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Could you make it on $11 an hour in Tulsa?

The Democrats should have kept out of it to begin with.

I have told you MANY times before that EVERY(*) country that has socialized medicine has cut their healthcare budgets by BILLIONS of dollars.

Don't take my word for it. Do your own research.

You see the fantasy of what you THINK socialized healthcare is instead of the reality of it.

I have no wish to dump a bunch of tax dollars into yet another perpetually underfunded, mismanaged, and inefficient government bureaucracy.

*Countries I have researched which would be countries in the EU and Canada.

So...what have the republicans offered? Oh yeah..sell insurance across state lines. Because insurance companies are here to HELP us...they'd never DREAM of overcharging or look for reasons to not pay.
So...what have the republicans offered? Oh yeah..sell insurance across state lines. Because insurance companies are here to HELP us...they'd never DREAM of overcharging or look for reasons to not pay.


The ONLY thing LOWER in life than the Insurance companies,.....Are Child Molesters !!!
So...what have the republicans offered? Oh yeah..sell insurance across state lines. Because insurance companies are here to HELP us...they'd never DREAM of overcharging or look for reasons to not pay.
Wow..... you just don't get it do you? I don't WANT the Republicans to offer anything. I want the government to STAY OUT of healthcare. Which part of this are you not getting?
Wow..... you just don't get it do you? I don't WANT the Republicans to offer anything. I want the government to STAY OUT of healthcare. Which part of this are you not getting?

HOw much do you anticipate saving when the insurance companies lose so many people who were forced by the government to sell them insurance? It must be nice to be healthy because I'm pretty sure that insurance companies will rape the consumer worse than the republicans wanted to. They might sell you an "affordable" plan, but I'm pretty sure they will have a yuge staff of folks just looking for reasons not to pay a claim.

Of course, we could go back to the days of barter...do doctors in Tulsa take goats and chickens in return for bypass surgery?
Have you ever asked yourself why you think the government is the answer for everything?
Just another liberal claiming to value freedom who feels justified in pushing an agenda to force people into yet another socialist government program.

So how about it KCFlyer could you make it on $11 an hour in Tulsa?
Just another Liberal pretending not to be one, while wanting his own personal nanny state.
Have you ever asked yourself why you think the government is the answer for everything?

It isn't. But when an ER visit runs $8,000 for someone with insurance, but $500 for someone with Blue Cross, then maybe the government needs to step in. Either that, or when the person without insurance (and thanks to Republicans, nobody is "forced" to buy it anymore) can't pay the $8,000 bill, before the hospital ruins his credit and life by sending him to collections, maybe they should say "we'll settle for $500. If they still can't pay, then turn them over to collections for $500 instead of $8,000.
Dumbest thread ever. No one here wants to live in Tulsa. It doesn't matter if they make $11 an hour or not.
Actually, I've been working and riding my bicycle.

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