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Could you make it on $11 an hour in Tulsa?

What's kid care run in TUL? Or are we only using single adults in this narrative?
I only used a single adult in the narrative with no children.

According to this website http://www.okchildcareportfolio.org/PDF/summary.pdf the cost can range from $77.83 to $115.77 per week. So $4047.16 to $6020.04 per year.

People making 11 an hour with no other income (alimony, child support) should take steps not to put themselves in that position. Many don't. How many women have you seen on welfare pop out one kid after another only for the community to bear the cost?

If they have that expense again......... that should motivate them to find a better job that pays a higher amount.

If they have a dependent and they choose to work in a job long term that only pays them 11 an hour that is on them. They should not have an expectation to make THEIR problem MY problem just because they don't want to take steps to better their situation.

Do you think it is right for others to expect the community to bear the cost of their bad decisions?
You tell those people how to live their lives, and no fussing when people tell you how to live yours.
Yep....the only problem with Obamacare was that it was left in the hands of private insurance companies to run.
I find your naivety and self delusion hilarious.

The fact you think this

was supposed to fix healthcare in this country provides no end of amusement.

You seriously believe Democrats did that for your benefit? You really believe that don't you? Talk about liberal conditioning. I don't know rather to laugh at your stupidity or feel sorry for you for being such an easily manipulated tool.
I find your naivety and self delusion hilarious.

The fact you think this

was supposed to fix healthcare in this country provides no end of amusement.

You seriously believe Democrats did that for your benefit? You really believe that don't you? Talk about liberal conditioning. I don't know rather to laugh at your stupidity or feel sorry for you for being such an easily manipulated tool.

Yep. Incredible. It took them 9 months to "shove it down our throats". The Republican replacement on the other hand, was reduced to a post-it note that said "screw them". And they wanted to shove THAT down our throats in 9 HOURS. But...and this is important...they dropped the idea because they didn't have 60 votes to break a filibuster (of which none were occurring) and just blamed democrats.
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Oh? Is that your factual recollection?
They were bragging on it's brevity. I took a little poetic license and said post it note. But the gist of their bill was "screw them" with a lot or "whereas" and "therefores" tossed in.
They were bragging on it's brevity. I took a little poetic license and said post it note. But the gist of their bill was "screw them" with a lot or "whereas" and "therefores" tossed in.
Who cares. I hope they get rid of Obamacare. It was an Obamanation to begin with.

Who cares. I hope they get rid of Obamacare. It was an Obamanation to begin with.

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REad slowly...they don't WANT to get rid of Obamacare. It's what been getting them elected since 2010. If they got rid of Obamacare, people would wonder why things didn't get magically better...why their premiums didn't come down a nickle, and why their doctor still won't take their insurance plan. They are content to give it a "death by 1,000 cuts"...First, get rid of the requirement to buy insurance. Then (like your neighbor to the south and 20 other states), have it declared unconstitutional to provide preexisting condition coverage since there is no requirement for everybody to buy insurance. If that happens, people will wonder where this vaunted "replacement" plan is.

Republicans had almost 9 years to work on it, so it should be a "killer" plan. And indeed it was. Coverage for preexisting conditions would be "available", but the money to pay claims would come from the other sickies, not the healthy 20 something. So that means that it would be MORE expensive. And the list of preexisting conditions include Obesity, Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, anybody who has had heart bypass surgery, sleep apnea, stroke...the list goes on. So if you're taking a blood pressure medication, congratulations, you just got tossed into the "high risk pool".

If any of the states are successful in their challenge to preexisting conditions under Obamacare, then a democrat needs to introduce a bill to repeal Obamacare. Just do what the Republicans vowed to do (but didn't even try because they didn't have 60 votes to break a filibuster - of which there were zero). Then sit back and let red flyover state wonder why Republicans just made things worse for them. I have an idea that if THAT happens, Republicans would suddenly start talking about how DEMOCRATS repealed something called "The Affordable Care Act". Which is why any bill to repeal needs to SPECIFY "Obamacare". Republicans personalized it. Democrats should toss them the ball and see how happy their constituents become.
The Democrats should have kept out of it to begin with.

I have told you MANY times before that EVERY(*) country that has socialized medicine has cut their healthcare budgets by BILLIONS of dollars.

Don't take my word for it. Do your own research.

You see the fantasy of what you THINK socialized healthcare is instead of the reality of it.

I have no wish to dump a bunch of tax dollars into yet another perpetually underfunded, mismanaged, and inefficient government bureaucracy.

*Countries I have researched which would be countries in the EU and Canada.

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