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[:down: Listen, this comapny is full of hot air to say it with a clean mouth, but all of you CSA's out there know
And another thing your comment about senior agents you don't need them ( you think I forgot when you quoted to
CNN about not needing your senior agents and also the
phila newespaper. I have a challenge take your senior
agents and have them be on vacation all together and have your junior agents work, see what happens you won't have any customer to pay all of you behind the no it alls, this place would fall apart, Mr. Parker that comment will come
back to haunt you).....I feel real bad for these poor
customers that save up all year to go on vacation
and this company reuins their plans, totaly disgusting.

The company needs to make an investment in it's future , but they have chosen to do the opposite , by investing in old , failed technology (shares) which is a proven failure they have taken the company down into the 7th level of operational hell. If they are not willing to make decisions to lead us forward they should be replaced by those who will. I would rather have Wolf and Gangwal back running this company than the present gang of thieves and fools. At least they gave us something to strive for and the tools necessary to achieve those goals. Tempe gives us garbage instead.

AMEN!!! :up: 😉
A regional director (who is one of the people deployed to PHL) was recently asked if front end users could at least have the option to use native SHARES (like CO's people have) instead having to use the QIK "gooey" overlay. The answer was that this was not even being considered.
And there you have it. NOT EVEN BEING CONSIDERED. This is how out of touch upper management is. Or they just don’t respect or care about agents and the flying public and money is there only driving force
I am surprised that everyone still fails to realize that building a better airline will never happen. Why? Because no one gives a hoot! Its all smoke and mirrors. The reason the change to SHARES/QUIK...MONEY. The company saved a BUNDLE!! The company doesnt care about its employees and customers. They only care about the investors. They put up a good PR campaign internally and externally, but its all a front. PHL will never be fixed regardless of what kind of consultants are hired. Its the companys cash cow!!! Wanna bet we dont get the China route? Why? NO orders with BOEING! Politics at its best.
Management simply doesn't understand what a cluster**** shares is and it's absolute negative effect on the employees and the operation. It's not just affecting the operation but the agents attitudes and health as well. The agents are so stressed out by this garbage system they are getting ill because of it. If they actually came out to the airport and tried to work flights with this crap system they might get some understanding just how pathetic a system it really is. If they really have a true interest in improving this operation they need to take an unbiased view of shares vs sabre . Then compare /contrast the capabilities of both systems and choose the best system for our needs. Only then will they understand that shares doesn't meet our needs at all..,. SABRE DOES!!!!!!!! BRING IT BACK NOW!!!!
Maybe the morons in Tempe would understand when all the complaints go to DOT instead of the tempe address,
So let's all get the DOT address and have the customers
send all the letters there, and maybe the senate would
have to look into it, since they want to change the denied
boarding compensation. They can look into how poorely
this airline is run, and the customers do not get what they pay for....Just a thought?
There is a link to the DOT from the FFOCUS home page. It is our understanding that our members have been filing DOT complaints left and right, and have sent overwhelming negative comments regarding the China application.

Regarding SHARES, it is my understanding that native SHARES is acceptable--CO has been using it successfully for a very long time, and it is quite capable. The sorry fact is SABRE is not coming back, no matter what. At the very LEAST they should consider using native SHARES.

Customers (and employees) will NOT tolerate the levels of reliability and lack of customer service which exist right now. REGARDLESS of the reason, current performance is unacceptable, period. I have been very vocal to Tempe regarding this, and I think they are beginning to see the effects of the elite run off--yields are down.. Traffic can be up, load factor can be 100% but you can still lose money, and it is coming.

They are SELLING trial elite status to maintain the numbers and hide the fact that the real elites are leaving or gone. We have heard that the Chairmans Desk is a shadow of its former self--and now little better than regular reservations lines.

It's a sad day when someone like me says enough I am gone, and I never thought it would come to this but it has.

Again, I refuse to give up the fight, but I am not encouraged.

My BEST to you all.......
There is a link to the DOT from the FFOCUS home page. It is our understanding that our members have been filing DOT complaints left and right, and have sent overwhelming negative comments regarding the China application.

Regarding SHARES, it is my understanding that native SHARES is acceptable--CO has been using it successfully for a very long time, and it is quite capable. The sorry fact is SABRE is not coming back, no matter what. At the very LEAST they should consider using native SHARES.

Customers (and employees) will NOT tolerate the levels of reliability and lack of customer service which exist right now. REGARDLESS of the reason, current performance is unacceptable, period. I have been very vocal to Tempe regarding this, and I think they are beginning to see the effects of the elite run off--yields are down.. Traffic can be up, load factor can be 100% but you can still lose money, and it is coming.

They are SELLING trial elite status to maintain the numbers and hide the fact that the real elites are leaving or gone. We have heard that the Chairmans Desk is a shadow of its former self--and now little better than regular reservations lines.

It's a sad day when someone like me says enough I am gone, and I never thought it would come to this but it has.

Again, I refuse to give up the fight, but I am not encouraged.

My BEST to you all.......
Art and others
It seems to me that the man at the top has either been brain washed or is getting senile. He was such a nice and believeable person when I first went to work for HP. He loved the fact that I had 16 years with another airline and was very kind to me personally. Did someone make a clone to look like him and put old US CEO's in his brain. I still can't believe what has happened. I now have no faith whatsoever in US. Good luck guys--I hope you will find a nice job like I have where you're appreciated and customer service is #1.
Art and others
It seems to me that the man at the top has either been brain washed or is getting senile.

Could it the Arizona heat and sun...

From webbmd.com:

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia (abnormally elevated body temperature) with accompanying physical and neurological symptoms. Unlike heat cramps and heat exhaustion, two less-severe forms of hyperthermia, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated..........
common symptoms and signs of heart stroke include:

* high body temperature
* the absence of sweating, with hot red or flushed dry skin
* rapid pulse
* difficulty breathing
* strange behavior
* hallucinations
* confusion
* agitation
* disorientation
* seizure
* coma

Can you find out if Native Shares is a possiblity & that we can get rid of this crap we have now ? I have said it over & over worked native Shares years ago with another airline & imo it was easier than Sabre. At least it was then.
That might be possible if it actually works , unfortunately shares doesn't work , As I have said before Tempe has inflicted upon us the front line , the face of this company , THE WORST RES SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF AIR TRAVEL. Why won't they let us have Native? Because it might cost them a few pennies more. They are not at all concerned with the quality of service that we provide. I always thought CCy was bad until these jokers took over. This team has no competition in the race to see who can run the worst airline. They win hands down. They have managed to destroy employee pride,and morale and have chased away most of our elite high yield passengers. All it takes to gold now is a promotional giveaway. They might as well shut down the chairmans desk , since they have all left for other airlines. If this is Tempe's idea of how to run a company we will be gone within 2 years or the next economic downturn. We don't deserve to even be considered for a China route. It would wind up being buy on board and we wouldn't put on enough. We have fallen from award winning envoy class to less than greyhound in the short time that the Tempe penny pinchers have had control. Is anyone in the industry running a worse operation and res system than us .. NOT a Chance in Hell.
Because the sandcastle is of the delusion that shares really can and does work and it is really just as good as SABRE. Kirby worked for SABRE , How can he stand in front of employees and continually lie. He knows shares sucks but won't admit it. Who is he afraid of? Wouldn't the BOD rather have a profitable well run operation rather than the rolling disaster we have become because of shares?