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Competition in the Skies: Is Delta the Problem, or the Solution?

700UW said:
ETOPS flights have a required job card to be done, there is a block on the job card for Lav Servicing and has to be signed off and stamped by the person who did it.
And yes at US there is a form that is placed in the cockpit, signed off by whomever did the lav and water servicing, and signed off by the lead who verified the work was accomplished.
See if you were in the loop you would know the procedures.
And by the way, I wrote and documented all the lav servicing procedures for all aircraft that US flies and even wrote and starred in the training video.
funny, it has been a few years but even then pax weren't allowed to get off until CBP had been notified and offered approval... or more often decided they would not meet the flight.
Again, I never saw any paperwork for dumping a lav.  and lavs could be dumped as soon as the jetway was on and CBP had approved deplaning and unloading of cargo/bags. 
It is not at all uncommon for DL to unload and pull an int'l aircraft off the gate at int'l cities - where gate usage charges can be very high - in 30 minutes or less.
as for the DAL situation, I appreciate your critical analysis of the situation... DL's check in cutoff is 30 minutes and you have to be onboard by 10 minutes before. 
these aren't really accelerated times - and you could still add 5 minutes to them if you wanted - but DL will argue that they can fit their schedule into the overall DAL schedule with ease - and I am more than willing to bet they will provide different staffing formulae at DAL if it takes doing that to be able to get flights in/out and they will alter procedures, including with regional carriers.
I'll be happy to hear from an active DL mechanic or ops person but I don't believe that DL requires any paperwork to service a lav even on an ETOPS flight.
WorldTraveler said:
funny, it has been a few years but even then pax weren't allowed to get off until CBP had been notified and offered approval... or more often decided they would not meet the flight.
Again, I never saw any paperwork for dumping a lav.  and lavs could be dumped as soon as the jetway was on and CBP had approved deplaning and unloading of cargo/bags. 
It is not at all uncommon for DL to unload and pull an int'l aircraft off the gate at int'l cities - where gate usage charges can be very high - in 30 minutes or less.
as for the DAL situation, I appreciate your critical analysis of the situation... DL's check in cutoff is 30 minutes and you have to be onboard by 10 minutes before. 
these aren't really accelerated times - and you could still add 5 minutes to them if you wanted - but DL will argue that they can fit their schedule into the overall DAL schedule with ease - and I am more than willing to bet they will provide different staffing formulae at DAL if it takes doing that to be able to get flights in/out and they will alter procedures, including with regional carriers.
And how long ago was that?
Passengers are deplaned without Customs approval.
You cannot dump the lavs until Customs and Agricultural clear the plane.
Dont believe me call CBP and USDA.
I worked those flights all the time, you were in a cubicle.
700UW said:
ETOPS flights have a required job card to be done, there is a block on the job card for Lav Servicing and has to be signed off and stamped by the person who did it.
And yes at US there is a form that is placed in the cockpit, signed off by whomever did the lav and water servicing, and signed off by the lead who verified the work was accomplished.
See if you were in the loop you would know the procedures.
And by the way, I wrote and documented all the lav servicing procedures for all aircraft that US flies and even wrote and starred in the training video.
700UW said:
Sorry no US Airways maintenance or utility are staffed in BRU.
Try again.
So vendors must not use training at all, or at least for US....  NICE
which has what to do with the topic?
congrats that you have been able to follow US' procedures.
DL, from my own experience in DL's int'l ops, sees int'l arrivals procedures differently. 
You are a hypocrite.
You are the master of throwing things that have nothing to do with a topic.
Get off your high horse, you are no better than anyone else on here.
Why dont you go ask your buddy YoYo about it, he/she has gone off topic.
Practice what you preach.
700UW said:
I wouldnt know, I trained US Airways employees, not vendors nor overseas.
Nice try, you had to go back almost seven years for something, shall I google the same and find DL incidents?
Its not very hard to do.
Here are a few pages about how much people like Delta, lol
I bet you that there are a lot more about USAir
And lets not ever forget, charging for water...
WorldTraveler said:
as for the DAL situation, I appreciate your critical analysis of the situation... DL's check in cutoff is 30 minutes and you have to be onboard by 10 minutes before.
In my perfect world scenario, I had assumed that was followed too, though you should travel enough to know that the cutoff is not always enforced.

these aren't really accelerated times...
They are relative to what's required, and are certainly enough to snap the rubber band.
WorldTraveler said:
funny, it has been a few years but even then pax weren't allowed to get off until CBP had been notified and offered approval... or more often decided they would not meet the flight.
It's usually a port by port decision on deplaning and offloading cargo.
WorldTraveler said:
Again, I never saw any paperwork for dumping a lav.  and lavs could be dumped as soon as the jetway was on and CBP had approved deplaning and unloading of cargo/bags.
Again, local port rules dictate, but airlines aren't supposed to remove waste from the aircraft until CBP has given the nod. And that includes waste of all types...

If someone has "lost" their documents inflight, there are really only two places they'll be found -- the holding tanks, or catering waste.
again, if it takes DL getting into DAL or not, they will make changes just as they do at some cities.
I'm sure you realize that DL has a 45 bag check cutoff in some cities, including IIRC, ATL.  That is not terribly customer friendly but they do it and people adapt. 
BTW, this is the stuff I ENJOY discussing with you.   I really don't enjoy giving or receiving negativity... but can adapt to whatever other people want to do on here. 
I noted that DL's procedures required CBP approval to deplane before lav service or for DL to even open the aircraft door if CBP wanted to be present at that point.  It certainly didn't require any written documentation to dump a lav and I have yet to hear anyone say it does today.
What about flights other than originators, your turn times for all the other flights seem unrealistic....I believe SW will defend DAL just like DL did in ATL when SW showed up..They aint going to make it easy for DL to waltz in and become a powerhouse.. 

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