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Could you make it on $11 an hour in Tulsa?

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No sense of humor?


So you really think people should just be able to default on hospital bills for $500?

How long do you think it would take the hospital to go broke?

You never answered my question. Could you make it in Tulsa on $11 an hour?
So you really think people should just be able to default on hospital bills for $500?

How long do you think it would take the hospital to go broke?

You never answered my question. Could you make it in Tulsa on $11 an hour?
Dog pretty much answered it - I have no desire TO live in Tulsa
Dog pretty much answered it - I have no desire TO live in Tulsa
That's not what I asked.

Can't answer a simple question without sidestepping?

Just can't bring yourself to deny the narrative that someone can indeed make it on 11 an hour in Tulsa can you?

In your little liberal world self sufficiency and making good life choices (choices that don't result in problems for someone else to fix) take a back seat to government dependence and socialism.

I asked you the question because I knew your liberal conditioning would make you unable to answer it and I was right.

Let's change the question. Do you really think people deserve long term assistance when they have done literally NOTHING to change their situation over a long period of time?
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That's not what I asked.

Can't answer a simple question without sidestepping?

Just can't bring yourself to deny the narrative that someone can indeed make it on 11 an hour in Tulsa can you?

In your little liberal world self sufficiency and making good life choices (choices that don't result in problems for someone else to fix) take a back seat to government dependence and socialism.

I asked you the question because I knew your liberal conditioning would make you unable to answer it and I was right.

Let's change the question. Do you really think people deserve long term assistance when they have done literally NOTHING to change their situation over a long period of time?
Why answer a question that does not impact me. I am retiring in a year, and Tulsa didn't make the short list. Could you live on $11 an hour in Kansas City - bear in mind you have no idea of the cost of living, the neigborhoods, the bus routes, or any of that. So it's easy to take numbers and say "sure I could make it', when in reality there are people making $50k per year and find themselves struggling. In the same city.

I am sure I could find housing somewhere in Tulsa - is it in a part of town that YOU would want to live in? Are there drive by shootings with bulltets flying into your house? Is that worth the low rent? Do people making $11 an hour DESERVE that kind of life? If you were making $11 an hour and you looked at your front door and saw I guy making more in one transactionselling dope on the street than you do in a week, how long before you motivate yourself to get into the illegal drug business?

Does the $11 an hour after taxes include healthcare? At my age, I tend to want to have some. I can't think of any companies or government entities that offer 100% employer paid health care to their employees. And the CHEAPEST employee only plan offered where I work costs $100 per month. And THAT rate is better than what the US Postal Service offers THEIR employees. You didn't factor that in - the only factor is that the Republicans took away any penalty for NOT having health insurance, but the savings from that penalty won't mean a thing when you have to pay the ER bill....a bill that is usually TEN TIMES more than whan they will pay to an insurance company to settle the bill.

Bottom line - could I live on $11 an hour in Tulsa? No. I could only exist. America - home of the brave and the land of the free. Sounds like it needs to be made great again.
Bottom line - could I live on $11 an hour in Tulsa? No. I could only exist.
Perfect, that's all I wanted.

Don't you think if you are making $11 an hour and are not happy with your situation you should take steps to improve your living conditions instead of expecting long term government assistance?

I can't think of any companies or government entities that offer 100% employer paid health care to their employees.

Did I not post a link showing that Tulsa offers FREE training for CDL?

Did I not post a link showing Tulsa Transit offers FREE healthcare?

$1000 sign on Bonus!

FREE Employee Health & Dental Insurance
• FREE Long-term disability and Life insurance
Employee Pension Plan and Employer match 457b Plan
• Uniform allowance
• Paid Vacations and Holidays

I rather fund someone going to school and becoming a self sufficient and productive member of society (that's what I did after all) than fund yet another lifelong government dependent.

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