LD3 said:
Maybe that was by design on SW part.....
or maybe it was by design on DL's part knowing full well that WN doesn't release its schedules that far in advance.
Not sure how WN and VX could argue that they just happened to schedule 18 flights at exactly the time DL wants to use the gates when DL's schedule was already released and only WN's current published could be used as the basis for comparing.
We could look at WN's published schedules but I would strongly bet that DL specifically published its schedule which some have noted requires more than 3 gates during the peak afternoon push because DL knows that there is no such thing as exclusive use agreements, despite swamt's assertion and with E's confirmation.
Kev3188 said:
The use of large RJs on some of the routes including for the overnights means that DL only needs 15-20 minutes of gate time per flight to load and dispatch a flight and even less for the overnight arrivals.
That's an unrealistic time frame, even in optimal conditions. It also is significantly less than DL's own Minimum Standard Ground Times (MGST's). I'm sure you know where to look those up, yes?
The majority of the rest of the schedule can easily be adjusted within DL's existing bank structure at its other hubs that the chances that DL can't serve the routes it says it intends to serve is slim to none.
Wouldn't that depend on what they actual schedule (or available times) actually are? Seems sort of assumptive to claim otherwise at this point. Depending on what hub we're talking about, I'm sure there'll be connectivity- even if it's sub-optimal- but I can also see the very real possibility of these flights arriving outside of (or between) banks....
I am still very comfortable that DL will be at DAL with a robust schedule on Oct 14, 2014.
of course it is below DL's minimum ground times... but minimum ground time is based on applying standard operating procedures. DL and the regional carriers involved can alter anything, esp. if there is increased staffing necessary to support the accelerated work processes and altered procedures that are necessary to turn an aircraft faster.
There are many cities, esp. international cities, that do not follow DL's standard procedures because of local airport procedures and yet DL adapts its processes to fit.
Yes, it is possible that MSP and DTW flights would be harder to fit outside of defined banks but ATL is a large enough continuous hub that the flights could fit basically anywhere in ATL's schedule and LGA and LAX will be largely local traffic so hub flow is less important.
as for the 15-20 time frame I noted, reread and see that I spoke about LOADING overnighters which are already there.
15-20 minutes is more than enough time to load 76 passengers on a flight that the crew has already prepped. The only regulation DAL has that has been mentioned here is that all passengers have to be loaded at the terminal (no remote boarding). At JFK, LAX, and many gate constrained airports around the world, it is common for the plane to be fully prepped before it gets to the gate, although the crew usually doesn't touch the plane before it is at the gate - but there have been situations where that does happen.
with added staff and an extra station wagon, DL could alter its operational procedures to maximize the availability of gates and it will be a whole lot harder for WN or VX or DAL to argue that DL's need for 15-20 minutes for an overnighter or terminator or even 30 minutes for a large RJ turn is excessive and cannot be fit into DAL's schedule.
Delays are part of the business and it works both ways.
Let's also remember E's statement that these same rules of accommodation apply at other airports as well... WN and B6 are going to have to be trying to shoehorn a lot more activity into gates that have not seen that much activity for quite some time. There are gate swaps that AA-US need that depend on cooperation from other airlines.
Good - and the bad stuff - goes around. It depends solely on what you want to spread.