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continue to demand that thousands of Flight Attendant jobs be outsourced to foreign workers


Jan 20, 2003
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NWA Continues Outsourcing Scheme Despite Congressional Pledges and Employee Offered Concessions
NEW YORK - In defiance of recent pledges made to U.S. Congress members, and despite nearly $195 million in annual concessions tentatively offered Northwest Airlines by the Professional Flight Attendants Association this week, company executives continue to demand that thousands of Flight Attendant jobs be outsourced to foreign workers.

Just two months ago, NWA President/CEO Doug Steenland and NWA Vice President/chief lobbyist Andrea Fischer Newman sent letters to Senators and Representatives including statements such as:

"...as we have told all of the unions, our proposals represent one method of achieving the necessary labor cost reductions. If they prefer a different manner of achieving equivalent savings, we are open to those discussions. There is no ultimatum here, nor any specific desire to target American jobs, just a very real need to restructure the airline's labor costs and return to profitability for the benefit of all our employees."

In what now smacks of efforts to revise their previous promises, in recently published reports Northwest Airlines now publicly states that the Flight Attendants Union "simply overlooks the reality that PFAA's members do not provide the language skills that Northwest requires." Furthermore, the company continued: "The airline said that 60 percent of Northwest's Pacific passengers originate from Asia, yet fewer than 5 percent of Northwest's flight attendants speak any Asian language."

In spite of the company's erratically shifting demands in negotiations, PFAA Spokesperson and Executive Board member Karen Schultz said the Union will continue to bargain in good faith in an effort to give the company the savings it needs to emerge from bankruptcy.

"For more than 75 years, U.S. based Northwest Flight Attendants have served our Asian customers needs with grace and skill," Schultz said. "Following decades of this reality, we find the company's public statements regarding their own employees shockingly discriminatory, un-patriotic, and un-American, especially given Northwest Airline's history as one of the premier and oldest United States flag carriers."

Jeanne Elliott, PFAA’s National Security & Regulatory Affairs Coordinator, said the company's disrespect for its certified professional Flight Attendant corps is disturbing in light of their recognized, proven safety/security role onboard Northwest’s international routes - irrespective of destination and/or origin of its customers. Elliott noted that Northwest's recognized safety record attests to the contributions of its Flight Attendant corps to making this a reality.

"If large numbers of foreign national Flight Attendants were recruited into NWA's route system, it would be incumbent upon the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to develop an English language proficiency standard to ensure these individuals will be able to effectively communicate with the flight deck and passengers in any emergency," said Elliott, recognized as an industry expert regarding aviation security and safety concerns. "Will these foreign nationals be held to the same level of safety and security training standards as certified U.S. Flight Attendants? Does the U.S. Transportation Security Administration have the ability and resources to conduct criminal background checks on foreign nationals?"

"The safety and security of the U.S. aviation system must be protected and preserved - and not left to unscrupulous actions by an air carrier's management bent on sacrificing this for the sake of corporate greed under the veil of bankruptcy," Elliott said.

PFAA represents the nearly 10,000 U.S.-based Flight Attendants, who ensure the highest levels of safety, security, and service on Northwest’s hundreds of daily flights around the world.

Karen Schultz, PFAA Communications Liaison, 612-419-9761

PFAA has offices in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Detroit. Further information can be found on http://www.pfaa.com
If the foreign flying public wants their flight attendants to speak their language they need to fly foreign carriers...Their own national carriers I guess I should say. American jobs on American aircraft should not be given up because of a language barrier. The foreign passengers know that they are on an American aircraft and should expect English speaking employees.
Just more BS from NWA management. NWA has been flying for decades with American citizens as the vast majority of it's F/A's and has done just fine. Now, all of a sudden, language is an issue. I believe ( some AA F/A correct me if I am wrong) that at AA if there is no flight attendant available to speak a certain language, they put a non-flight attendant on board only for language purposes.
If the foreign flying public wants their flight attendants to speak their language they need to fly foreign carriers...Their own national carriers I guess I should say. American jobs on American aircraft should not be given up because of a language barrier. The foreign passengers know that they are on an American aircraft and should expect English speaking employees.



"GET LOST" !!!

This is a UNION discussion.
Something YOU know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about !!!


Sounds like its never going to be enough from the F/A's for the Scab Air management thugs. They want to lower the bar so far that Scab Air will be the low cost leader to the next century.

When will the F/A's tell Stealin' to shove it??? :angry:

The AMFA members tried to tell you this was coming!!! 🙁
ITS time to STRIKE! IT is very CLEAR to me that NWA MGMT has told the F/As that it aint enough until they get rid of the ENGLISH speaking and replace them with foreign scabs
I find it interesting that when a Republican doesn't agree with someone they immediately call them a "LIBERAL", as if that is a cutdown. How would you know that he isn't a Republican himself? You can't be sure. If you don't like his message, ignore him but don't spout off with your uninformed, holyier than thou attitude. It's very repulsive. :down:
Just when did you become a moderator. Typical Liberal. Shout down everyone who disagrees with you!

Conservatives over took this position a long time ago. Hillary was right!! Republicans run the country like the old plantation..no room to disagree. Where have you been, under a rock with Osama Bin Ladin? :lol:
....and what does all of this have to do with NWA outsourcing FA jobs? 😉
At AA if no foreign language F/A is available for said flight, crew schedule just puts someone else on it. Meaning any AVBL F/A, they may speak some other language, or none at all. If they left without the F/A, then everyone onboard would receive understaffing pay. Now. with Haiti, AA employs Creole speaking Flight Service Directors. They wear our uniforms, can sit in jumpseats, can command an evacuation, but are IN ADDITION to the normal working crew complement. They do nothing other than translate and help fill out customs and immigration forms in flight. They don't handel inflight service at all. Sometimes, crew schedule thinks a german speaker is the same as a dutch speaker, everyone but them knows that is false.
....and what does all of this have to do with NWA outsourcing FA jobs? 😉
easy- those are the type NWA wants to staff the flights. I can only imagine what kinds of nasty thing them passengers will say when they ask--how do we evacuate this plane because of smoke or engine fire or whatevr! :up:
Sounds a reasonable idea. Why should the union care what passport you hold any more than what colour skin you have? As long as the new F/As are under the same terms & conditions & pay as the existing ones. And in which case, think you will find that NW no longer so keen... So call their bluff - is it about customer service or reducing costs?
Sounds a reasonable idea. Why should the union care what passport you hold any more than what colour skin you have? As long as the new F/As are under the same terms & conditions & pay as the existing ones. And in which case, think you will find that NW no longer so keen... So call their bluff - is it about customer service or reducing costs?
Because they will NOT be under the same terms, conditions, or pay. The union has offered the full ask and NW continues to push their outsourcing scheme. The bottom line this is about union busting, nothing else.
The flight attendant or rather, in Asia, the "stewardess" or "flight steward" position is non-union and typically, contractual. And NWA knows that. For instance the Singapore Girl is hired on a five year contract that may or may not be renewed, and on average, only 10% of the SIA girls have their contracts renewed. NWA is going to follow that model.
I have tried to explain the union concept to my relatives back in Malaysia but it is something that is foreign to that part of the world.Trust me, tons of middle class and poor kids from the outlying villages will line up for the job of a "stewardess" or "flight steward" anytime an opencall is advertised and they will have no inkling of seeing themselves as "replacement" workers. For them, it's a temporary job that adds cache in the marriage or future job hunting market. In the late 80s, when one of the girls in my suburb was hired by Malaysia Airlines, all the mothers were abuzz with admiration for her parents. It was as if she had won a beauty pageant.

I'm not defending NWA's cruel treatment towards their US based fas. Being a flight attendant for a US carrier, I'm acutely aware of the precariouisness of this profession. What PFFA needs to do is to counter any recruitment activities that NWA may conduct over in Asia and send their own contingent to the location to educate the candidates. I understand that when TWA was hiring scabs in the 80s, the striking fas marched outside the training center holding up signs.