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Cutover to Shares Mar. 3rd

Our station posted a bid for QIK over SHARES training about 45 days ago, the entire station will have been thru the training 10 days before cutover , If you have been working in QIK over SABRE you should not really have a problem I have been using QIK/SABRE since late OCT, experience a few problems but nothing I could not FIX. I will be going to a HP Station a week prior to cutover to work live QIK SHARES so when the CUTOVER happens ( I would think it will be in the middle of the NIGHT most EAST Stations send out their last flight PRIOR to midnight and the earliest flights are not out until 0530 at most stations. Since the WESTCOAST RED EYES will be airborn they will take off out of QIK/
SABRE and land under QIK/SHARES. ALL WEST FLIGHS are already on SHARES so no PROBLEM. I have seen all the FLIGHT # becoming the SAME. Question is will the transition from reservations in SABRE be able to be moved to SHARES with little problems, any reservation booked on the usairways.com website is already in SHARES it is 401 ticket stock. While anything booked in SABRE is 037. Question is when we go to ONE OPERATING certificate will it be 401 or 037 since the 037 is tied to US AIRWAYS. I would suggest everyone flying Mar 3 and forward PRINT a copy of their reservation. GOOD LUCK
It will be 037.

All of the anticipated components for the new qik over shares operating system will not be ready. Migration should NOT happen until everything is ready. The company is asking for trouble during one of the busiest times of the year. This is not going to be pretty.
Will there be HP agents deployed to US stations to aid in cutover? During Sabre there were several AA agents in CLT for the switch.
Most non-HP station will trade up to 4 agents with HP stations. You send to them, they send to you from March 1-6.
I went to shares training in Clt yesterday for the ramp.The system is very sinple and most of the entries are in decs anyway , the OPS part is basically a backup to DECS.
Remember, when in doubt, do what's right for the customer, but everything can not be free.

The one thing a lot of people don't know is that while QIK remains mostly the same for HP agents, the entire platform is moving to an all new Shares, so it's not the lesser version of Shares that HP is currently on.
Shares is being completely redone because it is so antiquated and can’t handle the EAST operations. US/east is full of very seasoned Passengers Service Employees who have experience just about every bad thing a airline can dish out for there customers. US Passengers Service Employees have step-up every time without fail this is documented many times. They do not need big bother slowing down the operations with senseless over sight. SHARES HAS BIG PROBLEMS YOU KNOW IT I KNOW IT. Better concentrate on shares and give the front line employees the tools to work with.
A month or two ago I booked a trip and it was to be either the cutover weekend or the prior one. So glad I booked the prior....Godspeed to you all.
spoke to someone at US PVD and was told training is underway or about to be...

Training too far advance is never a good idea. Typically, when I've been involved with major system cutovers, we try to train within 5-15 days of when people will actually need to use the skills ... otherwise people forget.
I'm not sure if this was addressed, but is the SHARES system ready for the early time change in March rather than April?
I'm not sure if this was addressed, but is the SHARES system ready for the early time change in March rather than April?
Why do we need to address this issue?

From the Daylight Saving Time info webpage-
Some U.S. areas

For the U.S. and its territories, Daylight Saving Time is NOT observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Arizona. The Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, even in Arizona, due to its large size and location in three states.
anyone care to work for me on that day?? Just hoping to relax and tell everyone nothing is working yet--call back tomorrow.
anyone care to work for me on that day?? Just hoping to relax and tell everyone nothing is working yet--call back tomorrow.
Didnt you bid with that day off? Just kidding. I think I know you well enough to know that you are probably the most experienced of any rez agent on BOTH systems!! We will need you, so no getting sick!! Yes, I am on board for the fun too ! Actually, cant wait for it to happen just so we can see it in our rearview mirrors. It may be a nightmare initially but than we're really closer to being one company. No east no west, just one. Its been a long time coming.
Just imagine..

Snow storm on the East Coast, hundreds upon hundreds of passengers in line at the ticket counter waiting to be rebooked.

The only tool at your disposal... " SLO over Shares "

Frightening isn't it...

Hey Doug...Let's get a few ... no more than 2-3 brewski's and watch this fiasco unfold.
Didnt you bid with that day off? Just kidding. I think I know you well enough to know that you are probably the most experienced of any rez agent on BOTH systems!! We will need you, so no getting sick!! Yes, I am on board for the fun too ! Actually, cant wait for it to happen just so we can see it in our rearview mirrors. It may be a nightmare initially but than we're really closer to being one company. No east no west, just one. Its been a long time coming.
hey do you 2 have a direct fon line??? I might need you as I am working on this soon to be famous day!!!!

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