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Congratulations NO voters - We have been RECESSED!

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YOUR co-workers???? You've already done more damage to them in the past 7 years by not focusing on integration, blaming the labor groups for your inefficiency in the operation, and you focus on me, because I'm easy.
My dear fellow employees. Mmm...I'd say obstinate and backward-looking union leadership has been pretty damaging as well.

Still have my wings, pal, you don't!
Listen, when it comes to this site, no one cares where you work, [or] what you do.

When it comes to this site, no one cares where you work, what you do. On these boards, we are all equal, and all opnions count as part of discussion...
This doesn't mean that all opinions are equally valid, or equally useful.

like it; or lump it, your not in control... period.
Never said I was?

If you can't handle it, move on.
Hey, just being tenacious. B)
pitbull is a has been who is grinding her axe as furiously as she can.

After her ignominious departure from AFA she is hell bent to use the F/A group as her way of redeeming her reputation - at our expense.

pitbull is only out for herself.

Her basement blogging is a single minded attempt to right her wrongs.

PB are you here to further the F/A cause or to help pitbull salvage her reputation?

Not at my expense.

CC needs to go.
I am not here to spar with you.

Hey Gigs,

I haven't noticed any movement at all have you?

For those who can't spell RECESSED you should ask gigby.

CC got us RECESSED and so did you gigby.

Just so everyone knows, gigby got us RECESSED.

gigby were you one of the MORON ZOMBIES who can't count by saying that we would get less than 10 million a year instead of telling the truth that it was 40 MILLION a year?

It is apparent that you and the other MORON ZOMBIES can't count.

Own it, ignorant MORON ZOMBIES.

You got us RECESSED.

CC needs to go.
Hey MORON NO VOTERS what's the plan?

You have your CLT LECP and your MECP and your JNC so what is the hold up?

Could it be that you have gotten us RECESSED?

You are in charge yet you produce NOTHING.

I know you can't read or count but where are the results you promised?

You are in charge so where are the results?

Where are the results?

You can't produce anything because you are MORON ZOMBIES who can not produce anything but a NO vote.

Where is your contract?

Where is it?

You NO voters are failures.

CC is the ultmate failure.

CC needs to go.

What have you produced?


pitbull is a has been who is grinding her axe as furiously as she can.

After her ignominious departure from AFA she is hell bent to use the F/A group as her way of redeeming her reputation - at our expense.

pitbull is only out for herself.

Her basement blogging is a single minded attempt to right her wrongs.

PB are you here to further the F/A cause or to help pitbull salvage her reputation?

Not at my expense.

CC needs to go.

I no longer post here on a regular basis. I do however, READ this board with interest. Unfortunatly, many of the good posters here have left for various reasons. One of which I surmise is because of posts like the one above. First this is a public web board and all are welcome. Two, everyone is entittled to their own different opinions. This board used to be a good place to express those OPINIONS and to cordially debate them. Sometimes they are going to differ from yours! You obviously have very strong opinions and no matter what it appears they will not change. That is alright, you are entitled to that.

What is disturbing is your opinion seems to morphed into the gospel of be careful. You have made SOME ligitimate points along the way, but for the most part you try to lynch those that have opinions that differ from yours. It is basically been post after post screaming about people that took a different path than yours and voted no on your T/A. Interesting to note is the accusation that if you voted no you did not READ it. Then for some reason you started this thread with the claim that the no voters caused you to be recessed. You were then challenged to provide a link of the proof of such an event. You pointed to ourafa.org. Funny thing is there was nothing there that issued such a proclamation. While I would agree that the wording was poor and the union should have brought immediate clarity to their statement, NOTHING stated a recess was issued. Frankly, I believe this should have been a humbling moment for you. It would appear that you MISREAD the information! It would be my hope that you could brush yourself off and realize you are human like the rest of those you work with. Instead of the continual assult of your coworkers you could have an honest debate about your differences. You might find they really are not that far apart. I think the blame game has got you nowhere. If you can misunderstand a plain language memo, think of how easy it is to misunderstand a document full of legal language. Maybe discussing your views in a meaningful way more people might consider what you have to say.

In negotiations there is nothing that will make 100% of the people happy. You keep saying that the 49% that voted yes are being ignored while asking everyone to ignore the admitted majority that voted no. You might consider for one momment that there is middle ground somewhere. I understand your concern about the possibility of a merger. However, that is no reason to vote yes on an agreement just because of that threat. This seems to be what your argument is. If that is the case it is no better than your other argument that nobody read it before they voted on it. I think if you actually take the time to listen to those that differ from you you might both learn something.

I am not naieve. I realize that a recess could come at any minute. But the energy you spend trying to blame everyone else could be put to better use. I am certainly not trying to silence you, just trying to get you to have a real discussion about all your concerns.

BCWYWF's frustration is understandable.

AFA is sending elines to the membership that seem to indicate that no one is giving them what they want yet a "New Pin" will make it happen?

I kid you not. A new pin. I doubt that the NMB and the company fear pin re-design right now, no matter how controversial it is. The angry ones will wear it, the discouraged ones will not. Which group do you think most flight attendants fall into as we near the end of the "year that we were supposed to achieve a new contract"? You know, the year right before the year we are going into a merger.

The most recent communications that cover the realities of Merger and Negotiations have been so convoluted and redundant (i.e. Remain focused of our Negotiations? What Negotiations? Contracts improve in steps and we have an opportunity to to achieve two steps of improvements in a short period of time? No S*$T and what period of time? Another 5 years?). Is the reality is that they are running into walls every way they turn and that they are panicking?

Not to mention an Holiday Greeting that all in Caps shouting at me about being wealthier in 2013. So Bad. Won't fool me with that carrot, it's too painful to consider that empty promise again.

AFA has bludgeoned me to numbness with the terms Unity, Solidarity, Trample, Red Hot and on and on ad nauseum while I pay my dues and have to consider it the worst return on investment that I make.

BCWYWF's repetitive opinions are a necessary counterpoint for me. AFA pounds at me without any clear information on what everyone is most concerned about and they ARE in charge of my fate. I like the dissenting voices on here because you don't get it any where else. AFA has taken control of all sites, both physical and digital, and this lonely place is the only place that dissent can exist.

If what AFA is sending out in elines is the end game strategy that the NMB wanted them to not talk about, it sure is weak.
BCWYWF's frustration is understandable.

AFA is sending elines to the membership that seem to indicate that no one is giving them what they want yet a "New Pin" will make it happen?

I kid you not. A new pin. I doubt that the NMB and the company fear pin re-design right now, no matter how controversial it is. The angry ones will wear it, the discouraged ones will not. Which group do you think most flight attendants fall into as we near the end of the "year that we were supposed to achieve a new contract"? You know, the year right before the year we are going into a merger.

The most recent communications that cover the realities of Merger and Negotiations have been so convoluted and redundant (i.e. Remain focused of our Negotiations? What Negotiations? Contracts improve in steps and we have an opportunity to to achieve two steps of improvements in a short period of time? No S*$T and what period of time? Another 5 years?). Is the reality is that they are running into walls every way they turn and that they are panicking?

Not to mention an Holiday Greeting that all in Caps shouting at me about being wealthier in 2013. So Bad. Won't fool me with that carrot, it's too painful to consider that empty promise again.

AFA has bludgeoned me to numbness with the terms Unity, Solidarity, Trample, Red Hot and on and on ad nauseum while I pay my dues and have to consider it the worst return on investment that I make.

BCWYWF's repetitive opinions are a necessary counterpoint for me. AFA pounds at me without any clear information on what everyone is most concerned about and they ARE in charge of my fate. I like the dissenting voices on here because you don't get it any where else. AFA has taken control of all sites, both physical and digital, and this lonely place is the only place that dissent can exist.

If what AFA is sending out in elines is the end game strategy that the NMB wanted them to not talk about, it sure is weak.

I'm not angry or discouraged, and I'll wear mine. The idea is that management needs to deal with us first, not roll us into a bankruptcy agreement a la American Airlines. It is a sign of solidarity, and management reacts to messages of solidarity.

Regardless of how you or I voted, we should most certainly not be swept under the rug and ignored; management still has a requirement to deal with us, whether now or later.

Is this the ideal path? No, but it is where we are. Personally, I feel the two 'NO' votes hurt us in terms of work rules and pay, when comparing our failed TA's to that of AA's ratified LBFO, or the Term Sheet (take your pick). Bottom line, we are where we are. We have two clear choices:

1.Unify, and demand what we deserve as professionals, or

2. Give up and let an arbitrator decide our future. With choice #2, ask our pilots how that worked out.

Looking forward to receiving my pin in the mail, and supporting my collective bargaining agent going forward. Get on board, or step aside.

management still has a requirement to deal with us, whether now or later.

Is this the ideal path? No, but it is where we are.

So far the NMB has not required anything from management since TA2 failed. No one can say with certainty that they will have to deal with us as a separate group.

The trinket police (Union and apparently the Company too?) will be out there, and stepping aside works for me. Had enough of this sort of thing with the lanyard wars.

A new, I assume red, pin is not a path to progress. AFA encourages us to sweep ourselves under the rug by not admitting where we are and what we need at this time, and by expecting us to believe in Juju.

Flames on a Plane? Please don't let it have flames on it. But I might be persuaded to wear a chili pepper.
I'm not angry or discouraged, and I'll wear mine. The idea is that management needs to deal with us first, not roll us into a bankruptcy agreement a la American Airlines. It is a sign of solidarity, and management reacts to messages of solidarity.

Regardless of how you or I voted, we should most certainly not be swept under the rug and ignored; management still has a requirement to deal with us, whether now or later.

Is this the ideal path? No, but it is where we are. Personally, I feel the two 'NO' votes hurt us in terms of work rules and pay, when comparing our failed TA's to that of AA's ratified LBFO, or the Term Sheet (take your pick). Bottom line, we are where we are. We have two clear choices:

1.Unify, and demand what we deserve as professionals, or

2. Give up and let an arbitrator decide our future. With choice #2, ask our pilots how that worked out.

Looking forward to receiving my pin in the mail, and supporting my collective bargaining agent going forward. Get on board, or step aside.


Sadly, US Airways doesn't need to deal with you. DL just announced plans to hire 300 flight attendants. 22,000 applied.
Get on board, or step aside.

Get on board with whom?

The leadership that sabotaged TA1 a week before the vote closed?

The leadership who went around telling people NOT to vote for TA2 after "unanimously" endorsing their own JNC's position?

The leadership that effectively got us RECESSED?

The leadership that had 40% abstain from a strike vote.

You're asking me to get on board with the KoolAAide drinking uniformed NO voters?

That time has come and gone.

We are now subject to what APFA can get for themselves.

You need to remember that the 49.9% are not in charge, the 50.1% are and need to be held responsible for their failure.

We will have no choice.

Leadership needs to be held accountable for failing.

CC is a failure and needs to be held accountable.

CC needs to go.

All aboard for another train wreck!

I am not naieve.

You are if you think we haven't been RECESSED.

Reading requires thought.

Try it sometime.

As far as respecting other peoples opinions I can only point you to the vitriol spewed from the NO voters until they realized that they were failures.

Have you heard the phrase " I told you so." lately?

CC needs to go.

The members spoke, why do you have such a hard time dealing with it?

That's what democracy is all about, the members spoke twice, what the company was offering wasnt good enough, deal with it and unite instead of name calling and trying to tear things apart.
The members spoke, why do you have such a hard time dealing with it?

That's what democracy is all about, the members spoke twice, what the company was offering wasnt good enough, deal with it and unite instead of name calling and trying to tear things apart.

Yes, the 50.1% are responsible for getting us RECESSED and I will have to live with that.

(49.9% vs 50.1%) Yes they are the majority and they are responsible for getting us RECESSED.

It's time to take responsability for your actions.

Leadership needs to be held accountable.

AFA suffers from a lack of leadership from the PHL LECP and espeacially from CC, the CLT LECP (remember the "unanimous" endorsement) and they got us RECESSED.

The 49.9% are not the ones who failed.

"I told you so."

Keep drinking the KoolAAide and remember to wear your red "going down in flames" pin, uninformed NO voters.

I wonder what APFA has in store for us ?

CC is a failure and needs to go.

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