..... $14.99
1.......... 9.59 9........ $15.64
1.5....... 9.79 10....... 16.30
2.......... 10.31 11....... 17.00
3.......... 11.25 12....... 18.60
4.......... 12.08
5.......... 12.89
6.......... 13.73
7.......... 14.36

Your placement on the above scale will be two pay steps lower than your current pay seniority and you will be frozen at that step for two years. For example, an agent with 20 years pay seniority is reduced from top of scale placement by 2 pay steps (from step 12 to step 10) and will be frozen at step 10 for 2 years.

CAR, DMSC and BCC employees will have their current pay scales reduced by 12.9% and will be frozen at their current step for 2 years.

MDA and Mainline Express Agents will be frozen at their current step for 2 years.

Employees returning from furlough to replace an employee who accepts an early out will return to the first step of the pay scale. All other employees returning from furlough of greater than 30 days will return to the first step of the pay scale.
I don't know for certain about the CWA proposal, but the IAM one did show ALL Stations Except PHL, CLT, PIT, LGA, DCA, BOS & FLL as being converted to Mainline Express. So the TOS of $18+ would only apply to them. The Mainline Express was to top out at a mere $12.65, which is taking them below the Pitiful $13.01 an hour that they are currently at. The last CWA offer that I saw clearly stated an UNLIMITED amount of Mainline flights into Express stations, so with that said most of the system could end up there with $12.65 instead of the $18 Bait.
USA320Pilot said:
Today I reviewed the company’s November 9 proposal to the CWA and discussed its contents at-length with CWA represented employees. The majority of the LGA agents I talked to agree with most of the proposal contents.

The company has agreed to the CWA’s proposal to reduce TOS pay from $20.05 to $18.60 per hour, with a two-year drop in seniority to $16.30 per hour, followed by about $17 per hour next year. This represents a 19% pay cut. The contract duration is until December 31, 2009.

The proposal calls for a Ready Reserve Agent limited to 20 hours per week with no benefits except pass privileges, elimination of double time, work rules changes, a 3% 401(k) match, retiree health care changes similar to ALPA, a sick bank cash out, an early out program, and if a furloughee returns to the company, they will start out at first year wage rates of about $8 per hour.

The early out program has 3 levels: years 1 through 5, 6 through 9, and 10 and above. For 10 years and above employees can receive $15,000 and lifetime travel benefits. In exchange for the buyout the company is seeking to outsource about half of Rez for agents who leave the company.

Separately, I understand the AFA is preparing a counter proposal, which could be provided to management as early as Friday, the IAM-FSA and the company are exchanging proposals, and the IAM-M negotiators and the Company met yesterday and are meeting again today. Of the four unions, the CWA and AFA are close to reaching TA’s.

Meanwhile, it has come to my attention that the company could file its S.1113© motion to set aside AFA, CWA, and IAM contracts on Monday, November 15.



You didn't mention the loss of two weeks of vacation...down to four weeks..and that those four weeks would be paid at 75% pay...oh, yeah...and the 50% pay for the first five days of sick time for EACH occurance...and loss of all priemiums such a customer contact pay...loss of three more holidays..down to five, etc. etc. etc.
Quit trying to paint a rosy picture. Talk to a few more agents and see what the general feeling is. Most everybody I've talke to would NEVER vote yes for anything even remotely similar to this proposal. What did you think about that 86% yes vote for a strike approval? Don't you think that kinda' says it all?
the fsc says all stations ,wings does that mean all stations what about the stations that are contracted and have psa on ramp and mainline express inside.
hadEnuff said:
TOS is Top Of Scale and the new scale will top out at $18.60 per hour.

Start..... $ 8.72 8th..... $14.99
1.......... 9.59 9........ $15.64
1.5....... 9.79 10....... 16.30
2.......... 10.31 11....... 17.00
3.......... 11.25 12....... 18.60
4.......... 12.08
5.......... 12.89
6.......... 13.73
7.......... 14.36

Your placement on the above scale will be two pay steps lower than your current pay seniority and you will be frozen at that step for two years.


Question.... one (1) step equals how many years? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years?
RedOne said:
Question.... one (1) step equals how many years? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years?

if you have 20 yrs with the company you would be on step 10.
Basically they are giving you credit for half of your seniority.
RedOne said:
Question.... one (1) step equals how many years? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years?
What they are saying: If you have 8 years at $14.99 you go to 6 years at $13.73...a topped out agent of 12 years at $18.60 would drop to 10 years at $16.30. I believe that is how it is being applied. Not great, but better that previous proposals by the company. Now if they can just get the vacation at full pay...they might have a chance to pass the TA. I don't like the idea of losing 2 weeks of vacation and 3 more holidays, but this is an improvement over previous offers...IMHO
1 step is 1 year, however for pay purposes, everyone over 12 years of service (20 year agents, etc) are considered to only have TOS pay so everyone over 12 years would bump back to 10 year scale.

The buyout offer A320 posted was incorrect. It has 3 offers, but under 5 years is not offered buyout. It is 5-9/10-14/15plus. Part timers are half of the full time, except agents with 15 or more years get lifetime passes.

Also, in regards to agents downgraded only getting part time buyout. There was a recent grievance settled and I believe that it involved agents who were invol downgraded and then furloughed got FULL TIME severance, not the part time offer. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was the ruling. The same should apply here I would hope (and CWA needs to get that in writing before the vote!)

It also gives furlough protection to res agents hired prior to 1/1/86, but not after. Agents after this date would get an enhanced severance package that would be equal to the early out proposal.

No mention of all stations except the hubs/focus cities going ME.

Also can NOT find the outsourcing any and all where the company can save money, with the exception of the rez proposal and no furlough notice. Nothing about contracting out at the ATOs at will.
18 yrs..just wanted to note that you made an incorrect assessment on the 1/2 seniority issue. If you have 15 yrs you are topped out at the new 12 yr scale and go back to 10..if you have 30 years you are also topped out at the new 12 yr scale and go back to 10..I.E.the fraction of "lost seniority" is not a constant.

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