Come on! From 2 737s and 12 express flights to PHL/CLT/PIT to a full-fleged east/west hub at STL? STL makes absolutely no sense! If WN doesn't swallow us whole there, AA wouldn't even let us through the door!
As crazy as it may sound, why don't we start flying places where people actually want to go? Why aren't we attacking the real major markets with great schedules, full service, low costs and direct flights? I.e., ORD, SEA, LAX, SFO, NYC, BOS, MIA, MCO, TPA, DFW, IAH, PHX, DEN, LAS, DC, Carribbean, Europe, NRT, HNL etc... Why are we spending our time worrying about the STLs/MCIs/INDs/HGRs/SBYs/PITs of America instead of getting ourselves into the major US markets with full service and low costs to major airports?
Just looking in SABRE today, how on earth does it make sense for us to operate a 737 ABE-CLT (I mean really, who the heck in ABE is running to go to CLT?!..why are we still focusing on hub/spoke when fares are so low?) when we can't even manage to half-fill a 72 seat aircraft from DCA to ORD? 757s PHL-BWI, what the he!! how does this make any sense? Paying Transtates thousands of dollars to operate an ERJ flight PIT-LGA everymorning 30 minutes after a mainline Airbus departure? Something is really fuc!ed up with this company, and has been for years! Things here just don't make sense...the entire operation is illogical.
IF (...IF...IF...) UA goes under, US/HP should jump all over either ORD or DEN for a mid-continent hub operation. Then again, we will probably be too busy worrying about cutting flights at PIT to even notice the demise of UA if it happens! :down: